Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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you're bragging about being the less than 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% that believes science is a scam, and billions of people (like me) are trying to control and lie to the very minuscule group you inhabit (or lead)...

In the old days of slavery, it was the other slaves that policed the slaves. They did not want to lose any privileges if it was found out they did not tattle. Nothing has changed, you are a slave. Consider the middle ages serfs only had to kick up ten percent to their lord and this included rent. You are getting corn holed and reveling in it. The lords and masters of today are one big club and those in positions of power are Masons, sworn to secrecy. They were the aristocracy 900 years ago the Templars and they are the aristocracy today. Wake up please. Now does it make sense why all astronauts are Masons?

In the old days of slavery, it was the other slaves that policed the slaves. They did not want to lose any privileges if it was found out they did not tattle. Nothing has changed, you are a slave. Consider the middle ages serfs only had to kick up ten percent to their lord and this included rent. You are getting corn holed and reveling in it. The lords and masters of today are one big club and those in positions of power are Masons, sworn to secrecy. They were the aristocracy 900 years ago the Templars and they are the aristocracy today. Wake up please. Now does it make sense why all astronauts are Masons?
i'm a mason, so i guess i have nothing to worry about?

you're bragging about being the less than 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% that believes science is a scam, and billions of people (like me) are trying to control and lie to the very minuscule group you inhabit (or lead)...

Well. Monsanto uses science, to produce food that has built in insecticide that you eat, and the news will not tell you that they are feeding you poison, so consider that for a minute. So yes they cover shit up. Just like this global warming nonsense. They have no scientific fats, just scientists claims not based on facts. If they claim there is no warming they all get fired. You are living in a control matrix.

Well. Monsanto uses science, to produce food that has built in insecticide that you eat, and the news will not tell you that they are feeding you poison, so consider that for a minute. So yes they cover shit up. Just like this global warming nonsense. They have no scientific fats, just scientists claims not based on facts. If they claim there is no warming they all get fired. You are living in a control matrix.

what is the poison? what is the name and where is it inside the produce? with this total lack of understanding of genetic manipulation, how do you even have an opinion? was it written on a piece of fallen sky?

Sure you do, Masons are Luciferians. What happens to Luciferians when the Big Boss returns?
according to you, nothing. they are the BIG BOSS, and you are just an idiot who learned the truth. can't scare people with hell when they know the earth is flat, right? what, they just get ejected into space? that seems cold... unlike the fire and brimstone you fucks like to spout about...
what is the poison? what is the name and where is it inside the produce? with this total lack of understanding of genetic manipulation, how do you even have an opinion? was it written on a piece of fallen sky?

according to you, nothing. they are the BIG BOSS, and you are just an idiot who learned the truth. can't scare people with hell when they know the earth is flat, right? what, they just get ejected into space? that seems cold... unlike the fire and brimstone you fucks like to spout about...

Are you really a mason?
do you really believe the earth is flat?

Yes, because I know water seeks to be level, and two thirds of the world is water. When things can be seen that should be below the curved horizon based on the simple geometry then I have to accept the reality. When I cant find an actual photo of a satellite in space, when NASA shows me ten different photos of the earth and the continents are different sizes in all of them, when I see an Astronauts harness wire snap and the astronaut plunges to the deck, When I see an airlock door bend at a 40 degree angle, when I see air bubbles floating up in a so called spacewalk, When I see the shuttle land and hear the whine of it's jet engines, when I see the sun shining on a spotlight on the clouds from altitude, when I see the moon change in size drastically, Yes I accept the reality. I choose to believe my eyes and not the lying mouths of men.
Yes, because I know water seeks to be level, and two thirds of the world is water. When things can be seen that should be below the curved horizon based on the simple geometry then I have to accept the reality. When I cant find an actual photo of a satellite in space, when NASA shows me ten different photos of the earth and the continents are different sizes in all of them, when I see an Astronauts harness wire snap and the astronaut plunges to the deck, When I see an airlock door bend at a 40 degree angle, when I see air bubbles floating up in a so called spacewalk, When I see the shuttle land and hear the whine of it's jet engines, when I see the sun shining on a spotlight on the clouds from altitude, when I see the moon change in size drastically, Yes I accept the reality. I choose to believe my eyes and not the lying mouths of men.
ever seen the vomit comet? bet that's fake too, i wonder how those people floated with no strings... cause that should only happen in zero gravity... or something else that also doesn't exist...

do you know what a 40 degree angle is? that is mathematical, and i know you are severely inept at arithmetic...
ever seen the vomit comet? bet that's fake too, i wonder how those people floated with no strings... cause that should only happen in zero gravity... or something else that also doesn't exist...

do you know what a 40 degree angle is? that is mathematical, and i know you are severely inept at arithmetic...

Think about it, if the floor drops out from under you, you would appear to float. The plane is in a dive and the passengers are inside it, both are falling. What goes up must come down, we have known that for millenia. It was the Masonic cabal that decided to defy that scientific fact with their made up story of space. Think about it, Astronauts just all of a sudden arrive at this magical point where the laws of the universe do not apply and they are magically floating. A vacuum can not exist without some kind of barrier to keep it in or vice versa, our planets atmosphere would be sucked out into space if it existed. That giant sucking sound, we don't hear it because it does not exist. The infinite vacuum of space would inhale our atmosphere in one milisecond.
Think about it, if the floor drops out from under you, you would appear to float. The plane is in a dive and the passengers are inside it, both are falling. What goes up must come down, we have known that for millenia. It was the Masonic cabal that decided to defy that scientific fact with their made up story of space. Think about it, Astronauts just all of a sudden arrive at this magical point where the laws of the universe do not apply and they are magically floating. A vacuum can not exist without some kind of barrier to keep it in or vice versa, our planets atmosphere would be sucked out into space if it existed. That giant sucking sound, we don't hear it because it does not exist. The infinite vacuum of space would inhale our atmosphere in one milisecond.
so we are ALL falling? man, it's gonna suck when we hit the bottom...

but how does the flat earth fall with no gravity? it can't be heavy, no gravity, so it's weightless. why and how does it fall? and how are we walking on it if it is falling from our feet as we speak/type?
A vacuum can not exist without some kind of barrier to keep it in or vice versa, our planets atmosphere would be sucked out into space if it existed. That giant sucking sound, we don't hear it because it does not exist. The infinite vacuum of space would inhale our atmosphere in one milisecond.

the barrier is atmosphere. the barrier wouldn't exist but for gravity.

and that sucking sound? it does exist, you just can't hear it because you are too focused on the task at hand... sucking dick and loving it. no one told you to, so you must have invented it, and it's up to you to get it right so the rest of us can have blowjobs in the future... otherwise, the masons and lucifers will never let us get our dickies stickied...
so we are ALL falling? man, it's gonna suck when we hit the bottom...

but how does the flat earth fall with no gravity? it can't be heavy, no gravity, so it's weightless. why and how does it fall? and how are we walking on it if it is falling from our feet as we speak/type?

The airplane is falling idiot, learn how to read, your vomit comet.
The airplane is falling idiot, learn how to read, your vomit comet.
but that doesn't matter, there is no such thing as gravity. why do they float/experience weightlessness? and then how does a falling flat earth give you weight and gravity? learn how to read read-tard...

you got owned in another thread, btw. don't be butthurt, that was but the tip and tip only. next time i'll hilt it, balls deep...
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