My first CXB 3590 run...

The WBK was a small run of seeds by a private breeder from a few years back. I have more seeds to go through but like you said there are so many options in the market now.

The wife told me it made her sick to her stomach to see me cut those girls down but she hates harvest time too and calls all of the plants "the children". :)

I saw the optic foliar spray but I was to far along to try it. I believe you use it at 7 and 17 days in and it either keeps nanners from forming or reduces and makes the pollen sterile.

@dro-man80 , what breeders or who's genetics are you favorite?
hey brother..My favorite breeders to this day is Breeders Boutique...I am pretty tight with 1 of main breeders there and the genetics are str8 fire,and all yield really really well..thts what my garden is as of now full BB Garden...nd the prices are out of this world..There freebies are almost better then there main line-up..hell 1 of my strains I have been running for a while is one of there freebies..I strongly recommend them to u..with ur growing skills ,u would def do there genetics justice..They caught some slack years ago for taking other breeders stock and crossing them,but tht to me is how it should be..Just cuz u drop ur strain,it should be an honor ,tht its fire and someone crossed it and stabilized it for tht matter...on another note when i heard the creator of Optic Foliar on a podcst interview ,he basically said the main ingredient is (Ethylene) and it sends tht hormone to the plant which does many thing s and 1 being stop any more existing nanners,and other shit lol..but it can burn ur plants if they r under any stress..I know theres another product i heard good stuff about too,but cant think of the name,.Maybe u know what im talking about..till next time,much peace an love
35 days in, 5 weeks down and then there were 9 left. I cut down five of the #2 pheno down last night do to the buds not looking good at all. The had a ton of stem with groups of ten or so colaxes, no real bud formation, not much tric coverage and lots of leaf. The clone was also cut out of my mom tent. I'm going to give these 9 left around three more weeks an I should have Gorilla Bubble and Solo's Stash clones to run... :)IMAG1384.jpg IMAG1383.jpg IMAG1385.jpg
Do you like ur cobs? Are u gonna fully covert?

I do believe I'm a complete cob convert. With hps the best I could do was to grow 3 to 4 months out of the year. No matter how low I ran my a/c I couldn't keep the temps low enough to grow during the warmer months. I have yielded better with less watts comparing I ran a 600 hps before and 400 watts worth of cobs now. As for being worth it or not, for me yes they have been very much worth the experience and effort to build in the I get 8 more months to grow a year. I will build a 4'x4' next and hopeful then a 4'x8c as things progress. I'm not a cob junkie or zelit but at this point in time they are doing for me what I need... :)
I'm gettin a whorl look on some leaf & strange growth on my Romulian x afi og buds lateral explosion
(it's gonna be football size colas OR look like a pine tree )
it's dank as foook , smells great resin up the ying yang frost on frost
just weird growth So all plants are doing great none but this one is doing it & it might be the SSD But no other plant has done this in g/h is doing it so it's not me
it a seed plant soo might be the pheno as well
I'm gettin a whorl look on some leaf & strange growth on my Romulian x afi og buds lateral explosion
(it's gonna be football size colas OR look like a pine tree )
it's dank as foook , smells great resin up the ying yang frost on frost
just weird growth So all plants are doing great none but this one is doing it & it might be the SSD But no other plant has done this in g/h is doing it so it's not me
it a seed plant soo might be the pheno as well

Good to hear you have a killer cultivar there.... :)
I got 2 paks of that seed as well , so gonna do a in-door pheno hunt
it's fairly robust grower took all kinda stress under a small mars400 & then just a few brite stix for a month
popped the bean last xmas & then had a family issue (80'year olders duking it out , then police , then a 5150 on my mom ,my parents :wall: took 64 years to find she's nutz dad ? )
all the while the plants get dusted with PM & mites , the mites well they screamed like shit when they seen all the spiders , my house has spiders & silverfish infestation lasted less than a week just ennuff to fleck my Alien Tarantula 's
They be in the G/H as well , one is 10' & 10' wide bar none the stoutest,robustest, weed i've grown she's living up to the Strawberry Cough in them the other side Alien Kush both parents are vibrant growing plants
my SC last year was amazing 4 to 5 ' colas the norm dense huge hard sweet bud they were so big it was hard to get under to water , lol i getting that same issue 0819161608b[1].jpg
I'm new to the whole led cob thing, but I'm not sure I understand totally what youre doing. How many watts of LED did you use on the second grow? I'm planning on converting to some LEDs here. I'm reading as much as I can and having a few moments of clarity, but I still have trouble understanding everything. So, you have 400 watts worth of 3590s and what else exactly?
Sorry, I'm excited to get some new lights lol. I have basically the same exact setup in mind here. I have a bunch of HPS I need to get rid of. Really have high hopes for these lights. Thanks. :)
Sorry, I'm excited to get some new lights lol. I have basically the same exact setup in mind here. I have a bunch of HPS I need to get rid of. Really have high hopes for these lights. Thanks. :)

I hear you on being excited. It's a blast building and growing with your own creation. I have 400 watts of Cree 3590 cobs running with 35 watts of 730nm, 35 watts of 660nm and 35 watts 365nm all running at different times to enhance growth and production...
how is the heat from the lights? i mean, does this setup get as hot as say a 600hps would that is air cooled? i currently have 600s that are air cooled and have air conditioning that runs. Im trying to wrap my head around everything. thanks. im hoping each 400 watt cree setup is a lot cooler than a 600hps even cooled. i swear half my energy usage is cooling my hps now.
how is the heat from the lights? i mean, does this setup get as hot as say a 600hps would that is air cooled? i currently have 600s that are air cooled and have air conditioning that runs. Im trying to wrap my head around everything. thanks. im hoping each 400 watt cree setup is a lot cooler than a 600hps even cooled. i swear half my energy usage is cooling my hps now.

I ran a air cooled 600 before my cobs and at the very most I could only run it 4 months out of the year. I have run my cobs since January now and the highest the tent has hit is 80°. I have my house A/C set at 75° so 400 watts of cobs for me runs 5° over ambient with my set up. This year the heat has been horrible here and that I still have a crop going is testament to the cob lighting... :)
So basically I'm reading that they are cooler than a 600hps being air cooled... I really wonder how much electricity would be saved from the air conditioning being on less.
Nah, I'm guessing the kwh saved will be pretty huge. I probably use 1000kwh a month on A/C and dehumidification during the summer on my 3 600s. I really don't know if it could be calculated until you just do it and see though. Basically the HPS wastes a lot more energy that it converts to heat. I don't know what exactly that means or how to figure it though. If I'm reading it right... I'm still really new to all this. I can't find the numbers, but isn't a 600hps like around 30ish percent efficient whereas the kit I'm getting is 56% efficient. So, all that other is wasted electricity that turns into me having to cool on the other end too.
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what is your temps like with the lights on?

My temp this summer with A/C running were just under or at 80° with lights on.

All I know is that for me, in my situation it came down to not being able to cool the 600 watts of hps to the point of sustainability. It had nothing to do with how much it cost to run. Replacing 600 hps watts with 400 cob watts has filled my tent with high quality flowers year round... :)