Out for 218,000,000 eligible voters in the US, there are 1,500,000 deceased people lurking on the county voter registration rolls. You are worried about the possibility of a fraction of 0.7% voter fraud. But that level is never realized. It's more like 0.007%.
Ok, Dude, so clean up the voter rolls. Go through every county in this nation and scrub every one of the people who no longer are in the area and the very, very few people who are deceased and still on the rolls. It's not worth the effort but yeah, you are correct there is some error on voter rolls in every county. Those tax dollars you whine about would be mis-spent doing this, because there is no fraud at a significant level taking place. So there is that.
You are weak with numbers, that is clear. I won't deny the possibility that there is a fraction of a percent of fraud. And neither do the people who run elections, which is why, when an election comes down to 0.5% to 1% of margin, there is an automatic recount. Other than automatic recounts, any candidate can request a recount. During a recount, the kind of fraud you fear is ferreted out and those votes are rejected.
So you are all in a tizzy about a non-problem. Trump would lose by 5 to 10 percent if an election were to be held today. Find something else to cry about.
What is significant are Republican measures to prevent minorities from voting. Forcing somebody who is making poverty wages to take time off work to visit a DMV might not seem significant to a retired comparatively wealthy person like you but you aren't the target of anti-democratic Republicans. A visit to a DMV can cost a whole day of wages to somebody just barely getting by. And for what? There has never been a problem that would be solved by this, other than the problem of darkies voting for their choice of candidate.
Fraud that you should worry about are the restrictions at the polls. Faulty equipment, shortages of equipment or few polling stations located far apart, these all cause tens of thousands of people to be dis-enfranchised. Also, private organizations have been going through voter rolls and thousands in Florida were scrubbed from rolls that should not have been. It just so happens that most were African American. If you worried about these anti-democratic acts as well as your phony walking dead voter, then you would have a little credibility.
It is well documented and verified as fact that Republicans are anti-democratic. They have taken actions to deny the vote to people in the tens of thousands. This is the real fraud going on in the US today. Not that you care.
That's not what's bothering you, is it? What's bothering you is the very real chance that a black man will be handing the presidency over to a woman and both represent the Democratic Party. Oh the humanity! (snicker)