Donald Trump

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Donald Trump’s favorite physician, Dr. Mehmet Oz, is under fire after producers edited out a joke made by the GOP nominee about how much he loves kissing his daughter Ivanka.

According to MSNBC’s Peter Alexander, when Ivanka came on to the show during Wednesday’s taping, her father greeted her with a kiss… to which Dr. Oz said something along the lines of, “It’s nice to see a dad kiss his daughter.”

That was all it took for The Donald to give everyone the heebie-jeebies, telling the audience he kisses her every chance he gets.

Anybody else think he gets a bit of a chubby when he kisses her??


Well-Known Member
i redid my map to give you guys all the hope in the world and it comes up short. perhaps you can show me what state trump can flip, while still holding on to every other state i so generously gave you?

or not.
new hampshire. or colorado, new mexico, which are right next to utah


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Screenshot 2016-09-16 at 5.24.37 PM.png

American Renaissance (AR or AmRen) is a monthly online magazine published by the New Century Foundation which describes itself as a "race-realist, white advocacy organization".[1][2] It has been described as a white supremacist publication by several sources, including The Washington Post, Fortune, and the Anti-Defamation League.[3][4][5][6]

why are you citing white supremacist hate groups?

and you can have new hampshire, we'll just take nevada and florida instead. your move, white supremacist.


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So, this idea of Trump's to initiate trade wars, how that going to help again?

Trump's economic policies are dangerous quackery....I like that line. We shouldn't let an innkeeper set complex policies.

Trump’s trade policies would send US into recession, study says

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s protectionist trade policies would send the US into recession, result in the loss of almost 4.8m private sector jobs and lead to shortages of consumer goods such as iPhones, according to the most detailed study yet of his plan.
The study released on Monday by researchers at the non-partisan Peterson Institute for International Economics illustrates how, even as the New York businessman pledges to boost growth and create millions of jobs, most mainstream economists view his economic policies as dangerous quackery.

A link to the report:


Well-Known Member
the law and order candidate also invited ameica's toughest sheriff to speak at the convention for him.

turns out this birther is guilty of perjury and more, after being sued for ignoring court orders that he stop racially profiling.

but trump only hires the best people.

believe me.

believe me.

believe me.


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