Hillary can't be trusted

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I'll bet your penis is perfect. Like a perfect scale model of a real penis but it fits on the head of a pin.

Do you jerk off to TRUMP! speeches thinking about his short fingers on your little dink?

do you suppose trump wears a glove when he jerks off other people?

or does the glove only go one way?
do you suppose trump wears a glove when he jerks off other people?

or does the glove only go one way?

I would guess he has an oral fixation...his hands are small, it's his mouth that's huge.

perhaps someone here could explain it better, if her mouth isn't full of Fox sound bites or cock right now.

How the fuck does any middle class person see a future with a self serving, 1% enabling, anti-middle class, anti-American job, narcissistic racist bastard orangutan?

Repeating lies doesn't make them come true.
I would guess he has an oral fixation...his hands are small, it's his mouth that's huge.

perhaps someone here could explain it better, if her mouth isn't full of Fox sound bites or cock right now.

How the fuck does any middle class person see a future with a self serving, 1% enabling, anti-middle class, anti-American job, narcissistic racist bastard orangutan?

Repeating lies doesn't make them come true.
But they feel more true. That counts for the current Republican cabal.
Criticism is not hate speech.

Hillary accepts money from racists, homophobes, xenophobes, and murderers.

Her top donors would have the world be over run with shariah law, gun rights revoked, and endless wars.
You didn't answer @.Pinworm. 's question. I'll repeat his really fair and carefully worded background statement and highlight his question:

"Donald jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. He and his VP have yet to condemn David Duke's endorsements of their campaign....

Why do you think that is? Can you please explain it to me like I am 10 years old? Thanks in advance..".

I'd like to think of you as a human rather than just a fake persona who unthinkingly repeats right wing lies. Why do you think Trump stops to research who the KKK were before answering a question about them when he says whatever he feels like saying at the moment regarding roughly 2/3 of the people in this country?
Hypocrisy. Islam is for the extermination or subjugation of Christians and the extermination of Jews. That is the core of their beliefs.
Subjugation of entire swaths of people holding different beliefs. Isn't that what Christians have been doing for about a thousand years?
Islam is for the extermination or subjugation of Christians and the extermination of Jews. That is the core of their beliefs.

have you ever actually met a muslim person, or been friends with one?

i've had two muslim friends in my life. those were not their core beliefs.
You didn't answer @.Pinworm. 's question. I'll repeat his really fair and carefully worded background statement and highlight his question:

"Donald jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. He and his VP have yet to condemn David Duke's endorsements of their campaign....

Why do you think that is? Can you please explain it to me like I am 10 years old? Thanks in advance..".

I'd like to think of you as a human rather than just a fake persona who unthinkingly repeats right wing lies. Why do you think Trump stops to research who the KKK were before answering a question about them when he says whatever he feels like saying at the moment regarding roughly 2/3 of the people in this country?
They have repeatedly rebuked him through pence, trump, and his spokeswoman.
Yeah but will the venomous drones hang around after Drumpf loses in a couple months?

This is gonna be a fuuunnnn! Tomorrow night it all begins!

American muslims do not practice the same way Arab state muslims practice.

Shariah law is at the core of Islam.
I keep forgetting which Muslim states you have been to ? You seem to know this shit first hand, so please do tell which Muslim states you have visited and observed ?
If your answer is none please STFU
They have repeatedly rebuked him through pence, trump, and his spokeswoman.
You are becoming like Rob Roy. You can't answer a question, just deflect.

This then is your answer. By your deflections, you admit knowing that Trump is exactly what the KKK wants and vice versa.
my jewish peer group is composed of progressive, reconstructionist jews. we don't do metzitzah b'peh.

you're talking about ultra-conservative orthodox jews, panhead.

but go on and have a meltdown. you're always just so angry. did you start drinking way early tonight?

seven quotes fired off within a span of 10 minutes :dunce:

if your not sucking infant penis that's good but I've yet to hear you condemn the pedophilliac practice of adult men sucking the foreskins off infants dicks .

that's medevil relegemous ceremony while Donald Trump having christian prayer group = burning witches at the stake:lol:

lmfao at the libtard excuse maker claiming he is " glad u brought that up lol, the IT guy will be found dead soon now that he failed to answer a congressional subpoena & was found in contempt, they've already used heart attacks,wight lifting accidents, suicides,mouthwash overdose,public assassination,mid air plane explosions to silence any DNC testimony reaching congressional hearings for decades now,I wonder how he will be found "not alive " they haven't killed anybody with a hairdryer in the bath tub yet but I'm betting he will be killed in a car crash before he's captured & can give testimony before congress.

its a right wing conspiracy :lol:
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