The Holocaust

That must be a terrible shock to the GIs.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but at all the concentration camps (even the non-death camps), there were horrible conditions with many people on the brink of death when liberated. Also, there were about 80 million total deaths in WW2, so I don't think much could shock the GI's at that point.

Also, civilians killed were about 55 Million, so if you consider 6 million Jews killed in Holocaust that would be about 10% of civilians. So, in short war is pretty horrific. Also, the winners do write history, like how we consider it today so noble to drop nukes on Japan, when vast majority of deaths were civilians.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but at all the concentration camps (even the non-death camps), there were horrible conditions with many people on the brink of death when liberated. Also, there were about 80 million total deaths in WW2, so I don't think much could shock the GI's at that point.
But you would be wrong. You must be used to this though.

"They pointed to a long building which was about two stories high, and butted up tightly to the chimney. It had two barn-like doors on either end of the building we were looking at, and the doors were standing open. We turned and walked back to the building where we found others from our company, along with some of the prisoners milling around in the space between the bodies and the building. We moved gently through those people, through the doors and felt the warmth immediately. Not far from the doors, and parallel to the front of the building, there was a brick wall, solid to the top of the building. In the wall were small openings fitted with iron doors. Those doors were a little more than two feet wide and about two and a half feet high; the tops of the doors had curved shapes much like the entrances to churches. Those iron doors were in sets, three high. There must have been more than ten of those sets, extending down that brick wall. Most of the doors were closed, but down near the middle a few stood open. Heavy metal trays had been pulled out of those openings, and on those trays were partially burned bodies. On one tray was a skull partially burned through, with a hole in the top; other trays held partially disintegrated arms and legs. It appeared that those trays could hold three bodies at a time. And the odor, my God, the odor.

I had enough. I couldn’t take it any more. I left the building with Bill and Tim close behind me. As we passed through the door someone from the company said, “the crematorium.” Until then I had no idea what a crematorium was." Harry J. Herder Jr.
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But you would be wrong. You must be used to this though.

"They pointed to a long building which was about two stories high, and butted up tightly to the chimney. It had two barn-like doors on either end of the building we were looking at, and the doors were standing open. We turned and walked back to the building where we found others from our company, along with some of the prisoners milling around in the space between the bodies and the building. We moved gently through those people, through the doors and felt the warmth immediately. Not far from the doors, and parallel to the front of the building, there was a brick wall, solid to the top of the building. In the wall were small openings fitted with iron doors. Those doors were a little more than two feet wide and about two and a half feet high; the tops of the doors had curved shapes much like the entrances to churches. Those iron doors were in sets, three high. There must have been more than ten of those sets, extending down that brick wall. Most of the doors were closed, but down near the middle a few stood open. Heavy metal trays had been pulled out of those openings, and on those trays were partially burned bodies. On one tray was a skull partially burned through, with a hole in the top; other trays held partially disintegrated arms and legs. It appeared that those trays could hold three bodies at a time. And the odor, my God, the odor.

I had enough. I couldn’t take it any more. I left the building with Bill and Tim close behind me. As we passed through the door someone from the company said, “the crematorium.” Until then I had no idea what a crematorium was." Harry J. Herder Jr.
how does this prove me wrong?
I dont believe any jews were gassed. To many speilturd videos of survivors that tell a totally different story. To many living jewish survivors telling a different story too.My family tells me jews in ym family died in so called holocaust. I bet some of my italia n family did too. But gassed. No way do i believe that . Of coarse your going to find a bunch of jews that pull the line for the zionist .Shit , this l;ady just got put in prison for questioning the holocaust. When governements make denying even questioning an event i call bullshit ! Holocaust believers can believe what you want . i politely agree to disagree.
I dont believe any jews were gassed. To many speilturd videos of survivors that tell a totally different story. To many living jewish survivors telling a different story too.My family tells me jews in ym family died in so called holocaust. I bet some of my italia n family did too. But gassed. No way do i believe that . Of coarse your going to find a bunch of jews that pull the line for the zionist .Shit , this l;ady just got put in prison for questioning the holocaust. When governements make denying even questioning an event i call bullshit ! Holocaust believers can believe what you want . i politely agree to disagree.

There was nothing fucking 'polite' about WW II and the holocaust. There was nothing fucking 'polite' about the Russians losing 27 million people from a multi year German invasion force.

Just because you weren't there doesn't mean it didn't happen.

The dumbing down just rolls on...pathetic. I knew people who were there. Your lies shit all over them.

You suck.
Hollywood Hoax... There wasnt even 6 million jews in the world... since Zionist own all the media... print, tv and radio.. it was beyond easy to tell their own Hollywood version of what took place...

Zionist Jews are experts at reversing the truth about history and portraying themselves as the ultimate victim...

Just because u saw a bunch of Zionist Hollywood Oscar winning movies about WW2 doesnt make them truth lol ..

Germany was the biggest victim of WW2 .. followed by China and Russia.. all 3 which never pull the victim card and try to remove a indigenous group from the face of Earth aka Palestine
Hollywood Hoax... There wasnt even 6 million jews in the world... since Zionist own all the media... print, tv and radio.. it was beyond easy to tell their own Hollywood version of what took place...

Zionist Jews are experts at reversing the truth about history and portraying themselves as the ultimate victim...

Just because u saw a bunch of Zionist Hollywood Oscar winning movies about WW2 doesnt make them truth lol ..

Germany was the biggest victim of WW2 .. followed by China and Russia.. all 3 which never pull the victim card and try to remove a indigenous group from the face of Earth aka Palestine

Are all the 296 posts by you as equally moronic?
There was nothing fucking 'polite' about WW II and the holocaust. There was nothing fucking 'polite' about the Russians losing 27 million people from a multi year German invasion force.

Just because you weren't there doesn't mean it didn't happen.

The dumbing down just rolls on...pathetic. I knew people who were there. Your lies shit all over them.

You suck.
lol . being this is a pot forum your right. i suck alot. Everyday. lol,. More putting words in my mouth i didnt say. lol. Like the war didnt happen and it poilite . to funny. you mean world war isnt warm and fuzzy ? lol .Man , whew baby. whats funny to me about this forum at times is ya cnat even politely disagree now. Nazitime is here. lol, Has to be all out bulshit catfight that dotn accomplish shit. How sophmoric !
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* you're

try not to sound the rest of your antisemitic dead head friends.

and yes, you do suck...probably a lot, probably everyday, definitely here.

lol, why not ? i'm remedial as fuck. lol. Gotta go to school to be Dont pull that antisemietic bullshit on me , lol. Trix are for kids. this aint romper room.
plus , how do you know i dont know how to spell. Maybe i do it on purpose for shallow superficial peoples bennefit. lol . alot funner than blocking others post that i dont agree with.
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lol, why not ? i'm remedial as fuck. lol. Gotta go to school to be Dont pull that antisemietic bullshit on me , lol. Trix are for kids. this aint romper room.
plus , how do you know i dont know how to spell. Maybe i do it on purpose for shallow superficial peoples bennefit. lol .

Or maybe *YOU'RE* just a little slow.
iirc, of the 6 death/holocaust camps that existed, they were all liberated by Soviet Union. So I don't think US vets would have seen the death camps?
The Soviets liberated more camps than us, certainly, but US soldiers liberated Buchenwald and Dachau, as well as a few lesser known ones.
What do you think about people who compare Palestine today to Nazi concentration camps 75 years ago ?
I think those people are probably misinformed about both the Holocaust (Remember that Hamas' official stance is that the Holocaust did not happen [convenient they forget that since the Grand Mufti of Palestine was a willing accomplice of Hitler], a stance shared by many of their supporters like oswizzle and lots of BDS shitheads) and about the history and current situation in both Israel and Palestine. They all conveniently forget that Israel pulled out of Gaza and left 3,000 Greenhouses to provide food (Not really the earmark of Nazi behavior), which were promptly looted and completely dismantled so that Hamas could build the network of tunnels (that led to the current flame up in the conflict) while allowing their own population to starve.
Or maybe *YOU'RE* just a little slow.

well , i have learning disabilities and cheyen strokes and alzeihmerisms from m.s.a. , your damn right im slow. but not stupid ! my jewish lawer and dr cant compete with my 78 i.q. lol. Seams i gotta do thier jobs for them. lmao. and all while having a payee for a reason. lol. funny , i get the feeling responces are really not about the holocaust. lol. Man , i guess my pop being called "kike " and getting in fights all the time as a youth just makes a person antisemetic. Never mind that euro jews are not even semetic to begine with. lol. Youy know , there are plenty of real jew haters. i'm not one of them !
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I dont believe any jews were gassed. To many speilturd videos of survivors that tell a totally different story. To many living jewish survivors telling a different story too.My family tells me jews in ym family died in so called holocaust. I bet some of my italia n family did too. But gassed. No way do i believe that . Of coarse your going to find a bunch of jews that pull the line for the zionist .Shit , this l;ady just got put in prison for questioning the holocaust. When governements make denying even questioning an event i call bullshit ! Holocaust believers can believe what you want . i politely agree to disagree.
Please join oswizzle in killing yourself at the soonest possible convenience.