When Does Life Begin ...

You conservatives are the ones trying to inject religion into politics.Favoring creationism in schools, arguing that the founding fathers "really never meant for god to be excluded from politics",which is an obvious fabrication,seeing as there are documents written by these men stating the EXACT OPPOSITE!But what do you expect from a group of people who favor the unborn over the already living, and who think the world was created in 6000 years?
It also prohibits favoring non-religion over religion, right? It promotes the idea that whatever your religious beliefs, even if none, you shall not be excluded from public discourse. With you libs, it's always a one way street.
If anything, religion supports the belief that fetuses are only potential people and nowhere does it admonish abortion as murder.

The Bible indicates that person hood begins when a baby emerges from the mother’s womb. In the Bible and in modern life, birthdays are observed on the date of the baby’s emergence from the womb. The precise moment of the beginning of person hood is when the baby takes its first breath.
The constitution was put into place to protect the individual's rights over the collective.Politicians have no business using their theosophical beliefs to run a country.There's a difference between morality, and religion.Keep them separate.
If one uses religion to make decisions, national or otherwise, that is their prerogative. They have to get elected first, remember?
You conservatives are the ones trying to inject religion into politics.Favoring creationism in schools, arguing that the founding fathers "really never meant for god to be excluded from politics",which is an obvious fabrication,seeing as there are documents written by these men stating the EXACT OPPOSITE!But what do you expect from a group of people who favor the unborn over the already living, and who think the world was created in 6000 years?

Separation of church and state argument, huh? It has been shredded to death....

Anyway, God fearing individuals shouldn't be excluded from politics. No more than fanatical liberals should be. If you don't agree with a groups politics, defeat them in elections. Duhhhh.......
The constitution was put into place to protect the individual's rights over the collective.Politicians have no business using their theosophical beliefs to run a country.There's a difference between morality, and religion.Keep them separate.

In other words, "Man has no business believing in a lie called God."
Then shred it.In your own words.And I never said they should be excluded as an individual from politics.Just their religion.If they can't keep it separate, then they aren't fit to lead.Duhhhh....?Nice to see you're still speaking your native tongue.
Separation of church and state argument, huh? It has been shredded to death....

Anyway, God fearing individuals shouldn't be excluded from politics. No more than fanatical liberals should be. If you don't agree with a groups politics, defeat them in elections. Duhhhh.......
Then shred it.In your own words.And I never said they should be excluded as an individual from politics.Just their religion.If they can't keep it separate, then they aren't fit to lead.Duhhhh....?Nice to see you're still speaking your native tongue.

That's what I've bean saying all along. Woman should have control over their own vaginas. Just not their wombs. If they can't keep them separate, then they shouldn't copulate. Duhhhh.......... (I do it for you; when in Rome......)
Sorry to butt in, but what does god have to do with other peoples abortions? If you believe that abortion is murder, then by all means, don't get one..
Men should have control over their penises. Just not their testicles. It's not the penis that's the problem, it's the sperm. If they wouldn't ejaculate viable sperm, there'd be no problem. So henceforth, only men who can control the viability of their sperm will be allowed to have sex.

Yours truly,
The Government

Might as well address the problem at the source, if we're going to be giving the government control over our organs. Assume control at the source, don't assume control down the line at the womb, that just doesn't make sense.
Since when is anything in another person's body subject to control by you or any other institution?Birth control is not 100 percent effective, and its pretty obvious abstinence doesn't work.Of course, men can do their part and wear a condom.But in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, its the woman's choice.You obviously aren't pro life.You're anti woman.
That's what I've bean saying all along. Woman should have control over their own vaginas. Just not their wombs. If they can't keep them separate, then they shouldn't copulate. Duhhhh.......... (I do it for you; when in Rome......)
Sorry to butt in, but what does god have to do with other peoples abortions? If you believe that abortion is murder, then by all means, don't get one..

Being not religious and having little problem with early term abortion, although I would never participate, despite the fact I don't have a womb, I agree.
Men should have control over their penises. Just not their testicles. It's not the penis that's the problem, it's the sperm. If they wouldn't ejaculate viable sperm, there'd be no problem. So henceforth, only men who can control the viability of their sperm will be allowed to have sex.

Yours truly,
The Government

Might as well address the problem at the source, if we're going to be giving the government control over our organs. Assume control at the source, don't assume control down the line at the womb, that just doesn't make sense.

I wrote something really raunchy, but hilarious, but thought better with the new rules and all.....damn rules. It was an "orifice clause"......
since when is anything in another person's body subject to control by you or any other institution?birth control is not 100 percent effective, and its pretty obvious abstinence doesn't work.of course, men can do their part and wear a condom.but in the event of an unwanted pregnancy, its the woman's choice.you obviously aren't pro life.you're anti woman.

palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin!
Life starts at conception and states should dictate their own state policy on abortion, via referendum. Simple stuff really.

Not quite simple, but not a bad start.

Would that make a woman who leaves the state to get an abortion a criminal if she returns?

Since murder is not confined by a statute of limitations, would women who've had abortions in the past be tried retroactively?

Would the state have the right to go through medical records to search for past abortions, or those at risk of having an abortion?

What would be the punishment for an abortion, and who exactly would be charged? The doctor? The woman? Both?

The penalty for murder is life imprisonment or execution. Do you really condone executing doctors for a medical procedure, or underage girls?

What about people below the poverty line? Will the state provide a way for them to leave the state? Or will it bribe women to have their children?

What about women that are caught trying to get an abortion? Will they be jailed and forced to give birth?
Not quite simple, but not a bad start.

Would that make women who leaves the state to get an abortion a criminal if she returns?

Are you going to be prosecuted in your home state if you go to Vegas and gamble, even if your state doesn't permit gambling?

Since murder is not confined by a statute of limitations, would women who've had abortions in the past be tried retroactively?

A statute would have to be adopted by the state and then upheld by the Supreme Court. What do you think?

Would the state have the right to go through medical records to search for past abortions, or those at risk of having an abortion?


What would be the punishment for an abortion, and who exactly would be charged? The doctor? The woman? Both?

Death by hanging. Both.

The penalty for murder is life imprisonment or execution. Do you really condone executing doctors for a medical procedure, or underage girls?

Absolutely. The infidels must be martyred.

What about people below the poverty line? Will the state provide a way for them to leave the state? Or will it bribe women to have their children?

They should be forced to have abortions after the first child. China comes to mind as a sterling example.

What about women that are caught trying to get an abortion? Will they jailed and forced to give birth?

Death by hanging. Both.