What's up with Hillary Clinton's health?


Well-Known Member
He refuses to understand that not spending is the fastest way to catch up with your debt. It`s not what you save, but what you spend that increases debt.
I'm all for cutting the budget. Let's start with cutting subsidies to major and very profitable corporations such as Exxon. Let's also do away with subsidies to Walmart by setting minimum wages at a living level so that their full time employees don't have to accept SNAP to make ends meet. How about closing military bases and bringing our military home? Base the military here, spend money on bases here and make defense really about defense. How about cutting the military spend altogether? Then let's start tackling the healthcare industry/Insurance industry by nationalizing healthcare. We'd cut our spend on Medicare/Medicaid quite a bit if we didn't have to pay for executive compensation, maintain corporate headquarters and run the business on a quarterly profit basis. How about cutting subsidies to industrial farms?

That $4,000 bill for corporate subsidies per year per middle class household would be a good place to start. If you are serious about cutting the budget. Why start with the small items, like food for poor people?

Then again, if we don't do all that, cutting taxes is like cutting the throats of children yet born. Trump loves him some dead babies. More than a trillion dollars of unfunded tax cuts over the next ten years accompanied by massive spending increases. His proposal is that, yes indeedy.:bigjoint:

Why do you like him again? If you are really fiscally conservative, why do you support Trump? Clinton is much more fiscally responsible than the orange one.
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Well-Known Member
Do you remember the original point of my comment? 10% is not 0% whether you would like it to be 30% or not.

Also, corporations do not pay taxes, the government steals a cut of their growth off the top. Profit to a corporation is not the same thing as profit to an individual. But hey, lets not address those points either, lets just say how unfair 10% is and that everyone else should be paying more...

Complete insanity the fogdog way....


Well-Known Member
I'm all for cutting the budget. Let's start with cutting subsidies to major and very profitable corporations such as Exxon. Let's also do away with subsidies to Walmart by setting minimum wages at a living level so that their full time employees don't have to accept SNAP to make ends meet. How about closing military bases and bringing our military home? Base the military here, spend money on bases here and make defense really about defense. How about cutting the military spend altogether? Then let's start tackling the healthcare industry/Insurance industry by nationalizing healthcare. We'd cut our spend on Medicare/Medicaid quite a bit if we didn't have to pay for executive compensation, maintain corporate headquarters and run the business on a quarterly profit basis. How about cutting subsidies to industrial farms?
View attachment 3785071

That $4,000 bill for corporate subsidies per year per middle class household would be a good place to start. If you are serious about cutting the budget. Why start with the small items, like food for poor people?

Then again, if we don't do all that, cutting taxes is like cutting the throats of children yet born. Trump loves him some dead babies. More than a trillion dollars of unfunded tax cuts over the next ten years accompanied by massive spending increases. His proposal is that, yes indeedy.:bigjoint:

Why do you like him again? If you are really fiscally conservative, why do you support Trump? Clinton is much more fiscally responsible than the orange one.

I think I would rather start with the billions and billions we pay out to so called keep the peace countries.

Weather you like it or not, I would rather trust Trump with my money than Hillary. Trump will do one of two things, lose it or double it, Hillary will divi it up and want more.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
I'm all for cutting the budget. Let's start with cutting subsidies to major and very profitable corporations such as Exxon. Let's also do away with subsidies to Walmart by setting minimum wages at a living level so that their full time employees don't have to accept SNAP to make ends meet. How about closing military bases and bringing our military home? Base the military here, spend money on bases here and make defense really about defense. How about cutting the military spend altogether? Then let's start tackling the healthcare industry/Insurance industry by nationalizing healthcare. We'd cut our spend on Medicare/Medicaid quite a bit if we didn't have to pay for executive compensation, maintain corporate headquarters and run the business on a quarterly profit basis. How about cutting subsidies to industrial farms?
View attachment 3785071

That $4,000 bill for corporate subsidies per year per middle class household would be a good place to start. If you are serious about cutting the budget. Why start with the small items, like food for poor people?

Then again, if we don't do all that, cutting taxes is like cutting the throats of children yet born. Trump loves him some dead babies. More than a trillion dollars of unfunded tax cuts over the next ten years accompanied by massive spending increases. His proposal is that, yes indeedy.:bigjoint:

Why do you like him again? If you are really fiscally conservative, why do you support Trump? Clinton is much more fiscally responsible than the orange one.
You need to start by getting in touch with reality. I have never read such a pack of lies and left wing ridiculous in my life.


Well-Known Member
You need to start by getting in touch with reality. I have never read such a pack of lies and left wing ridiculous in my life.
Wow, now that was informative. I'll just play your game.

You are a complete liar and windbag.

Wasn't that such very convincing statement? Too funny that.

I hear right wingers whine about govmint spending and they always go after the teensy budget items. Such as SNAP. When right wingers get power, they act like little piggies and cut taxes, increase spending and run up the debt. That's what right wingers do. The only times in the past 20 years that the deficit declined was under Democratic party leadership of the government.

If you want to have a serious discussion about cutting spending then we have to get serious about cutting military spending, corporate subsidies and control costs of healthcare for the elderly and indigent. Too bad that you don't like it but another problem with right wingers is their complete inability to deal with reality.

Maybe it was that jab at cutting subsidies to industrial farms. I know you don't collect those subsidies. I don't know why you would defend them either.



Well-Known Member
Saving billions by sneaking hillary a couple hundred grand under the table.. Wink wink, say no more...
trying to imply that hillary is dishonest while your candidate literally tells too many lies to even track is the move of a complete fucktard.


Well-Known Member
Saving billions by sneaking hillary a couple hundred grand under the table.. Wink wink, say no more...
I don't understand. How does the secretary of state working for a Democratic Prez make money when a company takes advantage of tax breaks made by a Republican Congress?


Well-Known Member
how dare she encourage female entrepreneurs.
"(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks."



Well-Known Member
"(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks."

did you have a point?



Well-Known Member
Speaking fees
"(CNN)Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, combined to earn more than $153 million in paid speeches from 2001 until Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign last spring, a CNN analysis shows.

In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks."

not as Secretary of State. She wasn't working for the government when she went on the speaking circuit. Neither was Bill.
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