Donald Trump

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"Uncle" Is a well established term used by Pedophiles.

Bald (no hair) Rick (Richard or dick) is a no haired dick (child)

Buck, A male come hear dear.

Do the math man.........

I did the math as you ask & its revolting,now I've got a mental image of the 2 of them wearing adult diapers & strange wrestling maneuvers requiring lubrication & errections
Hold on twister, I stated that the US owes huge money to the S. China Sea grabbing China, not Trump.

You sit well with that Because you avoid how that is positive and the US is paying that debt with our money, Trump is paying his debt with his money. You can`t or wont see that difference.

Hillary is the biggest liar in the public eye to date. I don`t think Trump owes anything to China.

Don`t be a Blunted 4 lie
Trump owes over a billion dollars, much of it to China. No conflict of interest if he becomes Prez?

As far as Trump paying his debt. He's declared bankruptcy more than four times. Trump pays his debts, NOT.
Trump owes over a billion dollars, much of it to China. No conflict of interest if he becomes Prez?

As far as Trump paying his debt. He's declared bankruptcy more than four times. Trump pays his debts, NOT.

Did he not pay China ? Our own President increased the deficit for 17, I think, with more than most ever. All of which is prolly back again from china to pay back with our taxes.

When has Donald paid back anyone with tax dollars ? Donald is not a career politician, he`s not even one yet now.

Because Donald declared bankruptcy, that don`t mean he will do it with our Country.
Did he not pay China ? Our own President increased the deficit for 17, I think, with more than most ever. All of which is prolly back again from china to pay back with our taxes.

When has Donald paid back anyone with tax dollars ? Donald is not a career politician, he`s not even one yet now.

Because Donald declared bankruptcy, that don`t mean he will do it with our Country.
Here we go again we're talking personal debt owed by trump and you bring up Government debt, you're confused as usual.

Did he not pay China ? Our own President increased the deficit for 17, I think, with more than most ever. All of which is prolly back again from china to pay back with our taxes.

When has Donald paid back anyone with tax dollars ? Donald is not a career politician, he`s not even one yet now.

Because Donald declared bankruptcy, that don`t mean he will do it with our Country.
Judge a man by his acts. One bankruptcy is a tragedy. Four or more is a pattern of behavior. You bet he will declare bankruptcy on debts owed to China when he sees an advantage. And he will be outraged and sue anybody who says he's a cheat and a fraud for doing so.

Don't you think that having to declare bankruptcy not once but many times tells us all we need to know about how well he manages finances?
Judge a man by his acts. One bankruptcy is a tragedy. Four or more is a pattern of behavior. You bet he will declare bankruptcy on debts owed to China when he sees an advantage. And he will be outraged and sue anybody who says he's a cheat and a fraud for doing so.

Don't you think that having to declare bankruptcy not once but many times tells us all we need to know about how well he manages finances?

If you have hundreds of companies or projects 4 in a row bankruptcies is doing well. You been scared into thinking Donald can do as he pleases once Elected. You`re a fool who believes.

You`re trying to convince readers that Trump can use US bankruptcy laws in fucking China.
Trump wants to go into Government, He applied for President and is on the ballot. Everyone has personal debt, you seem to think it carries into Office if he wins. You angle sucks and is not possible. Sop fucking what, Donald has a bigger debt than me, he deals in more money than I. Same for you crybaby.

Shit like this is how stupid you behave. Government debt will soon be Trumps, and it has many watchdogs. Relevent, isn`t it fool ?
Yup! It's official you've been suckered.

Judge a man by his acts. One bankruptcy is a tragedy. Four or more is a pattern of behavior. You bet he will declare bankruptcy on debts owed to China when he sees an advantage. And he will be outraged and sue anybody who says he's a cheat and a fraud for doing so.

Don't you think that having to declare bankruptcy not once but many times tells us all we need to know about how well he manages finances?

Did you know Hillary`s exit tax on companies leaving the US has no effect on them, but Donald`s tax on selling products back to the US by those companies actually has an effect ? Why would Hillary be so nice to them ?

So what about a few bankruptcies out of many tries in business, has no bearing.
Did you know Hillary`s exit tax on companies leaving the US has no effect on them, but Donald`s tax on selling products back to the US by those companies actually has an effect ? Why would Hillary be so nice to them ?

So what about a few bankruptcies out of many tries in business, has no bearing.
Trump has based his presidential credibility on being a successful businessman. So, it has a bearing that his basic business strategy is to pump up a development that loses money and exit it, leaving others holding the bag. It's just another lie and fraud of his.

As is his idea that tariffs, tax cuts and massive spending increases are the means to bring the good times back to the US. The combination is boneheaded, backward and would do nothing but harm in the form of harming trade with other nations while ballooning national debt. Not only that but the kinds of manufacturing he says he would promote is in a decline worldwide. Why would he bet the future of this country on an economy that is part of the past?
Trump has based his presidential credibility on being a successful businessman. So, it has a bearing that his basic business strategy is to pump up a development that loses money and exit it, leaving others holding the bag. It's just another lie and fraud of his.

As is his idea that tariffs, tax cuts and massive spending increases are the means to bring the good times back to the US. The combination is boneheaded, backward and would do nothing but harm in the form of harming trade with other nations while ballooning national debt. Not only that but the kinds of manufacturing he says he would promote is in a decline worldwide. Why would he bet the future of this country on an economy that is part of the past?

Who told you running a business for profit and running a Country by Governing, the same thing ?

Aren`t those massive spending increases into our country and not Foreign investments ? We have been spending over there, over that way, and all over up and down, but not in home.

started at donald trump's speech - 26:00 minutes in

Through August 25th, Trump has held 29 campaign events in August with an estimated 168,000 participants. Clinton on the other hand has held only 11 campaign events attended by an estimated paltry 10,000.

Trump averages 5,800 people per event in August while Clinton averages less than 1,000.

Trump is packing arenas and Hillary can't even fill a high school gym.
Through August 25th, Trump has held 29 campaign events in August with an estimated 168,000 participants. Clinton on the other hand has held only 11 campaign events attended by an estimated paltry 10,000.

Trump averages 5,800 people per event in August while Clinton averages less than 1,000.

Trump is packing arenas and Hillary can't even fill a high school gym.

trump is having circuses and klan rallies while hillary is having actual discussions with voters.

did you forget that her strategy was deliberate, or were you simply unaware?

maybe instead of focusing on the inconsequential size of events, you can tell us all about how an infirm old lady is chasing "high energy" TRUMP! all over the electoral map. gonna be hard to flip PA and NH and OH and FL if you're having to desperately cling to states like AZ, SC, MO, IN, GA, and NC.

did the ass bandit call in sick today and leave you in charge of white supremacy outreach? somehow you suck at this worse than he does.
Who told you running a business for profit and running a Country by Governing, the same thing ?

Aren`t those massive spending increases into our country and not Foreign investments ? We have been spending over there, over that way, and all over up and down, but not in home.
If we ignore Trump's business experience then what have we left to assess his qualifications? His TV shows? Trump has been a failure at business and that's his only record. No wonder you want to ignore it.

Tax cuts and spending increases are a death sentence to any idea of becoming less reliant on Chinese floating our economy by selling bonds to them.

I get it, you are a racist shithead and love Trump's racist policies. And so, you'll sell this country to China in order to get that wall built. That would put us in the same position Trump's businesses are in. Beholden to China. So, forget about that promise to bring jobs back to the US. One phone call from China Bank and it will be all over.

You are an idiot, oddball.
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