Voter ID Laws

I doubt that Google buried this.

that wasn't the question,when a news source is caught manipulating millions of search terms & burrying entire blocks of info at which point do they lose all credibility ?

do a test for a week where every google search u do take a screenshot of the suggested links page,then do a search on Bing using the same phrases & compare results .

you will see exactly how much info google hides & manipulates,for me its the CNN or infowars of search engines.
that wasn't the question,when a news source is caught manipulating millions of search terms & burrying entire blocks of info at which point do they lose all credibility ?

do a test for a week where every google search u do take a screenshot of the suggested links page,then do a search on Bing using the same phrases & compare results .

you will see exactly how much info google hides & manipulates,for me its the CNN or infowars of search engines.


more conspiracy theories from the neo-nazi retard kid. gotta be tough to be so stupid and keep getting duped into believing so much fucktardery.

facebook actually did remove the human element from their news feed. the very next day, trump's army of loyal, racist spambots (read: your co-workers) got a fake news story about their arch-enemy megyn kelly into the feed.

so i can see why you cry about human moderators, they block your agenda of getting fake news and non-facts and retarded neo-nazi conspiracy theories from flooding peoples' screens and getting mixed up with actual news and real facts.

more conspiracy theories from the neo-nazi retard kid. gotta be tough to be so stupid and keep getting duped into believing so much fucktardery.

facebook actually did remove the human element from their news feed. the very next day, trump's army of loyal, racist spambots (read: your co-workers) got a fake news story about their arch-enemy megyn kelly into the feed.

so i can see why you cry about human moderators, they block your agenda of getting fake news and non-facts and retarded neo-nazi conspiracy theories from flooding peoples' screens and getting mixed up with actual news and real facts.


your reading comprehension is of a 3rd grade diaper baby,did u see Facebook in my post ?

no,you dreamed that shit up like a regular zombie woof .

my dog comprehends what he reads better that you do,and he don't shit on the floor like you do,I'll send him to give u lessons on your next day off from work.
See? This is your problem. I never said anything about one voter voting five times. You can't discern facts from fantasy that you choose to believe. You are doomed to ignorance forever.
Yeah, I'm ignorant of why it's OK to suppress the vote while making shit up about voter fraud. Voter fraud on the scale you guys purport didn't happen but you must have heard it somewhere, maybe when you farted? Because you are talking out of your ass.
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Actually I didn`t know that.

Add fool, moron, idiot, dumbass, jumping to conclusions next time double check mutherfucker that wished he knew better.

Yup, I fell for that. I checked and there are more pages saying and proving that`s a lie than pages telling that lie.

Feel free to add more insults, I have no choice but to let them hit.
LOL. Can you learn from this oddball? Like you are gullible and deceived many times over?
So have we found any LEGIT proof of voter fraud?

Before casting your ballot, no. I guess machines break and when polls close, people have to live with that.

After casting your ballot, The Electoral College that is not needed anymore, Yes, it can be looked at as fraud. It`s not needed but it`s still in play. 17 States can overrule the will of 33 others, A popular vote would be much different. All would have equal say. As it stands now, they don`t.

I Electoral college. 1.png
that wasn't the question,when a news source is caught manipulating millions of search terms & burrying entire blocks of info at which point do they lose all credibility ?

do a test for a week where every google search u do take a screenshot of the suggested links page,then do a search on Bing using the same phrases & compare results .

you will see exactly how much info google hides & manipulates,for me its the CNN or infowars of search engines.
Dude they arent hiding anything they are feeding you the idiot shit that you demand. Gtfoh
Yeah, I'm ignorant of why it's OK to suppress the vote while making shit up about voter fraud. Voter fraud on the scale you guys purport didn't happen but you must have heard it somewhere, maybe when you farted? Because you are talking out of your ass.
So show me this vast voter suppression you claim exists.
I only commented on the 0.07% of CONVICTIONS one of your ilk provided while trying to portray it as the total of all fraud. So, yeah, you are ignorant, or a willful liar.
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It`s not needed, it`s no longer fair and they keep it. I`d call that fraud on both of the only two Party`s
I agree to it not being a fair system. However, looking at it by states doesn't make sense either. It's based on population. Why should North Dakota and California have the same pull? Or Texas and Delaware? It should go MORE in the direction of population based and LESS state based.
Before casting your ballot, no. I guess machines break and when polls close, people have to live with that.

After casting your ballot, The Electoral College that is not needed anymore, Yes, it can be looked at as fraud. It`s not needed but it`s still in play. 17 States can overrule the will of 33 others, A popular vote would be much different. All would have equal say. As it stands now, they don`t.

I View attachment 3774403
And this is the post I meant to quote, lol. And I do agree it should be a popular vote. But how would a FEDERAL election system work? Imagine the fighting and crying then? We can't leave it's control to congress that's for sure.
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So show me this vast voter suppression you claim exists.
I only commented on the 0.07% of CONVICTIONS one of your ilk provided while trying to portray it as the total of all fraud. So, yeah, you are ignorant, or a willful liar.
You can't read and so I'll post a couple of videos showing GOP leadership bragging how voter ID will help their candidate win with some text to fill in your gaps of understanding this issue::

The really revealing thing about that (last) clip and the clip of what Congressman Grothman said last night is the fact that neither the Congressman nor Representative Turzai even bothered to mention voter fraud as the so-called reason for passing voter ID laws.

They just went straight ahead and said that voter suppression laws are about winning elections.

The reason they did this, of course, is that voter fraud is just a canard.

It's a lie made up by Republicans to justify their unconstitutional and undemocratic war on democracy.

In fact, a recent study out of Loyola University found just 31 credible cases of voter fraud out of more than a billion ballots cast in the decade-and-a-half between 2000 and 2014.

You're more than 100 times more likely to get struck by lightning than you are to see voter fraud in the wild.

And here's the thing -- while voter fraud itself is for all intents and purposes a myth, the effects of voter suppression are quite real.

A new study out of the University of California at San Diego, for example, found that the turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in states with voter ID suppression laws jumped from 2.3 to 5.6 percentage points after those voter ID laws went into effect.

There is no debate.

Voter ID suppression laws are about one thing and one thing alone: keeping Democrats away from the polls so Republicans can win. And, in that regard, they work.

Even Republicans will admit that when you catch them on the right day.

Here is a link to a the published UC San Diego study:

Abstract The proliferation of increasingly strict voter identification laws around the country has raised concerns about voter suppression and inequality. Although there are lots of reasons to suspect that these laws could harm groups like racial minorities and the poor, existing studies have generally failed to demonstrate a link between voter ID laws and voter turnout among these groups. We question these null effects. We argue that because most of the studies occurred before states enacted the strictest photo identification requirements, they tend to uncover few effects. Focusing on the validated vote in recent elections using the Cooperative Congressional Election Study we are able to offer a more definitive test. The analysis shows that strict photo identification laws have a differentially negative impact on the turnout of Hispanics, Blacks, and mixed-race Americans in primaries and general elections. Voter ID laws skew democracy in favor of whites and those on the political right.
And this is the post I meant to quote, lol. And I do agree it should be a popular vote. But how would a FEDERAL election system work? Imagine the fighting and crying then? We can't leave it's control to congress that's for sure.

That`s a good Question. But I think it should not include machines. Maybe a 50 Governor panel should hack it out after taking suggestion or votes from their State`s .
I know many states with conservative governments had put in place voter id laws. I have heard the "reasons" for these and have a hard time believing their need. More important, why are these same states making it harder to gain the needed ID?

I live in a voter ID state, WI. I had to renew my DL this week. So there is ONE DMV in 40 mile radius, 3 in a 75 mile radius. The one that is closest is open 8-5 Tue & Th. Other two are same hours, M-F.

So if you work a normal job with 8-5 hours, how are you going to get this done?
I suppose "on your lunch hour" is reasonable. Or is it?
I went to the closest.
Just to RENEW my DL took 90 min. Paperwork was ready, had everything I needed. I asked the guy at the counter if this was normal. He said that it was actually very fast because they were having a good day. Said to get an Id from scratch takes several hours IF the person has the proper paperwork, which he said is unusual. So it takes some people MORE than one trip to gain this id.
And my area is by far one of the better ones in the state. Some places to the west and north have dmvs that are only open 1 or 2 days a month.

The only voter fraud I know for a fact that has occurred in this state has happened in the legislature. Several times our lawmakers have been caught voting for other members who are absent. This was documented by John Oliver awhile back.

Explain to me the real reason for voter id. If it is really to "protect" our elections, then show me the fraud.
Shouldn't we want as many as possible to participate in our elections?

And if you agree with Paul Weyrich, and you don't think everyone should be able to vote, have the balls to say it and explain.
Welcome to being an adult. If you don't like it, don't drive on public roads, don't buy alcohol legally, vote, etc. Back in the day you had to be a property owner to vote.
Welcome to being an adult. If you don't like it, don't drive on public roads, don't buy alcohol legally, vote, etc. Back in the day you had to be a property owner to vote.
"back in the day" huh. And white.

Driving, buying alcohol. These are not rights. Voting is.....
I'm guessing you too will claim voter fraud is a massive problem?
"back in the day" huh. And white.

Driving, buying alcohol. These are not rights. Voting is.....
I'm guessing you too will claim voter fraud is a massive problem?
Of course it is. It has been an issue, or have you not felt the Bern? People have been caught and put up on YouTube.