Hillary can't be trusted

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^^^grandpa's yelling again

lame & technically incorrect,did u see me POST IN CAPS ? if not then there was no " grandpa yelling "

what u read was another man questioning your fake morality u preach at others,all 3 of u are reaming a female member out,implying negatives about her due to her sexuality,all the while proclaiming to be championing women's rights

u do realize women have the right to be spoken to with dignity & respect don't you,or do you just fake all the pro feminist stances u guys take,I see much hypocrisy out of u 3 & call you out on it
lame & technically incorrect,did u see me POST IN CAPS ? if not then there was no " grandpa yelling "

what u read was another man questioning your fake morality u preach at others,all 3 of u are reaming a female member out,implying negatives about her due to her sexuality,all the while proclaiming to be championing women's rights

u do realize women have the right to be spoken to with dignity & respect don't you,or do you just fake all the pro feminist stances u guys take,I see much hypocrisy out of u 3 & call you out on it
work from home. Lots of people do it !!!
she is working from home,and she's doing the most important career choice any adult can make,no profession on earth is as noble,or as needed as being a mother & housewife,another case of fake liberals exposed hypocrisy

praise the welfare queen baby mama with 6 kids,no husband & no stable home for her wolf pack,in the same breath belittle a stay at home mother who is the glue that binds family units together

she is working from home,and she's doing the most important career choice any adult can make,no profession on earth is as noble,or as needed as being a mother & housewife,another case of fake liberals exposed hypocrisy

praise the welfare queen baby mama with 6 kids,no husband & no stable home for her wolf pack,in the same breath belittle a stay at home mother who is the glue that binds family units together

you forgot about how well she sucks her husbands cock. Thats very important to her.
and the cum swallowing. VERY important. she even started a thread about how she gobbles up cum.
One of her better writings.
Take the time to really get to know her sensitive areas.

When me an hubby are stoned I can give him orgasms easy. After he has a couple easy ones I pull out a little more technique. It's all about ramping up the pleasure slowly.

I can start him with multiple shiver orgasms from just stroking the very root of his penis behind the balls. Behind the root is the prostate. You can push up in that area and feel a smooth round area.

Then I usually blow him with out touching the prostate for several orgasms and mini spurts.

I then alternate between the two for a while.

I can give him orgasms by just vibrating my tongue on the head, by swallowing while deep throating.

If I am on my kneed I can bury my chin between his balls and that us all gets him.

Pulsing my fingers on his prostate while deep throating makes him fill me up and it has no where left to go but out of my mouth.

Girls are basically the same. Treat the clit like a mini dick. Pay attention to the labia as well with strokes from the bottom to the top. There are two things that feel amazing. One is the vibration from knuckles hitting the public bone because it vibrates the entire labia. The other is the gSpot.

It is about two knuckles in. Apply pressure and knead it, stroke it, wave your fingers. Same as the root with guys.

Do it right and she will shoot out down her thigh or up your arm.
They are soaking in a grimy glass on the night stand!

This guy, though....what a sad shame of a 'man'.....feeble, racist shit like "obungholio care".....is it comforting to know that you are the (barely) living archetype of what is wrong with this country/world?

lol more liberal double talk

I'm a " feeble racist "because I called our fucktard president obungholio,meanwhile 3 of the most outspoken progressive liberals,possible socialists,attempt to degrade a woman over her sexuality

last I checked with the lgbtq+ people bashing somebody over sexual orientation is a hate crime and all 3 of u are guilty

like a said before,your all a bunch of cry bulky hypocrites who dictate how others must act when none of u can follow your own rules of morality.

lame & technically incorrect,did u see me POST IN CAPS ? if not then there was no " grandpa yelling "

what u read was another man questioning your fake morality u preach at others,all 3 of u are reaming a female member out,implying negatives about her due to her sexuality,all the while proclaiming to be championing women's rights

u do realize women have the right to be spoken to with dignity & respect don't you,or do you just fake all the pro feminist stances u guys take,I see much hypocrisy out of u 3 & call you out on it

your rants about treating women with respect wouldn't ring so hollow if you didn't spend so much time calling hillary clinton an "evil hag", " rancid bitch", "cunt", "whore", "slut", "crack whore" and more when you aren't busy wishing death on her.
it has more to do with the way you label (((Jews))), hate blacks, support a racist for president, refuse to acknowledge that you stand alongside the KKK, and so much more.

my ((( sound ))) wave post was explained that I did not know wtf u were talking about,I've still saw zero evidence of the supposed conspiracy,but since u claimed it Ive made it a point not to use it,on the off chance there really is something to it

none of that means shit because we've been talking about you 3 deciding to abandon your claimed moral code,and attack a person based upon their sexuality,with the intent to belittle & or degrade

I fessed up to my ignorance with the ((( ))) deal & have made efforts to stop using the meme,meanwhile while preaching to us all about woman's health & income issues of maternity leave u 3 go out of your way to be immoral

just give up. no one likes you.

wrong,about a dozen members don't " like " me,but being liked never has anything to do with being right,and I am right

while your little gang might " like you" because u give them excuses to abandon their code of ethics they demand the rest of us follow,your popularity has fuck all with you being right

Adolph Hitler was " liked " & we know what kind of tyrant he turned out to be,your cut from that cloth of Hitler,preaching morals to all of us while having his niece squat & piss in his face,pretty well "liked"maniac preaching 1 thing & doing the exact opposite himself,you 3 are guilty of the same reprehensible conduct

hypocrites & bullys,unable to even debate a woman without using her sexuality as a weapon against her,makes ya'll feel strong I bet

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