Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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ireland isn't big enough to cover the entire horizon from that distance. you lose, try again (fucking copycat).

you speak of a drop of 3433. that is a bad ass equation.

3433. no addition, subtraction, multiplication, division...

just 3433. = world is flat.

you lose again, try again dumb fuck. and stop copying me unless you grow a few million brain cells. i don't want you embarrassing me, using my words with your stupidity.

I brought up the mathematics prior to you. So fuck off asshole. secondly, pop into google earth or look at a map and clearly it is big enough, thanks, you lose.

look at the photo I provided, you took this screenshot at over a thousand feet, the elevation in the photo is at 100 feet aprox.
Really? So you are saying bullets can change direction in mid flight, you believe in the magic bullet theory I guess. If you believe that you will believe anything the gubbermint tells you. I understand now. I guess you have to, otherwise you would have to come to the conclusion that your government benefits might be cut off one day. omg, The horror.

Idiot! Computer animation proved a straight line bullet path in 1987, easily made animation considering they had nine 8mm movies to use.

YOU believe evidence ignoring theories. I prefer facts. YOU ignore facts. YOU are brain dead and unable to sort out anything.

How's your Jewish boy friend treating you?
Idiot! Computer animation proved a straight line bullet path in 1987, easily made animation considering they had nine 8mm movies to use.

YOU believe evidence ignoring theories. I prefer facts. YOU ignore facts. YOU are brain dead and unable to sort out anything.

How's your Jewish boy friend treating you?

Yes you believe in computer animation, like all the shit NASA puts out, completely computer animated. Video games are not reality, wake the fuck up!
If the world is flat why haven't we heard about thousands and thousands of deaths from people falling off the edge ....or warning signs on the road near your so called edge ... that say detour edge of earth in one mile to keep innocent people from driving off the edge .......I know why cause if I traveled in a straight line as the crow flies I'd end up rite back where I started without falling into unicorn land.......oh and whenever you make an idiotic post and declare yourself the winner it makes you look even more like the big R word than you already are ....just sayin mellow

This has been explained already, but here goes again, if you go the opposite of north anywhere on the flat circular plane you will come to an ice wall, it etends all the way around the flat plane. Temps reach -150 F. The common man does not know what is
beyond.antarctica blog - ice wall  (1).jpg flatearthmap.jpg
Yes you believe in computer animation, like all the shit NASA puts out, completely computer animated. Video games are not reality, wake the fuck up!

Keep the dumbing down suits your pathetic mindless drivel.

As though you have one shred of evidence about anything from YT. Brain dead. Pull the plug.

How's your well known Jewish boy friend working out? No answer? Too much inner conflict?
I brought up the mathematics prior to you. So fuck off asshole. secondly, pop into google earth or look at a map and clearly it is big enough, thanks, you lose.
first; no mother fucker, I BROUGHT UP MATH, you were simply being a retard. so fuck off child, speak to me when you've passed 6th grade elementary/primary prerequisites. you brought up that gravity doesn't exist, but weight! that shit keeps you down! with zero gravity there would be zero weight. it's ok, some of you have to be failures in order for there to be such a thing as success...

second (secondly is not a word you dumb fuck, and is not used if you don't use the adverb 'first' to begin your ignorant tirade), it most certainly is not. take a look at a globe (a model of the earth). most of the ones made in the last 70 years are pretty fucking accurate. from that distance, if you COULD see ireland (which you cannot) it would be a fucking speck, not a several hundred THOUSAND mile long land mass (not even AUSTRALIA is that fucking big, doi-doi)

thanks! you are a loser, and probably always will be. don't try again, you've been expelled as 'unteachable and unreachable'. don't worry, they give you lots of colorful pills to keep you company in that padded cell that quite probably already has your name on it.
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Keep the dumbing down suits your pathetic mindless drivel.

As though you have one shred of evidence about anything from YT. Brain dead. Pull the plug.

How's your well known Jewish boy friend working out? No answer? Too much inner conflict?
first; no mother fucker, I BROUGHT UP MATH, you were simply being a retard. so fuck off child, speak to me when you've passed 6th grade elementary/primary prerequisites. you brought up that gravity doesn't exist, but weight! that shit keeps you down! with zero gravity there would be zero wait. it's ok, some of you have to be failures in order for there to be such a thing as success...

second (secondly is not a word you dumb fuck, and is not used if you don't use the adverb 'first' to begin your ignorant tirade), it most certainly is not. take a look at a globe (a model of the earth). most of the ones made in the last 70 years are pretty fucking accurate. from that distance, if you COULD see ireland (which you cannot) it would be a fucking speck, not a several hundred THOUSAND mile long land mass (not even AUSTRALIA is that fucking big, doi-doi)

thanks! you are a loser, and probably always will be. don't try again, you've been expelled as 'unteachable and unreachable'. don't worry, they give you lots of colorful pills to keep you company in that padded cell that quite probably already has your name on it.

I've studied it quite extensively, and they claim the female orgasm is a myth.
fify, i know you believe that. of course, you'll have to wait and find out for sure once some poor girl takes pitty on you...
that's what the only girl who has ever seen your penis said to you just before she died from an uncontrollable fit of laughter?
fify, i know you believe that. of course, you'll have to wait and find out for sure once some poor girl takes pitty on you...

that's what the only girl who has ever seen your penis said to you just before she died from an uncontrollable fit of laughter?

Making shit up that I never said is slander and could result in problems for you.
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