The Holocaust

They all conveniently forget that Israel pulled out of Gaza and left 3,000 Greenhouses to provide food (Not really the earmark of Nazi behavior), which were promptly looted and completely dismantled so that Hamas could build the network of tunnels (that led to the current flame up in the conflict) while allowing their own population to starve.
Why did they need to loot greenhouses to build tunnels?
Hollywood Hoax... There wasnt even 6 million jews in the world... since Zionist own all the media... print, tv and radio.. it was beyond easy to tell their own Hollywood version of what took place...

Zionist Jews are experts at reversing the truth about history and portraying themselves as the ultimate victim...

Just because u saw a bunch of Zionist Hollywood Oscar winning movies about WW2 doesnt make them truth lol ..

Germany was the biggest victim of WW2 .. followed by China and Russia.. all 3 which never pull the victim card and try to remove a indigenous group from the face of Earth aka Palestine

Humanity itself is always the biggest victim in a war.

I bet there are Americans who disliked other American soldiers and given the chance would have gotten along with some of the Germans, Japanese et al they killed and vice versa.

The idea that people will blindly follow orders to kill people they don't even know is an indictment of nationalism and shows just how sheepish indoctrinated people can become.
No telling really the side that wins writes the history books. He could have never had an issue with the Jews for all we know but Hitler isn't alive to tell us. Majority of the history is a bunch of bullshit because the side that wins writes the history. No doubt WW2 happened but it very well could have been fought against globalization on the German side after all the world basically split into two parties like the American government NATO on one side Soviet Union on the other now more like Russia, China, North Korea and many other countries.

Both sides are pro globalization NWO they are just a little different like our Democrats and Republicans. Both anti drugs both tax the people both fuck the people while a select few live like kings. East West left right same damn thing. Hitler may have very well been a freedom fighter and not some Jew killing monster we have been lead to believe.

Che was a freedom fighter to many history says otherwise but one thing for sure he turned on Castro and that makes me think he might have been a great man but he was killed before we could see his plan.

But yeah, if Hitler was just a Jew killing monster then he was a piece of shit. But can you really get an army behind you when you are murdering children because they have Jewish blood?

But we will never know the truth Hitler may have even survived the war at least their is a conspiracy and the FBI definitely did look for him after his supposed death.

I agree with some of this, but what I really like is that you actually think about things and don't just parrot mainstream media. Cheers.
Humanity itself is always the biggest victim in a war.

I bet there are Americans who disliked other American soldiers and given the chance would have gotten along with some of the Germans, Japanese et al they killed and vice versa.

The idea that people will blindly follow orders to kill people they don't even know is an indictment of nationalism and shows just how sheepish indoctrinated people can become.
conscientious objectors
No telling really the side that wins writes the history books. He could have never had an issue with the Jews for all we know but Hitler isn't alive to tell us. Majority of the history is a bunch of bullshit because the side that wins writes the history. No doubt WW2 happened but it very well could have been fought against globalization on the German side after all the world basically split into two parties like the American government NATO on one side Soviet Union on the other now more like Russia, China, North Korea and many other countries.

Both sides are pro globalization NWO they are just a little different like our Democrats and Republicans. Both anti drugs both tax the people both fuck the people while a select few live like kings. East West left right same damn thing. Hitler may have very well been a freedom fighter and not some Jew killing monster we have been lead to believe.

Che was a freedom fighter to many history says otherwise but one thing for sure he turned on Castro and that makes me think he might have been a great man but he was killed before we could see his plan.

But yeah, if Hitler was just a Jew killing monster then he was a piece of shit. But can you really get an army behind you when you are murdering children because they have Jewish blood?

But we will never know the truth Hitler may have even survived the war at least their is a conspiracy and the FBI definitely did look for him after his supposed death.
Either you're retarded or you actually didn't know that Hitler wrote his own book. Mein Kampf is not some history book written by Americans, it was written by Hitler and was still being published and sold when he was in power. We have an entire book about his issue with Jews. So for you to think that "He could have never had an issue with Jews" is fucking stupid. Hitler was a Jew hating, Jew killing monster, and yes he rallied an entire country around a race-based ideology that cast Jews as the ultimate villain and source of literally every societal problem he could think of. You are fucking stupid for thinking that there is any ambiguity about it. And for you to equate NATO and Russia, China, and NK, is almost as insane. Kim Jong Un is an unscrupulous, brutal, retarded abortion of a leader, and people like Putin who support and enable dictators like him are just as bad, they're just marginally smarter and thus able to disguise it. You really need to stop reading and get your news from somewhere that isn't pure propaganda.
ok, I'm still not following :) Why did they need to demolish the greenhouse to build tunnels?
You'd have to ask them. Perhaps the infrastructure of the greenhouses penetrated too deeply into the ground to allow tunnels to be dug underneath, maybe the tunnels wouldn't have supported the additional weight, maybe they just wanted to demolish them for the hell of it so that people couldn't point to them as a good thing Israel had done. All I know is that that is what they did, I can't tell you why they thought it was necessary. But the facts are that they demolished 3,000 working greenhouses and built an extensive network of tunnels where they used to be.
No, it goes past that. Religion is the biggest evil. The abrahamic ones especially...

This post is an excerpt from Larken Rose’s new book, The Most Dangerous Superstition.

The Religion of “Government” (TMDS pp. 28-32.)

“Government” is neither a scientific concept nor a rational sociological construct; nor is it a logical, practical method of human organization and cooperation. The belief in “government” is not based on reason; it is based on faith. In truth, the belief in “government” is a religion, made up of a set of dogmatic teachings, irrational doctrines which fly in the face of both evidence and logic, and which are methodically memorized and repeated by the faithful. Like other religions, the gospel of “government” describes a superhuman, supernatural entity, above mere mortals, which issues commandments to the peasantry, for whom unquestioning obedience is a moral imperative. Disobedience to the commandments (“breaking the law”) is viewed as a sin, and the faithful delight in the punishment of the infidels and sinners (“criminals”), while at the same time taking great pride in their own loyalty and humble subservience to their god (as “law-abiding taxpayers”) And while the mortals may humbly beg their lord for favors, and for permission to do certain things, it is considered blasphemous and outrageous for one of the lowly peasants to imagine himself to be fit to decide which of the “government” god’s “laws” he should follow and which it is okay for him to ignore. Their mantra is, “You can work to try to change the law, but as long as it’s the law, we all have to follow it!”
The main factor distinguishing the belief in “government” from other religions today is that people actually believe in the god called “government.” The other gods people claim to believe in, and the churches they attend, are now, by comparison, little more than empty rituals and half-heartedly parroted superstitions. When it comes to their everyday lives, the god that people actually pray to, to save them from misfortune, to smite their enemies, and to shower them with blessings, is “government.” It is “government” whose commandments the people most often respect and obey. Whenever a conflict arises between “government” and the teachings of the lesser gods — such as “pay your fair share” (taxation) versus “Thou shalt not steal,” or “duty to country” (military service) versus “Thou shalt not murder” — the commands of “government supersede all the teachings of the other religions. Politicians, the high priests of the church of “government” — the mouthpieces and representatives of “government,” who deliver the sacred “law” from on high — even openly declare that it is permissible for the people to practice whatever religion they wish, as long as they do not run afoul of the supreme religion by disobeying “the law” — meaning the dictates of the god called “government.”

Perhaps most telling is that if you suggest to the average person that maybe God does not exist, he will likely respond with less emotion and hostility than if you bring up the idea of life without “government.” This indicates which religion people are more deeply emotionally attached to, and which religion they actually believe in more firmly. In fact, they believe so deeply in “government” that they do not even recognize it as being a belief at all. The reason so many people respond to the idea of a stateless society (“anarchy”) with insults, apocalyptic predictions and emotional tantrums, rather than with calm reasoning, is because their belief in “government” is not the result of careful, rational consideration of evidence and logic. It is, in every way, a religious faith, believed only because of prolonged indoctrination. And there is almost nothing which state-worshipers find more existentially terrifying than contemplating the possibility that “government” — their savior and protector, teacher and master — does not actually exist, and never did.