What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand. How does the secretary of state working for a Democratic Prez make money when a company takes advantage of tax breaks made by a Republican Congress?
Speaking fees
how dare she encourage female entrepreneurs.
"(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks."

did you have a point?

You think Goldman Sachs or UBS, or any of the other banks paid Clinton $7.7 million to hear her encourage female entrepreneurship?

I just want to be clear I read that right
no matter what you say about her, even you can't deny that it is a cause close to her heart, AND you have shown zero evidence to the contrary.

seeing as how a wise man tempers his opinion to the available evidence, i really have no other choice but to adopt that belief.

i remain open to be convinced otherwise by other intelligent people like yourself, who actually understand how an evidence based argument works.

see how boring it is when we debate each other rather than troll retarded righties? it makes me sick to be so civil.
Banks paid her more than $7 million in speaking fees and you're telling me that because you've only seen the one speech from Goldman Sachs where she talks about empowering female entrepreneurship, you have to assume that's all she's talking about when she speaks to the banks?
i have no evidence to the contrary at this point. do you?
You're claiming the speeches she gave to banks were about empowering female entrepreneurship and citing one speech her camp released as evidence. That's evidence she spoke about it in one speech, not any of the other ones
That settles that...


Well-Known Member
they are releasing her supposed "transcripts", although even fox news had to admit they got suckered into talking about fake, doctored ones.

i am still open to have my mind changed. just show me the evidence. not the stuff fox news had to apologize for though. the actual evidence.
Can you post the FN report you read on these being fake?


Well-Known Member
you know i don't watch silly youtube videos.

use words. they don't even have to be your own.
Or Hillary's, if you are quoting from an email leak from the Russians. This is going to set our relations back some.

Russians, ha! The jealousy just burns right through.


Well-Known Member
You guys would be more productive if your tried to contribute to ending the two party system in this country so we had more choices. If we did I think both of the current choices would have already had to withdraw. The republicans don't need much help here since they won't support their own candidate, (f**k you Paul Ryan and McCain).

Unclebuck, get back to talking about the needs of the country or just STFU. Your obviously a Hillary shill with nothing important to point out.

** Hillary and Comey and Lynch for prison 2016 **


Well-Known Member
You guys would be more productive if your tried to contribute to ending the two party system in this country so we had more choices. If we did I think both of the current choices would have already had to withdraw. The republicans don't need much help here since they won't support their own candidate, (f**k you Paul Ryan and McCain).

Unclebuck, get back to talking about the needs of the country or just STFU. Your obviously a Hillary shill with nothing important to point out.

** Hillary and Comey and Lynch for prison 2016 **
Fuck you Paul Ryan and John McCain? Lol. Glad to see you have the country's best interests at heart.

Enjoy the debate. Enjoy the election. Enjoy President Hillary.