What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?

When Hilary pays Sidney Blumenthal out foundation money, that's not charity. She uses the foundation as a slush fund to hire political operatives and calls them foundation employees. Her and her husband are listed as employees, also.
You are just talking out your ass like Pie does. Neither you nor I know what Blumenthal was hired to do and if he accomplished that goal. You wing nut Nazi supporters keep sneering and talking as if you know something but you don't. Anything can be said in a sneering tone that makes the object of disdain sound awful. That kind of cringing abusive shit is meat and potatoes to wing nut Nazi types like you.
When Hilary pays Sidney Blumenthal out foundation money, that's not charity. She uses the foundation as a slush fund to hire political operatives and calls them foundation employees. Her and her husband are listed as employees, also.
Now, about those mega profitable corporations that paid no taxes last year. Did you know that in the 1950's corporations paid about 30% of the nations tax income. Now, they pay about 10%. The US is running a huge deficit, don't you know? What on earth is Congress thinking when it cuts taxes, increases spending and runs up the debt like it does? If you were truly fiscally responsible you'd be clamoring for tax increases on corporations and the wealthy in order to reduce the deficit and eventually eliminate the debt that threatens the health and welfare of future generations in this country.
when did i say there was nothing that could convince me?

i simply said that what little evidence there is leads me to believe what i believe. hillary has an undeniable history of wanting to empower women, and the only actual video of speeches i can find speaks directly to that undeniable fact.

feel free to present evidence to the contrary and i will temper my beliefs accordingly.
Banks paid her more than $7 million in speaking fees and you're telling me that because you've only seen the one speech from Goldman Sachs where she talks about empowering female entrepreneurship, you have to assume that's all she's talking about when she speaks to the banks?
Now, about those mega profitable corporations that paid no taxes last year. Did you know that in the 1950's corporations paid about 30% of the nations tax income. Now, they pay about 10%. The US is running a huge deficit, don't you know? What on earth is Congress thinking when it cuts taxes, increases spending and runs up the debt like it does? If you were truly fiscally responsible you'd be clamoring for tax increases on corporations and the wealthy in order to reduce the deficit and eventually eliminate the debt that threatens the health and welfare of future generations in this country.
Don't know what Blumenthal does and taxes! You can't address my comment at all so you recite the communist manifesto?
Banks paid her more than $7 million in speaking fees and you're telling me that because you've only seen the one speech from Goldman Sachs where she talks about empowering female entrepreneurship, you have to assume that's all she's talking about when she speaks to the banks?

i have no evidence to the contrary at this point. do you?
Don't know what Blumenthal does and taxes! You can't address my comment at all so you recite the communist manifesto?
You continue to talk out your ass like Pie does.

Well then, tell me what Blumenthal was hired to do? Citations please because you just lie most all of the time.

Now, about those megacorporations that you so dearly want to save from paying for the infrastructure, defense and education of the people in the country that they operate in. You said that corporations paid taxes. No, not the most profitable ones. Why do you love deficits so much?
You're claiming the speeches she gave to banks were about empowering female entrepreneurship and citing one speech her camp released as evidence. That's evidence she spoke about it in one speech, not any of the other ones

you think she writes a new speech every time?

probably at least a third of her speeches came from that exact same script if i had to bet in the dark.
You continue to talk out your ass like Pie does.

Well then, tell me what Blumenthal was hired to do? Citations please because you just lie most all of the time.

Now, about those megacorporations that you so dearly want to save from paying for the infrastructure, defense and education of the people in the country that they operate in. You said that corporations paid taxes. No, not the most profitable ones. Why do you love deficits so much?
How about you tell me what Blumenthal does. I don't recall commenting on mega corporations. Not the topic of this thread. Start a new thread if you want to promote your communist utopia.
How about you tell me what Blumenthal does. I don't recall commenting on mega corporations. Not the topic of this thread. Start a new thread if you want to promote your communist utopia.

hey red, why are you always so angry?

it's gonna lead you right to your next heart attack ya know.
How about you tell me what Blumenthal does. I don't recall commenting on mega corporations. Not the topic of this thread. Start a new thread if you want to promote your communist utopia.
You are the one that brought Blumenthal up. Are you telling me that you don't know? Are you expecting me to tell you?

And you are the idiot that said corporations pay too much in taxes on this very thread.

I'm trying to find out what your interest is in Blumenthal and merely correcting your completely asinine statement about corporations loaded down with taxation.

Fox news has drained your brain. Not that I care.
You are the one that brought Blumenthal up. Are you telling me that you don't know? Are you expecting me to tell you?

And you are the idiot that said corporations pay too much in taxes on this very thread.

I'm trying to find out what your interest is in Blumenthal and merely correcting your completely asinine statement about corporations loaded down with taxation.

Fox news has drained your brain. Not that I care.
Nope, never brought up corporations. We know what Blumenthal is. I don't expect anything truthful from you. Or Hilary

The Clinton Foundation has Been Proven IT USES 88%-89% of ALL THE MONEY for Charitable Purposes.

What does Trump do ?

Trump takes other peoples Charitable Contributions, and Pays Off Fines ( Illegal ), and Gives Money to Attorney Generals to No Go After Trump University. Illegal, and He has Already Reimbursed the Foundation, AND he paid a $2500 FINE.

He also buys $20,000 paintings of himself with the money.. Again. Illegal.

Hes also in a Bromance with Putin, and his former campaign manager quit because of his ties with Russia, as they knew the guy would be a HUGE.. REALLY BIG Distraction.

Trumps #1 guy now is PROVEN to use Brietbart as a Springboard for the Alt White Movement.

This is FACT, and I don't see how anyone that is not a BIGOT, can back this guy.

IMHO anyone who votes for him, can also slap a BIGOT sticker on their forehead, as backing this creep, is condoning ALL he stands for.

You cant separate his Bigotry, and Hate from whatever redeeming charistics he may have.

I myself am still looking for any.

Also anyone that likes weed, and wants it legalized ??

You can forget it under drumph.

He will probably try and get Christy as Attorney General, and when he was running, he said on DAY 1, he Will Shut Down WEED in every state.

Christy/dtrmph will return us to the Draconian lock em up, and throw away the key.


Bush #1 started the War and didn't raise taxes. The 1st war ever fought where taxes weren't raised.

Now OBAMA gets the blame for much of the Debt, as it is now coming home from what we owe from the war. With Interest.

Its true he increased spending, and its also true he saved the auto industry, and they have also paid ALL the Loan Back, With Interest, so how could have this been a bad thing, when all is paid back, with interest, and they are doing as well as they ever have ???

Also drumph also built his whole movement on Obama not being an American. Not 1 of Us.

Everyone IMHO that backs him also owns this little fact, and everything else he stands for.

HIs whole movement is built on Divisiveness. Not 1 of US.
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You're claiming the speeches she gave to banks were about empowering female entrepreneurship and citing one speech her camp released as evidence. That's evidence she spoke about it in one speech, not any of the other ones

IDK what her speeches were about but I do know even Albert Einstein speaking to a business for a half hour would not warrant a quarter million dollar pay out,there isn't a human living or dead who could speak to ceo's for an hour, in that short time impress new ideology on people where the quarter million spent would yield profit.

one exception might be Tesla but surely not talking to bankers
IDK what her speeches were about but I do know even Albert Einstein speaking to a business for a half hour would not warrant a quarter million dollar pay out,there isn't a human living or dead who could speak to ceo's for an hour, in that short time impress new ideology on people where the quarter million spent would yield profit.

one exception might be Tesla but surely not talking to bankers


your penis is remarkably tiny.