dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1


Well-Known Member
I think kratom might be banned in the u.k as i had to get it online of and in the dam.
you dont see it in petrol stations unlike the "spice" or k4 or mamba wich has 1000s of different packets of fake ultra strong sprayed chemical weed wich was everywere in the u.k a 0.1 will blow your nuts off.
its now banned over here a few weeks ago.never tried the spice but it looks awful like meth and ultra addictive.think its flooding the states now try it at your peril...


Well-Known Member
i'm not all that familiar with kratom stoned, other than what i read on here and around the web for the most part, but have never tried it like i said in the op, but was curious after reading your post, but is kratom something that one could order seeds from online and grow at home like pretty much a ton of other plants? i've never really heard of anyone growing their own kratom plants, i usually just hear of people ordering the powder end product from an online vendor and using it that way.. was just curious after your post is all..
i do know that you can order and buy salvia plants online rather easily, and they're not too hard to grow.. i've had one in the past, but i'm so not a fan of salvia, i never really did much with it.. damn, it's times like these that i really miss roryrory420.
No. seeds are not that viable. You can get cuttings. It is a tree in the coffee family.

It is decent stuff. Some can speed you up and some slow you down.


Well-Known Member
As far as i know its a brown powder in high dose gives u a up head and low dose gives u downer head,it says on side of the bottle.
mine says 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach do not take more than 8 caps in 24 hours like i said before ive done this with 3 caps and i can see were people are getting sick cause its not strong enough and they are probably trying to take more and more to get more fucked up but it just only gets u so chilled and this brand is the low chill effect...i call it baliwood


Well-Known Member
mine says 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach do not take more than 8 caps in 24 hours like i said before ive done this with 3 caps and i can see were people are getting sick cause its not strong enough and they are probably trying to take more and more to get more fucked up but it just only gets u so chilled and this brand is the low chill effect...i call it baliwood
View attachment 3773597
Thanks. Trim your nails.


Well-Known Member
I know it helped with my opiate wds....I can Imagine with no tolerance you'll get a nice buzz
That right there is probably why it's now illegal think of how much business the methadone clinics and Suboxone doctors would miss out on if people knew Kratom works better for withdrawals.

Much like Iboga which is illegal in America and is not a recreational drug but it will make you kick heroin with a single high dose.

Methadone and Suboxone are both worse for withdrawals then heroin itself and I happen to know people who have been on that shit for must be over 5 years by now. The DEA don't want us drug free they will lose their fucking jobs. Lol


Well-Known Member
mine says 1-2 capsules on an empty stomach do not take more than 8 caps in 24 hours like i said before ive done this with 3 caps and i can see were people are getting sick cause its not strong enough and they are probably trying to take more and more to get more fucked up but it just only gets u so chilled and this brand is the low chill effect...i call it baliwood
View attachment 3773597
You from Vegas ? That's where the urban ice is made so I'm just wonderin


Well-Known Member
That right there is probably why it's now illegal think of how much business the methadone clinics and Suboxone doctors would miss out on if people knew Kratom works better for withdrawals.

Much like Iboga which is illegal in America and is not a recreational drug but it will make you kick heroin with a single high dose.

Methadone and Suboxone are both worse for withdrawals then heroin itself and I happen to know people who have been on that shit for must be over 5 years by now. The DEA don't want us drug free they will lose their fucking jobs. Lol
I wouldnt say it works better for wd then subs...not by a long shot, but it will help ease them you'll still be sick tho, with subs you'll go from full blown wd curled up in a ball sweating and puking to going to the store to pick up dinner in a hour
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Well-Known Member
And not to mention to use krantom for heroin wd you'll have to use to much that it might actually end up being more expensive then dope...a 8mg sun a day it will only cost you 180-200 a month, that's less than a weeks worth of dope..shot less than a couple days for some people...I'm not saying subs is a better choice by any means but it should only be used in a short rapid detox like a week...long term sub use is not a good idea imo, if a person can't deal with the week of heroin wds then they have no chance to get through the month of sub withdrawals, then you'll be telling yourself you need dope to cope with the sub wds...fact is there is no silver bullet, you have to want to be done with the shit and just accept your gonna be sick
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Well-Known Member
You from Vegas ? That's where the urban ice is made so I'm just wonderin
actually no im down south close to the Mexico boarder in tx they just happen to be sold here i guess and that crazy i did not think they was even made in usa and now that i have read the back of the package that's were it is made cool man peace!


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt say it works better for wd then subs...not by a long shot, but it will help ease them you'll still be sick tho, with subs you'll go from full blown wd curled up in a ball sweating and puking to going to the store to pick up dinner in a hour
Until you stop taking the sub's then you will withdrawal from that.


Well-Known Member
And not to mention to use krantom for heroin wd you'll have to use to much that it might actually end up being more expensive then dope...a 8mg sun a day it will only cost you 180-200 a month, that's less than a weeks worth of dope..shot less than a couple days for some people...I'm not saying subs is a better choice by any means but it should only be used in a short rapid detox like a week...long term sub use is not a good idea imo, if a person can't deal with the week of heroin wds then they have no chance to get through the month of sub withdrawals, then you'll be telling yourself you need dope to cope with the sub wds...fact is there is no silver bullet, you have to want to be done with the shit and just accept your gonna be sick
Actually their is a so called silver bullet but it's illegal Iboga is supposed to stop withdrawals and make you not even want to do heroin again. They have clinics in other countries that give addicts Ibogaine supposed to work great but it's schedule 1 in America.


Well-Known Member
Actually their is a so called silver bullet but it's illegal Iboga is supposed to stop withdrawals and make you not even want to do heroin again. They have clinics in other countries that give addicts Ibogaine supposed to work great but it's schedule 1 in America.
I know a chick who went to Mexico of ibogaine treatment, ultimately she's back on dope, she did say the wds weren't to bad but your still gonna go through some pain, that's just the way it is...and mind you how bad it is is subjective, what might be bareable to one person could be excruciating and uncomfortable for another
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Well-Known Member
Kratom is nothing short of a miracle drug for many people including myself, Sure it has side effects but so does anything else. At the end of the day it's about picking whats right for yourself, not letting someone else make that choice.

they have no real proof that kratom is any more dangerous than coffee or the bag it comes in, But theirs a ton of documented evidence that it's beneficial for many people/conditions.

By outlawing this drug the government is pushing hundreds of thousands of people back on the drugs that they have escaped addiction from, This is just what America need's right now.

Please Sign the Petitions The first one being most important , And contact all relevant agency's.




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Thank You


Well-Known Member
No. seeds are not that viable. You can get cuttings. It is a tree in the coffee family.

It is decent stuff. Some can speed you up and some slow you down.

Their are viable seed's their just rare and expensive ( The plant needs a true almost 100% dark period to produce viable seeds)

Try sagewisdom they currently have them is stock for 10 for 60$ I believe


Well-Known Member
Their are viable seed's their just rare and expensive ( The plant needs a true almost 100% dark period to produce viable seeds)

Try sagewisdom they currently have them is stock for 10 for 60$ I believe
Doubtful. Most seeds are not viable. That's the general consensus online.

I don't doubt they sell them. I doubt them being viable.

Have you sprouted or grown any?.