What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
I lost my boy's pet corn snake.

Then I found it again.

I then did a full clean on snake's terrarium. Fucker can jimmy the latches, perhaps. I'm keeping a close eye on legless Houdini here.

~edit~ Almost surely the fault was mine. The latches are fiddly. I have been checking them hourly. A snake in the glass is worth two in the walls.
I had one of those when I was younger. It too got loose, pushed the screen off the top of the cage. We found it after it went down a heating duct. Cooked the snake and made the house unbearable to be in.


Well-Known Member

First day working after relocating from Nebraska 6 weeks ago (which means 8 weeks since I quit my job)!

Worked 10.5 hours on a new job. Then headed over to Boulder to pickup up some dank live rosin and few supplies for my Blumat system! Only to come home and see thirsty plants requiring an hour of tedious hand-watering. Hooray, lol :hump:

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Well I did work.

Then just been snacking on kangaroo summer sausage, crackers, assorted cheeses while drinking wine from a box.

I also managed to do some cleaning