
Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I see three options here:

1. The black officer was racist/fearful of black people.

2. The citizen had a gun. He did not tell his sister.

3. It was a setup to incite a riot.


Well-Known Member
Businesses that have left because of looters: maybe a handful for arguments sake. But here you go buck, some info on how taxes cause businesses to relocate.

How businesses leave to go overseas because of our tax code.







Changing addresses to avoid taxes



Hillary and Donald seem to both agree that our tax code is a little off and something needs to change in order to save businesses from leaving.
"What Mrs. Clinton would do: She seeks a series of tweaks to the corporate tax code to try to dissuade companies from moving operations abroad to save on taxes." - There's your girl <3

In fact, I doubt there was one candidate on the stage the entire election that said corporate taxes were working. View attachment 3786584
Everyone you seem to care about seems to have a similar thought that taxes need to be revised.

Every single thing about taxes and chasing businesses away is directly related to Big Government spending with no return. We are paying a huge debt and have nothing to show for it. Congress needs to come up with the money both before it`s spent and when it`s spent. In the last 8 years of promised hope, nothing has changed except increased debt because of increased spending. I honestly think Hillary will continue this trend and Donald will change that trend.

Hillary could care less about anything but going into History being the first female President. Donald and Putin share the same love of the spotlight ,.. Donald already is known as the man who single handedly destroyed the Republican Party, and making great accomplishments as President puts him in the spotlight. He has the opportunity to be the man who single handedly destroyed the Status Quo. Those are within Donald`s reach and believe it or not, happen to work positively for the population.

Fuck Hillary Clinton and herself. At least Donald stands to gain with us.


Well-Known Member
Every single thing about taxes and chasing businesses away is directly related to Big Government spending with no return. We are paying a huge debt and have nothing to show for it. Congress needs to come up with the money both before it`s spent and when it`s spent. In the last 8 years of promised hope, nothing has changed except increased debt because of increased spending. I honestly think Hillary will continue this trend and Donald will change that trend.

Hillary could care less about anything but going into History being the first female President. Donald and Putin share the same love of the spotlight ,.. Donald already is known as the man who single handedly destroyed the Republican Party, and making great accomplishments as President puts him in the spotlight. He has the opportunity to be the man who single handedly destroyed the Status Quo. Those are within Donald`s reach and believe it or not, happen to work positively for the population.

Fuck Hillary Clinton and herself. At least Donald stands to gain with us.
Donald destroyed the republican party because he is an asshat that called himself a republican. If he would've ran as a democrat, chances are he could have ruined them. My vote comes down to one thing at this point, supreme court nominees. Not one person on this forum, whether they think they know better or not, needs Donald Trump and Mike Pence picking their supreme court nominees. Next thing you know we can't drive on Sundays, fuck that. All the other bullshit is w/e. No matter what, I expect another war within ten years, Dem or Rep. The economy will crash again over something stupid, but I want my freedom. Donald trump is a selfish human being who literally thinks of woman like a trophy to fuck, including his own daughter.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
If you go to the youtube of that video you can rewind to the loint right after a man got shot and lots of people speaking.


Well-Known Member
Donald destroyed the republican party because he is an asshat that called himself a republican. If he would've ran as a democrat, chances are he could have ruined them. My vote comes down to one thing at this point, supreme court nominees. Not one person on this forum, whether they think they know better or not, needs Donald Trump and Mike Pence picking their supreme court nominees. Next thing you know we can't drive on Sundays, fuck that. All the other bullshit is w/e. No matter what, I expect another war within ten years, Dem or Rep. The economy will crash again over something stupid, but I want my freedom. Donald trump is a selfish human being who literally thinks of woman like a trophy to fuck, including his own daughter.

Do you honestly think that a guy that has the looks of Donald enjoys fucking, or even has fun doing it ?


Is there a vacancy ? I can assure you there will be if Hillary becomes President.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
book mistaken for gun while waiting for his kids school bus..another dead black man..Keith Lamont Scott..rioting ensued.

Um, isn't North Carolina open carry? Why, yes Sky, it is..

Are we losing earths magnetic field and everyone/everything is going whacky?
Not a book. No book on suspect or in his car. However, he did have a gun in his hand. You're much too quick to believe a lie when you want it to be true. Since you said "another dead black man", I'm guessing you are implying racism played a role. Are you aware the shooter was also black? All this whining over a "unarmed, innocent, black child", and again it turns out it was no such thing.


Well-Known Member
What's worse is looking toward the future, the election..we have no leader being worse than the other..everyone's complaining yet no one will do anything.

Case in point: has anyone heard of charges being brought against DWS for her role in smearing Sanders, withholding his database? No? Anyone? No?
Hilary Clinton hired her to continue helping her campaign. So there's that....


Well-Known Member
Not a book. No book on suspect or in his car. However, he did have a gun in his hand. You're much too quick to believe a lie when you want it to be true. Since you said "another dead black man", I'm guessing you are implying racism played a role. Are you aware the shooter was also black? All this whining over a "unarmed, innocent, black child", and again it turns out it was no such thing.
Someone had to much Fox news with their coffee this evening.


Well-Known Member
News conference now..the officer, a drug expert, thought Scott was under the influence.

They're still going through body cam footage (to edit) before they book was found (officer shoved it in his/her pants).

And they DID find a gun..imagine that (some nice officer used his throw down).
So when your lie is exposed, it's all a vast conspiracy?


Well-Known Member
Don't get Fox News. You want to believe the lie.
The lie. I believe the truth. Trying to minimize the brutality that blacks receive by pointing out that this shooting was done by a black male is ridiculous. There is plenty of shootings in which the officer was white and got off without even so much as an indictment. Don't play dumb.


Well-Known Member
I'm so, so sorry.
It's quite alright, the lot of us are pleasant lol. Whenever I travel to the north or to Europe I can't really stand the people's manners. I went to vegas and they didn't have sweet tea in the restaurant I was in. It was a pretty weird experience LOL.