Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
To your credit, he said legal immigrants. Lol.

What Trump Supporters Want You to Believe

Assholes all. Seriously no apologies for the deplorable
"Just this past weekend, the Republican governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin, told the hilariously named “Values Voter Summit” that there could be bloodshed if Clinton is elected this fall."


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
doesn't your fascist orange savior propose taking oil fields by force, just like ISIS is doing? and torture, just like ISIS is doing? and punishing women for abortion, like ISIS is doing? and denying equal rights to gay people, like ISIS is doing?

why not address these similarities between your savior and ISIS?
He said once we had taken over the security of iraq, we should have seized the oil. I would have liked us to at least leave behind troops to guard the oil when we pulled from iraq.

Isis got rich quick selling that oil.

Abortion and gays... really?

Watch the video of beheadings and them carrying the heads like trophies. Then get back to me on similarities.


Well-Known Member
He said once we had taken over the security of iraq, we should have seized the oil.
that's called pillaging and is a war crime, dipshit.

Abortion and gays... really?
trump said women should be punished if they get an abortion. he chose a VP who thinks it is OK to deny service to gay people.

and you're failing to address the fact that trump wants to torture people, just like ISIS.

what is it with all of these similarities trump has with ISIS?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
that's called pillaging and is a war crime, dipshit.

trump said women should be punished if they get an abortion. he chose a VP who thinks it is OK to deny service to gay people.

and you're failing to address the fact that trump wants to torture people, just like ISIS.

what is it with all of these similarities trump has with ISIS?
Meanwhile, ISIS beheads men, women, and children. Rapes women and children. Forces children to do beheadings.

No similarities. You are sick in the head.

Waterboarding is like a tickle compared to what ISIS does.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
You brain went into convulsions when exposed to the reality of my post. Fortunately for you, your truth detection circuit shut your brain down before it had to deal with facts. Next time, I'll post a trigger warning that facts are about to be posted.

View attachment 3780013
You can't handle a few videos of testimony before congress. Politics may not be for you.


Well-Known Member
He said once we had taken over the security of iraq, we should have seized the oil. I would have liked us to at least leave behind troops to guard the oil when we pulled from iraq.

Isis got rich quick selling that oil.

Abortion and gays... really?

Watch the video of beheadings and them carrying the heads like trophies. Then get back to me on similarities.
Truth trigger warning
Weak minded truthy seeking supporters of Benedict Trump: be aware that factual information are present in the following text.

Trump 2007- You know how you get out? declare victory and leave, the moment we get out its going to hell anyway.

Trump 2016- Obama is the founder of ISIS. He got out too early and look what happened
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Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Truth trigger warning. Facts ahead.

Trump 2007- You know how you get out? declare victory and leave, the moment we get out its going to hell anyway.

Trump 2016- Obama is the founder of ISIS. He got out too early and look what happened
He changed his mind after he started talking to generals. He has generals advising him ya know.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
except for illegally pillaging resources, treating women and gays like second class citizens, torture, and raping children (which donald trump himself is on trial for).
Um no.

View the link I provided. There is real evil in the world and you are belittling the evil of ISIS.


Well-Known Member
You can't handle a few videos of testimony before congress. Politics may not be for you.
Truth trigger warning
Weak minded truthy seeking supporters of Benedict Trump: be aware that factual information are present in the following text.

Those so called testimony before congress are just posturing by your failed GOP leaders. The real testimony was gathered and reviewed by the FBI and State Department. FBI conclusions?

"We believe our investigation has been sufficient to give us reasonable confidence there was no intentional misconduct in connection with that sorting effort."

"In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here."
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Well-Known Member
Um no.

View the link I provided. There is real evil in the world and you are belittling the evil of ISIS.

you are belittling the evil of trump. he has settled rape charges before. he is on trial for raping a 13 year old now, and there's a witness too.

he wants to commit war crimes by pillaging resources from sovereign nations.

he wants torture.

he wants to murder the innocent families of opposition forces.

he wants to punish women for exercising their constitutional right to abortion.

he wants to defy the constitution in order to deny service and equal protection of the law to gays.

these are all inarguable facts about the guy you support.
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Well-Known Member
I find it funny that ISIS uses encryption and our SoS did not.

I find it vile that youre go-to is demeaning a woman. Youve never made a secret of your hideous commitments and beliefs, you are an intellectual and educational failure as well. Still, your enthusiasm and glee when it comes to bashing a woman, reveals your slavish devotion to the toxic patriarchy.

"Funny" no you dont you lying pos.


Well-Known Member
I find it vile that youre go-to is demeaning a woman. Youve never made a secret of your hideous commitments and beliefs, you are an intellectual and educational failure as well. Still, your enthusiasm and glee when it comes to bashing a woman, reveals your slavish devotion to the toxic patriarchy.
ditto the cum guzzling.


Well-Known Member
you are belittling the evil of trump. he has settled rape charges before. he is on trial for raping a 13 year old now, and there's a witness too.

he wants to commit war crimes by pillaging resources from sovereign nations.

he wants torture.

he wants to murder the innocent families of opposition forces.

he wants to punish women for exercising their constitutional right to abortion.

he wants to defy the constitution in order to deny service and equal protection of the law to gays.

these are all inarguable facts about the guy you support.
You should warn Trump supporters that facts, which may cause violent outrage and berserk behavior, are in your post. They are weak and can't handle facts very well.
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