Hillary can't be trusted

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You should warn Trump supporters that facts, which may cause violent outrage and berserk behavior, are in your post. They are weak and can't handle facts very well.

thank you, will edit.

gotta be overly PC for these easily triggered, safe space needing crybabies.
I find it vile that youre go-to is demeaning a woman. Youve never made a secret of your hideous commitments and beliefs, you are an intellectual and educational failure as well. Still, your enthusiasm and glee when it comes to bashing a woman, reveals your slavish devotion to the toxic patriarchy.

"Funny" no you dont you lying pos.

Very well put, man. You'll notice that a lot among fearful, bigoted, misogynistic repubs and their ilk....notice how many times you'll hear words like 'cunt' and 'whore' thrown around without any sort of merit whatsoever. Makes one wonder if these depraved ghouls even have souls or any female loved ones, eh? I guess mom, granny, sis, etc. are shit out of luck, eh?
Very well put, man. You'll notice that a lot among fearful, bigoted, misogynistic repubs and their ilk....notice how many times you'll hear words like 'cunt' and 'whore' thrown around without any sort of merit whatsoever. Makes one wonder if these depraved ghouls even have souls or any female loved ones, eh? I guess mom, granny, sis, etc. are shit out of luck, eh?

flaming pie said that calling a woman a cunt wasn't sexist, so i have been using it quite freely. especially towards pie. because it's apparently not sexist.
He changed his mind after he started talking to generals. He has generals advising him ya know.
Uhh, yeah, so it's all good now. Now he says we should still be occupying Iraq and stealing its oil.

So now that you are comfortable with Benedict Donald reversing himself because he lernt sumthang.

How many more times are you going to repeat that we should not support Clinton because as Senator, she voted for the war? She now says it was a bad decision, which to her credit is not all that convenient. Should we only hold Clinton to past statements, not Benedict Donald? Is that right?
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ditto the cum guzzling.

right out of the libtard playbook,when caught cold attack the person & derail off topic,the topic being Hillary KKK Klingon is a lying untrustworthy hag who's now paying for decades of hard core cocaine abuse.

everybody is sick claims the KK Klinton Kamph :spew:

how does walking pneumonia in any way explain any of Hillary's health issues shown here by a medical doctor .
I can see your point,really I can because we all know that written opinion articles by Huffington post far outweigh video tape of the actual person in question :lol:

sorry charlie but u lose again :bigjoint:

let's see, pulitzer prize winning political reporting, or a conspiracy theorist on youtube?

if i were mentally retarded or soemthing, i might say the latter.
I don't think that dementia-induced voices in his head nor fox 'news' lunatics can be considered "generals", but do go on....
You can go look at his campaign staff and advisors.

Info is out there.


Plus the endorsement by 88 high ranking military officials, border patrol, NRA, the cia director under bill clinton.. i could go on but I don't want to embarrass you too badly.
spam post

again, youtube videos are for the mentally retarded. the rest of us deal in facts.

hillary is by far the most honest candidate.


and trump has the support of the Ku Klux Klan.

darn, i should have put a trigger warning.
let's see, pulitzer prize winning political reporting, or a conspiracy theorist on youtube?

wait what,since when did Anderson Cooper become a (((alt right ))) ubber conspiracy guy ? 90% of the reporters questioning KK Killary are hard core progressives .

I love burning your bs rhetoric with facts:hump:

Sssssssmokin ! :bigjoint:
You can go look at his campaign staff and advisors.

Info is out there.


Plus the endorsement by 88 high ranking military officials, border patrol, NRA, the cia director under bill clinton.. i could go on but I don't want to embarrass you too badly.

you're embarrassing yourself right now, pie.

hillary's list of endorsements is much, much longer and more respected.




Screenshot 2016-09-13 at 6.04.29 PM.png

hillary is by far the most honest candidate.


haha ha ha ha I'm still laughing at that mess,please change your SIG to that graph lol

so trusted she's been boo'ed by her own Democratic zombies to the point she has to fake appearances using green screens now lol

Benidict arnold ranks +3 higher for trust than Kill em all Klinton in all real polls,good for a laugh it twas,nincompoop :lol:
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