dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1

A little editorializing in it, but it paints an accurate picture of how business uses the American Federal Government to serve its own ends, utterly disregarding the needs of the population it speedily serves.

The EpiPen scandal is recent enough for those who care to draw the same conclusion and there are surely many more.

Corporate money and power must not influence government policy or tyranny is the result.
Good article.

Orrin Hatch argued AGAINST putting kratom on schedule 1? My goodness, wonders never cease!

Surprised me too, I wonder if enough people are finally waking up to the fact that the DEA is not always right. The fact that marijuana is schedule 1 has always blown my mind and lead me to question if other drugs are also on the list just because.

Side note: I'm not sure the DEA is ever right or if they have ever been right. I've never lived without the DEA.
Surprised me too, I wonder if enough people are finally waking up to the fact that the DEA is not always right. The fact that marijuana is schedule 1 has always blown my mind and lead me to question if other drugs are also on the list just because.

Side note: I'm not sure the DEA is ever right or if they have ever been right. I've never lived without the DEA.

The pharmaceutical industry calls the shots for the DEA. This is why they have no credibility.
i'm not all that familiar with kratom stoned, other than what i read on here and around the web for the most part, but have never tried it like i said in the op, but was curious after reading your post, but is kratom something that one could order seeds from online and grow at home like pretty much a ton of other plants? i've never really heard of anyone growing their own kratom plants, i usually just hear of people ordering the powder end product from an online vendor and using it that way.. was just curious after your post is all..
i do know that you can order and buy salvia plants online rather easily, and they're not too hard to grow.. i've had one in the past, but i'm so not a fan of salvia, i never really did much with it.. damn, it's times like these that i really miss roryrory420.
what happened to rory420420? That guy had some great knowledge.
It's much more complicated than that and oharma (these are all individual comoamies) doesn't operate according to it's own will much of the time
If that was a knock at Obama it's pointless and narrow-sighted, this sickness has infected the industry for a substantially longer time than the last 7 years.. More appropriately directed at those formerly involved with the FDA, now most of them board members or the like for various pharma companies.
If that was a knock at Obama it's pointless and narrow-sighted, this sickness has infected the industry for a substantially longer time than the last 7 years.. More appropriately directed at those formerly involved with the FDA, now most of them board members or the like for various pharma companies.

Umm no
Obama wasn't anywhere near my train of thought
That kinda threw me lol
Umm no
Obama wasn't anywhere near my train of thought
Lol, I wasn't sure bro, I didn't think so, but I was referring to the "oharma" bit. Sound just lacking enough in whit to be a well trot conservative talking point. Right up there with Obama is a Muslim born outside the US, haha.
This is a small piece of my viewpoint.. Given my career in pharma I guess I am biased and defend to an extent

I've posted this before but I like my posts so much I'll throw it up again
(i don't feel like typing alit)

Merck, the maker of Vioxx, publicly announced its voluntary withdrawal of Vioxx from the global market on September 30, 2004. In 2005, advisory panels in both the US and Canada encouraged the return of Vioxx to the market, stating that Vioxx's benefits outweighed the risks for somepatients. The FDA advisory panel voted 17-15 to allow the drug to return to the market despite being found to increase heart risk. The vote in Canada was 12-1, and the Canadianpanel noted that the cardiovascular risks from Vioxx seemed to be no worse than those from ibuprofen.

Notwithstanding these recommendations, Merck has not returned Vioxx to the market

Vioxx was the primary suspect in 4,540 deaths, in the 6 years it was on the market

In comparison, the amphetamines, including adderall and ritalin accounted for less than 200 deaths in a longer time frame.

tylenol, acetaminophen, kills about 75% less, widely distributed and actually used to prevent drug abuse.

Theres something wrong with this picture...cannadians, what are you thinking?

Last edited: Jul 1, 2015

People always like to spout "big pharma" which ironically one doesnt hear in the industry, not till you come on the internets and crappy news is that word or phrase heard..
What i like about this case, and there are plenty more. The maker of the drug pulled it back and did so despite the "govt" not wanting it too, lol at that too, "govt". I understand some people have an irrational loathing ofpharmaceutical companies, but they actually arent out to get you, or treat and not cure or blah blah blah.
Its damb frustrating. Someone earlier was saying how they even despised the people who make vaccinations.
These people dedicate their lives to improving yours. We as a species are not perfect, we do not have a full understanding of most things, and can only do so much. But they're trying. Then to get a large majority of the population basically slapping them in the face is sickening to me

Rant bad

July 1 2015
Dann old post
Alright bro it's like..Monsanto.. You can't argue with the fact they feed a vast majority of the world's population. But someone with a conscious can argue against their methodology in at least some cases.
Some . of course
My point was really that nothing is so black and white as I felt Yoda was saying. Its quite a complex subject and unless you actually work in the industry it is very much a foreign topic with most hidden from the large public
I would argue that's like any industry. It's most real to the lower level workers, whom feel it the most. But the upper echelon that call the shots or in some cases rig the game are largely immune to it's effects.

Auto workers in Detroit hit hard with market change (fuel, type-demand, etc), meanwhile CEOs taking home nice lofty profits in spite of such changes.
If anyone is interested, the Dea seems to have recanted at least for the time being. It is supposed that the natural cure or herbal supplement industry lobbied.

But the Dea is calling for citizens, input. The sort of reminder do me of kava. When the kava vendors and producers saw they had a viable business they set about guaranteed that kava would not come under scrutiny. They set up a lobby g group and some sort of public relations preemptively.

That and an absence of crying mothers set kava in virtual stone.

OH, I'm sure most of the readers are familiar with the "crying mother" effect.

Some stupid teen reads a little bluelight or eroid without bothering to note precautions.

They order some revered and long enjoyed here or chemical and they get themselves killed.

The mother starts a "never again" organization and electd officials see an opportunity. They can crusade for children without incurring the wrath of a voting block or trade group and we get a hasty, stupid law.

Of. Course the crying mom group gets what it was organized for but they like their Saturday afternoon tea and action committee so they just look for a new cause.

Case in point is mothers against drunk driving.

A genuine accomplishment that undoubtedly saves lives through local legislation but that wasn't enough. They figure if. 08 is good, . 00 is better ever thinking that the hospitality and dining industry would be negatively affected if no one can have a beer with lunch or a glass of wine with dinner.

Recall the boy who brewed up a pound of. Poppy seeds without titration his new seed source and stoppe breathing for good.

His mother started an organization that was instrumental in depriving the rest of us from the quiet pleasure of an occasional Poppy pod cup of tea.

Anyway, for. The time being Kratom is ot being acted upon so those with minor addictions can still use themselves off with Kratom and those who are in chroni pain that are for one reason or another deprived of decent pain meds can still garner some relief.

Carry on.
I see is not news. Good, you guys are on top of things. Should have read before I posted.

Let that be a lesson to me.