Hillary can't be trusted

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I've got a theory that she has been trolling this entire time....I mean, c'mon - state case, food stamps, Mexican hubby and kids, etc. and she OPTS for Drumpf?? No way, NObody could be that ignorant, no way.
Uh... I am almost afraid to ask. Why are you posting this? What point are you trying to make?

Why are you such a shitty person? This one is rhetorical. We know the answer.
Um, attention?



Well-Known Member
Um, attention?

She clearly is relying on youtube to power through her innate lack of intelligence. What was it that was said about a 'little bit' of knowledge?

TRUMP! cares about the inner city. Here is a video to prove it.

Did you watch it? No. Free your mind. Milo is so fab.


Well-Known Member
I know I told you I wouldn't pick on you, since I know half of what you are posting is troll-mode, but I want you to answer an honest question, Pie. Donald jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. He and his VP have yet to condemn David Duke's endorsements of their campaign....

Why do you think that is? Can you please explain it to me like I am 10 years old? Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
People who are married to arab americans, mexican americans, and african americans.

These are the people you have accused of racism.
you didn't answer the question though.

what's it like to get a whole bunch of likes from a guy with a WHITE POWER tattoo splashed across his back?

do you agree with his statement that muslims have earned the hatred they receive, including his own wife?


Well-Known Member
People who are married to arab americans, mexican americans, and african americans.

These are the people you have accused of racism.
Gosh, that reminds me of a blurb I read a while back in Newsweek, Sept 7, 1970.

Here it is. The article is on the growing number of marriages between GIs and Vietnamese women.
"Here, I'm an executive; I've got 40 gooks working for me, and my wife treats me like king of the dinks"

A marriage between an "inferior race" and a racist is not only common but makes a lot of sense. Just because you marry somebody doesn't mean you respect them or their culture. Ask your hubby.


Well-Known Member
I know I told you I wouldn't pick on you, since I know half of what you are posting is troll-mode, but I want you to answer an honest question, Pie. Donald jumps at the chance to attack Muslims, Mexicans, journalists, newspapers, scientists, women who aren't pretty enough for him, women who breastfeed, people who are taken prisoner, Macy's, Apple, fat people, thirsty people, handicapped people, and even the Pope....but he has to be careful and do more research before he criticizes the KKK. He and his VP have yet to condemn David Duke's endorsements of their campaign....

Why do you think that is? Can you please explain it to me like I am 10 years old? Thanks in advance...

The link is a comprehensive list of people, places and things that Dolan TRUMP! has insulted. Nothing about Putin either.


Well-Known Member
This is why @Flaming Pie is posting only youtube videos lately. She is super susceptible to propaganda but when not watching youtube she forgets a lot of the details. No wonder she feels kinship with TRUMP!
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