Voter ID Laws

No guy, I uderstand all of what you said, believe me I didn`t before. I wanted to know what was part that surgicaly targeted Blacks ?
It (the legislature) found that African American voters in North Carolina are more likely to vote early, use same-day voter registration and straight-ticket voting. They were also disproportionately less likely to have an ID, more likely to cast a provisional ballot and take advantage of pre-registration.

Then, the court, said, lawmakers restricted all of these voting options, and further narrowed the list of acceptable voter IDs. “… [W]ith race data in hand, the legislature amended the bill to exclude many of the alternative photo IDs used by African Americans. As amended, the bill retained only the kinds of IDs that white North Carolinians were more likely to possess.”
You just found what really didn`t exist.
And you didn`t have to look for it too.

"Photo IDs used more often by black voters, including public assistance IDs, were removed from the list of acceptable identification, while IDs issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles—which blacks are less likely to have—were retained. "

"But it did much more: the law eliminated same-day voter registration and pre-registration for high-school students about to turn 18, curtailed early voting by one week and banned out-of-precinct voting."

The main point is that voting rights cannot be denied without a good reason. In North Carolina, they put up five different barriers with the clear and admitted intent to deny the vote to African Americans. The excuse they gave - to prevent fraud - was not valid. Very little if any fraud occurs at the polling station due to identity fraud. It is clear that the state of North Carolina did not intend to eliminate fraud, because fraud was more common in mail-in absentee voting, which white people mostly use was not affected.
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"Photo IDs used more often by black voters, including public assistance IDs, were removed from the list of acceptable identification, while IDs issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles—which blacks are less likely to have—were retained. "

"But it did much more: the law eliminated same-day voter registration and pre-registration for high-school students about to turn 18, curtailed early voting by one week and banned out-of-precinct voting."

The main point is that voting rights cannot be denied without a good reason. In North Carolina, they put up five different barriers with the clear and admitted intent to deny the vote to African Americans. The excuse they gave - to prevent fraud - was not valid. Very little if any fraud occurs at the polling station due to identity fraud. It is clear that the state of North Carolina did not intend to eliminate fraud, because fraud was more common in mail-in absentee voting, which white people mostly use, was not affected.

Why didn`t you explain this as well before ? What you say if true, is corruption at the law making levels of that State. Striking the law down is not enough. Courts have the ability to summons and judge. I suggest they do that too so as not to be accused of leaving the crooks to do other deeds later on. The court knows you cannot make laws that favor a Race and not another.

One last confusion,...Why didn`t the courts attack these lawmakers and not let them off easy?
If the Courts admit that Blacks are less likely to have RMV id`s, then stopping blacks driving is a legit control.
"Photo IDs used more often by black voters, including public assistance IDs, were removed from the list of acceptable identification, while IDs issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles—which blacks are less likely to have—were retained. "

"But it did much more: the law eliminated same-day voter registration and pre-registration for high-school students about to turn 18, curtailed early voting by one week and banned out-of-precinct voting."

The main point is that voting rights cannot be denied without a good reason. In North Carolina, they put up five different barriers with the clear and admitted intent to deny the vote to African Americans. The excuse they gave - to prevent fraud - was not valid. Very little if any fraud occurs at the polling station due to identity fraud. It is clear that the state of North Carolina did not intend to eliminate fraud, because fraud was more common in mail-in absentee voting, which white people mostly use was not affected.

I`ll try.

You said DMV Id`s were retained which Blacks are less likely to have.

If the Courts admit that Blacks are less likely to have RMV id`s, then stopping blacks driving is a legit control.

Then I said that.

Then you said this next
Registry of motor vehicles? WTF?

Then I said this

Yes formerly DMV in Ma.

to which you replied this

The law that was overturned was in North Carolina. The voter ID law in MA wasn't. What point are you trying to make?

In that order.

So you see, I never Brought up Ma voting laws at all, did. Thinking I was making a point but really I wasn`t.

Pass it.