Don't lay all of your cards on the table during the first date, or even second, third, ...
It isn't "lying", per se, but you don't need to be candidly honest. I wouldn't go bragging about how many girls you've banged, trips to the abortion clinic, the drawer full of "Plan B", and how ridiculously lucky you've been to avoid STD's on the first, second, third outting either.
Once a girl gets to know you, love you, she doesn't give a shit what you do. It's even better when you don't give a shit whether or not she gives a shit, because you've got a bunch of other chicks. You'll end up banging so many more girls that way. The more, the merrier. The only time you want one chick in the stable is when it's "The One", but if you haven't had a bunch of girls, your judgement will fail you. It's like beer n' weed. Sure the first was awesome, "this is the best shit ever". Same as the first pussy, fucking magical, but imagine if that was all you had. Lame. Get your fucking game face on and wreak some havoc. Don't even think about "girlfriend", or "fiancé", fucking marriage, until you have had so much "bang" that you lose track. It is only then, after having so many flavors, that you can trust yourself when heart, mind, and dick tell you that you "can't live without this one".
You think I'm kidding? Dude, I was "Mr. Plow", no, I was "Plow King". Been with my wife nearly 20 now. Happy in marriage, due, in part, to all of the girls that came before. Without the experience, I would most certainly have gone out exploring by now. No need, been there, fucked that.
Seriously, fuck what you're going through, bro! Get out there and become a man. (I genuinely mean that, probably in a much less abrasive tone than you're imagining)