Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
u mean in lne with the parts of the world that aren't $21 trillion in debt,thanks obunghole & bush, all you hipsters demanding free shit just glaze over the national debt,at best drool out some stupidity about military cuts or the cost of war,free college,free medical,paid maternity & no real plan to pay for any of it like idiots:dunce:

I bet she will,unlike yourself she's outgrown the phase your in where " I was born therefore deserve the best in life",while her man is looking for new ways to work n make more money your ilk is expecting new programs to increase your comforts

and come November your all fucked,unless Kill em all KK Klinton has more brain attacks,or fucking dies like she deserves



Well-Known Member
u mean in lne with the parts of the world that aren't $21 trillion in debt,thanks obunghole & bush, all you hipsters demanding free shit just glaze over the national debt,at best drool out some stupidity about military cuts or the cost of war,free college,free medical,paid maternity & no real plan to pay for any of it like idiots:dunce:

I bet she will,unlike yourself she's outgrown the phase your in where " I was born therefore deserve the best in life",while her man is looking for new ways to work n make more money your ilk is expecting new programs to increase your comforts

and come November your all fucked,unless Kill em all KK Klinton has more brain attacks,or fucking dies like she deserves
jesus kid, you are always so angry. calm yourself.

and pie does not work. she relies on food stamps, medicaid, and the child's health insurance program that hillary clinton established. her pathetic hubby makes $12 an hour. so maybe preach to her instead.

btw, the KKK is supporting trump. david duke just praised his campaign for being nice to him.

you are literally always wrong about everything. always.


Well-Known Member
Is your droopy pussy still chafed about "where the line is/mods"? Tsk tsk tsk.....shame, man....you'd probably have actual friends and get along better in life if you weren't such a mean-spirited, abrasive bore.

So, what do you do when you aren't spouting hate and ignorance via the internet?
Looks like I nailed it.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
I never believed Trump was conservative. I knew he was a moderate from the beginning. He is conservative on many issues but takes a more moderate approach to social issues concerning providing for the welfare of the country.
actually Donald Trump was very liberal in his youth,the older he became the more moderate he became,until finally ending up as most of america does once they outgrow the ideals of youthful ignorance,which is a moderate conservative,which makes him very appealing to moderate democrats like myself

with how far the Democratic Party has corrupted themselves & all government agencies I no longer want to identify as a Moderate Democrat,these radical progressives are laughing at how Trump destroyed the GOP but their indoctrination has blinded them to the destruction of the DNC thanks to Trump

win or lose Trump exposed the fake 2 party system as 1 big corrupt system & Americans love him for it


Well-Known Member
and pie does not work. she relies on food stamps, medicaid, and the child's health insurance program that hillary clinton established.
You know, all of those (GASP!) SOCIALIST programs that many folks enjoy! I'd bet three packs of cigs that MANY of the 'alt-right/Drumpfy/murica derp' fuckbags on this very SITE enjoy such SOCIAL programs and perks....hmmmmmm....Ms. Joan is holding the Magic Mirror on YOU!


These rabid cockroaches miss the friggin boat in every port.....


Well-Known Member
actually Donald Trump was very liberal in his youth,the older he became the more moderate he became,until finally ending up as most of america does once they outgrow the ideals of youthful ignorance,which is a moderate conservative,which makes him very appealing to moderate democrats like myself

with how far the Democratic Party has corrupted themselves & all government agencies I no longer want to identify as a Moderate Democrat,these radical progressives are laughing at how Trump destroyed the GOP but their indoctrination has blinded them to the destruction of the DNC thanks to Trump

win or lose Trump exposed the fake 2 party system as 1 big corrupt system & Americans love him for it
you're not a moderate democrat, you are a neo-nazi who hates jews and blacks. that is why trump appeals to you.


Well-Known Member
as usual a reply directly out of the playbook instead of an honest response about financial responsibility,and fiscally feasibility being that america is so heavily In debt the country could collapse

it would be nice to have an honest debate without lame ass memes & everybody u don't agree with being literally Adolph hitler
you literally exist on social welfare progrmas, social security and medicare. you are not even a contributor, you are a leech.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
her being the number one blow job wife is not what makes her bad. Her being clueless and voting against her very own interest does make her ignorant...are you not paying attention ?
paying enough attention to see the only reason to speak of those issues is attempted humiliation of a woman who's above the average " murican" ,zoned out on TV & clueless who the VP even is

the way u guys talk to flamingpie proves the depths of hypocrisy your willing to accept from each other for the cause,my father taught me better & I'm proud of that,you proved your ideals are not solid


Well-Known Member
paying enough attention to see the only reason to speak of those issues is attempted humiliation of a woman who's above the average " murican" ,zoned out on TV & clueless who the VP even is

the way u guys talk to flamingpie proves the depths of hypocrisy your willing to accept from each other for the cause,my father taught me better & I'm proud of that,you proved your ideals are not solid
^^^grandpa's yelling again

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
you literally exist on social welfare progrmas, social security and medicare. you are not even a contributor, you are a leech.
pathetic attempt that only shines light on your ignorance,I've worked my entire life & still work part time,I'm currently paying off over $4k in dental bills because I don't get obungholio care while your family's dental is free,your kids are welcome as I don't begrudge them dental work

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
paying enough attention to see the only reason to speak of those issues is attempted humiliation of a woman who's above the average " murican" ,zoned out on TV & clueless who the VP even is

the way u guys talk to flamingpie proves the depths of hypocrisy your willing to accept from each other for the cause,my father taught me better & I'm proud of that,you proved your ideals are not solid
Liberals think I should pay someone else to watch my child so I can become useful to society.

They have no respect for mothers.


Well-Known Member
paying enough attention to see the only reason to speak of those issues is attempted humiliation of a woman who's above the average " murican" ,zoned out on TV & clueless who the VP even is

the way u guys talk to flamingpie proves the depths of hypocrisy your willing to accept from each other for the cause,my father taught me better & I'm proud of that,you proved your ideals are not solid
seriously did you find yourself sitting up straight as you typed that shit. Flaming Pie votes against her very own interest. Trump think parts of her family is a murderer, rapist, or drug dealer. She feeds her family with the aid of food stamps and enjoys WIC. But yet...
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