Donald Trump

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The Grand Global Circus: 2016 US Presidential Elections
Mon, Sep 19, 2016

Anti-Human Rights, Chaosistan, United States

by Gulam ASGAR MITHA (Canada)

Politics is the art of looking for trouble,
finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly
and applying the wrong remedies—Groucho Marx

When I was young I remember how excited many of us children would be to visit the circus when it came to town. For us the best part was the opening, the clown or the joker. We’d have bundles of laughs with their slapstick humour and pranks. Sometimes the clown would be a male and sometimes a female but that did not matter. It was the entertainment. After the laughter came the juggler with either 6 or 8 or 10 balls going from one to the other hand. Not one would drop. Incredible! Sometimes instead of the balls, it’d be rings of fire. Awesome! Breathtaking! There’d be few more circus acts that used to follow but nothing quite like the clown’s or the juggler’s entertainment.

Several decades have passed since I last visited a circus and now that I’m a grown-up, the circus is here on the global stage in the year 2016. I’m referring to the US Presidential elections in November, the last act of the circus whose outcome is known. However what is most interesting has been the clown and the juggler acts for this grown-up child. These two players have kept the world fully entertained.

The clown: Donald Trump. His verbiages and sarcasms are laughing matter and one wonders when they’ll change in the next few minutes because they’re so entertaining. Even when he does not speak, his silent facial expressions captured by the media are equally entertaining. At best he is honest.

The juggler: Hillary Clinton. Her very few verbiages and sarcasms are missing and she is a serious entertainer, unlike the clown. She even came with an assistant Bernie Sanders. The juggling is no laughing matter because it is a very serious act.

None of the Republicans even care to support their clown. They all want Hillary to be the successor to the incumbent Obama. She did a fantastic job in Libya as Obama’s Secretary of State, bombing the country to shambles and leaving a legacy of disarray and mayhem.

In one of my previous article “Beyond the Nuclear Deal: A Civil War in the Middle East“, I’d written that the two US political parties hiding under the garbs of “democracy” are both right wingers (conservatives, liberals, neocons, fascists, capitalists etc.) pursuing the same geopolitical agenda in the Middle East. On one hand the Republicans are pursuing a belligerent agenda while the Democrats are pursuing a diplomatic agenda. The goal for both parties is exactly the same, that being global hegemony and survival as an empire. This ideology is shared among their right wing NATO partners and all are beating on the war drums while at the same time working hypocritically for peace. It is lamentable that Muslims and their leaders fail to understand the obvious.

Tehran Times of 5 August 2016 reported Ali Akbar Velayti (close confidante of Iran’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei) stating that “There is no difference between the Republicans and Democrats in terms of their stance on our country and as we see the Democrats also create obstacles to the JCPOA agreement (of 14 July 2015) with Iran.” Khamenei asserted that “We do not violate the deal, but if the other party violates it, if they tear the agreement up, we will light it on fire,” He was referring specifically towards US belligerence with Iranian missile program and most recently after US Republican Congressman Peter Roskam’s bill of 9 July got passed blocking sale of Boeing and Airbus aircrafts without any significant Democratic opposition. Roskam cited that Iran would use the aircrafts for military purposes. Both US political parties are sowing the seeds of the great Shia-Sunni civil war.

The final act will be played out between the clown and the juggler and the winner will be declared by the media on 8 November. In the meantime, pollsters will be handing out questionnaires to the circus participants for their feedback and reporters will go around with questions as to who has been the best performer.

Now let’s get serious. I’m one of the circus participants, a Muslim. I’ve hated Trump because of his anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant verbiages and sarcasms so on the poll card I’m going to give him very low marks and when the reporter comes to me with his microphone, I’ll just say, without any thoughts, that I’m going to vote for Hillary, a pro-Muslim, pro-immigrant Presidential candidate.

Khizr Khan whose son died for America some few years ago did not come on his own to the DNC; he was invited because as a Muslim he’d be in a better position to convince his compatriots. Many things are known about him-some rumors, some facts- but one is that, as an attorney, he also used to work for Hogan, Hartson and Lovells law firm within Washington DC which has direct ties to the Clinton Foundation. Khizr came to the DNC to convince Muslims (and immigrants) that Hillary is the hope for them. Not Trump. At least Trump is honest to state that “the elections are rigged in favor of the ‘Devil Hillary Clinton’?”. There is no doubt that the elections will be staged in favor of Clinton.

Very few Americans can see through Clinton’s design which will be revealed after she moves in to occupy the White House and forms her cabinet. One sure sign of an impending civil war will be the neo-cons in the cabinet. Victoria Nuland is Hillary’s protégé at the State department. Will she or her husband Robert Kagan, one of the co-founders of PNAC (Project for the New American Century) be selected Secretary of State in the cabinet? There are the other influential neo-con Kagans namely Fredrick Kagan (brother of Robert Kagan) or his wife Kimberly Kagan who founded the Institute for the Study of War- a hawkish Washington group favoring an aggressive American foreign policy. Clinton also has a Muslim protégé – Huma Abedin (fluent in Arabic as she had lived in Saudi Arabia with her Indian mother and Pakistani father) appointed as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and vice chairwoman for 2016 campaign for president. Khizr will have good company in the state department.

On Election Day all the Muslims and the immigrants will vote for Hillary as the first woman President who will follow the first black president into the White House. The US does not tolerate gender, religious, color, ethnic or race discrimination. But what will Hillary do for Muslims in return that Trump would never have been able to do? You guessed it – start a Shia-Sunni civil war. For her it’ll be a simple matter, exactly what she did in Libya. John Kerry has prepared the groundwork for her with the Iran card to get the war started on a yet unknown pretext.

The civil war in the Middle East will not only be about Israel’s security but also an American imperative as a global empire and for the control of the vast energy resources under the desert sands.

Gulam Asgar Mitha is a retired Technical Safety Engineer. He has worked with several N. American and International oil and gas companies. He has worked in Libya, Qatar, Pakistan, France, Yemen and UAE. Currently Gulam lives in Calgary, Canada and enjoys reading and keeping in tune with current global political issues.
Trump and the symptoms of dementia
August 4, 2016 12:00 AM

Letter to the Editor
Since political candidates do not submit to psychiatric examination to determine their mental fitness for office, the voters must make educated guesses. Donald Trump’s narcissism is obvious, but while personality styles tend to be stable over time, cognitive impairments like various forms of dementia are progressive, and often begin with subtle or dramatic behavioral changes.

Over the past year, the GOP candidate has exhibited increasing mood, behavior and cognitive deterioration. His evident difficulty forming and expressing complex thoughts, childish lack of inhibition, inability to learn and retain new information, poor judgment, bizarre but stubbornly held ideas (the “wall,” deporting millions), all have been exhaustively reported and witnessed in real time. These are symptoms often seen in an early stage of dementia.

Mt. Lebanon
Benedict Donald is much like Hitler. From his expansion of police forces to find, detain and deport undesirables, to throttling the media, to purging government workers that are considered disloyal to authoritarian leadership, to scapegoating a minority as the cause of financial hardship for the white working class, Trump is following Hitler's playbook very closely.

Trump’s mass deportation machine: He’ll create an American police state equal to Nazi Germany

Donald Trump’s pledge this week to speedily deport “anyone who has entered the United States illegally” would require the creation of a vast police state that harkens back to the early 20th century, with Nazi Germany’s roundups and deportations of millions of Jews and others deemed undesirable.

“We examined what it would take to execute Donald Trump’s promise to remove all undocumented immigrants in just two years,” American Action Forum reported. “We detailed current immigration enforcement operations and estimated exactly how large each component of the enforcement process would have to be in order to accomplish this task.”

“We found that to remove all undocumented immigrants in two years, the federal government would need to increase federal immigration apprehension workers from 4,844 to 90,582, immigration detention personnel from 5,203 to 53,381, federal immigration attorneys from 1,430 to 32,445, and immigration courts from 58 to 1,316,” its 2016 analysis continued. “In addition, the number of immigration detention beds would need to increase from 34,000 to 348,831 and to physically transport all undocumented immigrants out of the country the government would need to charter a minimum of 17,296 flights and 30,701 bus trips each year.”

In other words, Trump’s Arizona speech was not just the usual ranting and raving Americans have come to expect from a man whose words cannot be trusted — such as playing nice while standing at the podium with Mexico’s president, and hours later vilifying migrants in his speech promising a new federal police state and gulag. His purportedly substantive speech detailing how he would do it was devoid of the real size and scope of the state police and deportation industry needed.
Trump and the symptoms of dementia
August 4, 2016 12:00 AM

Letter to the Editor
Since political candidates do not submit to psychiatric examination to determine their mental fitness for office, the voters must make educated guesses. Donald Trump’s narcissism is obvious, but while personality styles tend to be stable over time, cognitive impairments like various forms of dementia are progressive, and often begin with subtle or dramatic behavioral changes.

Over the past year, the GOP candidate has exhibited increasing mood, behavior and cognitive deterioration. His evident difficulty forming and expressing complex thoughts, childish lack of inhibition, inability to learn and retain new information, poor judgment, bizarre but stubbornly held ideas (the “wall,” deporting millions), all have been exhaustively reported and witnessed in real time. These are symptoms often seen in an early stage of dementia.

Mt. Lebanon

I bet he can't wait for Ivanka to have to give him sponge baths. 'Cause of the dementia, you know.

Bill Clinton praises pharma companies Ranbaxy and Cipla for fight against AIDS


"I told myself that never again will I come to India without saying a thank you," he said to applause from members of a 600-plus audience, including some of India Inc's leading CEOs, businessmen and strategists.

Exec on Bad AIDS Drugs: ‘Who Cares? It’s Just Blacks Dying’

Ranbaxy Laboratories has pleaded guilty to selling adulterated drugs.

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Trump and the symptoms of dementia
August 4, 2016 12:00 AM

Letter to the Editor
Since political candidates do not submit to psychiatric examination to determine their mental fitness for office, the voters must make educated guesses. Donald Trump’s narcissism is obvious, but while personality styles tend to be stable over time, cognitive impairments like various forms of dementia are progressive, and often begin with subtle or dramatic behavioral changes.

Over the past year, the GOP candidate has exhibited increasing mood, behavior and cognitive deterioration. His evident difficulty forming and expressing complex thoughts, childish lack of inhibition, inability to learn and retain new information, poor judgment, bizarre but stubbornly held ideas (the “wall,” deporting millions), all have been exhaustively reported and witnessed in real time. These are symptoms often seen in an early stage of dementia.

Mt. Lebanon

These replies to your little letter to the editor were the best responses from the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette :

Dana Ainsworth 47 days ago
Yes but can she get specific? Or are we just going to lump Trump with the rest of the patients who nurses typically consider as physical threats and whose lives were ruined by inaccurate diagnoses and opinionated and poorly trained health care professionals that have caused them to be warehoused, institutionalized, demonized and physiologically impaired by Big Pharma's latest behavioral control chemicals.

So if you're thinking that Trump flew over the cuckoo's nest, I'm afraid you're going to have to get a little more specific.

Dana Ainsworth 47 days ago
Linda you should give us a Axis I through Axis IV assessment to better drive your point home. Them you'll really scare them because obviously not enough voters are "really scared" not. Abe Lincoln was diagnosed posthumously as suffering from "bipolar disorder" or, as modern health care providers are fond of saying "bipolar depression." That just goes to show you how much the Civil War and slaves can depress you. I guess they didn't have Abillify or the SSRIs. God knows what would have happened if the Confederates had Prozac. Even more depressing is that some psychiatrist is going to judge our Presidents as totally insane after their deaths. But not before because they need the book deals before our Presidents move on to the great beyond.

So here's your big chance to diagnose Trump definitively while he's still among us and pledge to make us great again. Because if Trump gets into the White House, he may be the only American standing. The rest of us will be squatting in pup tents under bridges without the health care that's so central to your diagnostic capabilities and your future.

These replies to your little letter to the editor were the best responses from the Pittsburgh-Post Gazette :

Dana Ainsworth 47 days ago
Yes but can she get specific? Or are we just going to lump Trump with the rest of the patients who nurses typically consider as physical threats and whose lives were ruined by inaccurate diagnoses and opinionated and poorly trained health care professionals that have caused them to be warehoused, institutionalized, demonized and physiologically impaired by Big Pharma's latest behavioral control chemicals.

So if you're thinking that Trump flew over the cuckoo's nest, I'm afraid you're going to have to get a little more specific.

Dana Ainsworth 47 days ago
Linda you should give us a Axis I through Axis IV assessment to better drive your point home. Them you'll really scare them because obviously not enough voters are "really scared" not. Abe Lincoln was diagnosed posthumously as suffering from "bipolar disorder" or, as modern health care providers are fond of saying "bipolar depression." That just goes to show you how much the Civil War and slaves can depress you. I guess they didn't have Abillify or the SSRIs. God knows what would have happened if the Confederates had Prozac. Even more depressing is that some psychiatrist is going to judge our Presidents as totally insane after their deaths. But not before because they need the book deals before our Presidents move on to the great beyond.

So here's your big chance to diagnose Trump definitively while he's still among us and pledge to make us great again. Because if Trump gets into the White House, he may be the only American standing. The rest of us will be squatting in pup tents under bridges without the health care that's so central to your diagnostic capabilities and your future.
bipolar disorder isn't the same as dementia or memory problems. In any case, diagnosis from watching TV is a fools errand regardless if it's Trump or Clinton. The only conclusion one can draw from Trump behavior is that he sure does change his statements quickly. One day a truther the next day he's not. One day he's softening on illegal immigration the next day he's promising bringing fire to illegals. A different day, a different Trump. That's who he is. No need to assign a name to it.
Practically all terrorism in the US over the past decade has been perpetrated by people born here. Most perps were Christian.

Europe has the most experience with Syrian refugees. How many Syrian refugees have perpetrated terrorist actions compared to people born in Eurpean countries?

The Trumps are making hay from people's fear, poor facility with numbers and worse ability to understand risk.
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