MadNyes Outreach To Online White Bois

This site explicitly states that individuals be over the age of 18 to join this site.

We can all conclude, based solely on our present thread, that the OP is not older than 18 years of age.

The OP is making a desperate attempt at gaining attention. He has dug himself a hole from which he cannot return. He will forever been known as the RIU child. A little mark ass trick bitch RIU child. Whom needs to go make my fucking sammich.

This is by far the worst thread of 2016. OP should consider committing 2nd amendment on himself. That would be a terrible day.
Its your bed time white boy, kiss your mama goodnight and give us our grownup time. You can play COD for 30 mins but keep it down.
You need to put quotes around your comment. We are assuming this is what your "dad" just said to you?

And thanks for proving my point.

Look at all the sad online white bois trying to keep a brotha quiet. So long as i keep flipping your burgers im bein a good little negro huh? 'Scuse me me and yo gurl are gonna enjoy a cup

I joined this site recently and accidentally stumbled into the politics section, and found myself reading a bunch of racist ass white bois crying over who the biggest racist is. Unfortunately there was even a moderator involved in it and making some very insensitive remarks to me over PM, and as a Proud Black Man i felt it necessary to make this thread to explain a few things to some online white bois that dont get it.

@rollitup you sent me a PM telling me you had deleted one of my posts over use of the word "Nigga" and cited inappropriate language. This was incredibly insensitive to my people and my culture. That word is OUR word, and we use it endearingly amongst our people. You sir have no right to make this claim, and it is an attack on my people to try to brand this word as hateful or inappropriate. The white man took our people out of our homeland, took our freedom, and everyday they take our rights, and now you want to take our language and brand it as inappropriate? Can the black man not use words that havent neen branded "white approved?"

@UncleBuck @Unclebaldrick @bundee1 UncleCuck, you gotta give it up brotha. You are white. You CANNOT make claims that others are racist, when you cant even understand racism as you have never and can never be discriminated against. Black folks are proud, strong, we can defend ourselves, i dont need some uneducated white boi online calling folks racist when you dont even know that man, and your own ideas of racism are skewed. You aint helpin the cause! You want to further the black community, donate to a black charity and turn the lights out when im in bed with your gurl. Callin other folks racist doesnt make you any less racist, and wont make your worm any bigger. And you are one of the worst ive seen on this site. Another thing, NAAPC is not the emperor of Black Folks. That 100% NAACP rating you keep trying to defend that racist cracker Hillary is partnered with doesnt fly with us jack.

To the rest of you. Heads up, there are plenty of black Trump supporters, most of the black community knows a white woman aint got the black mans interests in mind. I don't support him, but there are plenty that do. Supporting Trump or hating Hillary dont make you a racist, thats just something white media wants you to believe.

To my brothas and sistas, keep yo head up.
Cool post and spot on imo regarding the appropriation of racism as tool by white skinned people to attack other white people, my avatar was chosen to exactly reflect this sick irony, obviously I am not white either yet am constantly called a skin head or cracker by white people, too funny really
Cool post and spot on imo regarding the appropriation of racism as tool by white skinned people to attack other white people, my avatar was chosen to exactly reflect this sick irony, obviously I am not white either yet am constantly called a skin head or cracker by white people, too funny really
These days its the worst insult you can throw as a white at a white. Call them a racist. And its always white bois who live in suburbs and never see a colored man that doesnt serve them in some fashon. They are so desperate to prove they arent racist that they slander their own people, clawing their way to the "top".
These days its the worst insult you can throw as a white at a white. Call them a racist. And its always white bois who live in suburbs and never see a colored man that doesnt serve them in some fashon. They are so desperate to prove they arent racist that they slander their own people, clawing their way to the "top".
It's low both morally and intellectually, it is very easy to shut down a debate by shouting racist, no sensible person wants to be called a racist, doing so will cause them to demur. Really it s all about polarity, divide and rule. Some on here naming no names represent the Orwellian vision of the future, a boot stamping on a human face
It's low both morally and intellectually, it is very easy to shut down a debate by shouting racist, no sensible person wants to be called a racist, doing so will cause them to demur. Really it s all about polarity, divide and rule. Some on here naming no names represent the Orwellian vision of the future, a boot stamping on a human face
Its so easy to "win" a political debate when your only gun is loaded with bullets with the word "racist" scratched on the side. I never intended to post in politics when i joined, but i saw so many white bois crying racist over trump support or Hillary hate that i fell in. My brother is African Black and he supports that retard Trump, but no online white boi can explain that. They just want to call you white and try to make you out to be one of Trumps token Blacks. Silly white bois, you still have so far to go. Theres a reason why your woman sneaks glances at me when you arent looking, and its not just my superior genes.
These days its the worst insult you can throw as a white at a white. Call them a racist. Slander their own people.


as a white man, i can tell you that calling another white guy a racist is not the worst insult you can throw. but i will tell you what is.

one day, i was loading up the truck for a day of work. a door and 5 windows. i had two helpers with me. one was american born of two mexican parents. he refused to be identified as mexican though. he insisted on chicano, which is the correct term. the other was a self described "pineapple". he was japanese, hawaiian, native american, and regular old white american. but everyone thought he was black, including my chicano helper.

so the chicano and the pineapple get into some sort of racial discussion while i am loading up the truck. casual use of the word 'nigger' is happening. i am disheartened by the discussion. so i stop what i am doing and i ask them...

"hey, what is the worst word you can call a black person?" "nigger", they both respond.

"what is the worst word you can call a white person?" no response.

"nigger", i respond.

i never heard either of them use that word in any of the remaining months we spent working together.

as a white man, i can tell you that calling another white guy a racist is not the worst insult you can throw. but i will tell you what is.

one day, i was loading up the truck for a day of work. a door and 5 windows. i had two helpers with me. one was american born of two mexican parents. he refused to be identified as mexican though. he insisted on chicano, which is the correct term. the other was a self described "pineapple". he was japanese, hawaiian, native american, and regular old white american. but everyone thought he was black, including my chicano helper.

so the chicano and the pineapple get into some sort of racial discussion while i am loading up the truck. casual use of the word 'nigger' is happening. i am disheartened by the discussion. so i stop what i am doing and i ask them...

"hey, what is the worst word you can call a black person?" "nigger", they both respond.

"what is the worst word you can call a white person?" no response.

"nigger", i respond.

i never heard either of them use that word in any of the remaining months we spent working together.
Thats a funny joke white boi, you tell that one when there are no Black Men around to hear it? Keep that word out of your mouth cracker.
Look at all the sad online white bois trying to keep a brotha quiet. So long as i keep flipping your burgers im bein a good little negro huh? 'Scuse me me and yo gurl are gonna enjoy a cup

@see4 @Unclebaldrick @UncleBuck

All the white bois get real quiet when a Black Man gets online

And all across the land, the white bois fall silent.
Thats a funny joke white boi, you tell that one when there are no Black Men around to hear it? Keep that word out of your mouth cracker.


Typical white boi response. To ignorant to understand what another culture must suffer through in the face of bigotry, yet all to quick to claim you to be a racist. Just as long as mama keeps payin the bills, cuz one day her life support is gonna fail and your broke ass is gonna be livin in our territory. Say goodbye to your gurl and your PS4, all your gonna have is your mug, your tiny pink worm in your hand and a subscription to a cuckold site. We took the lube.


Catch the tears white boi
Thats a funny joke white boi, you tell that one when there are no Black Men around to hear it? Keep that word out of your mouth cracker.
Lol the way ub tip toes around the race maze, bet he checked it a few time s to make sure it's pc
Typical white boi response. To ignorant to understand what another culture must suffer through in the face of bigotry, yet all to quick to claim you to be a racist. Just as long as mama keeps payin the bills, cuz one day her life support is gonna fail and your broke ass is gonna be livin in our territory. Say goodbye to your gurl and your PS4, all your gonna have is your mug, your tiny pink worm in your hand and a subscription to a cuckold site. We took the lube.


Catch the tears white boi
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as a white man, i can tell you that calling another white guy a racist is not the worst insult you can throw. but i will tell you what is.

one day, i was loading up the truck for a day of work. a door and 5 windows. i had two helpers with me. one was american born of two mexican parents. he refused to be identified as mexican though. he insisted on chicano, which is the correct term. the other was a self described "pineapple". he was japanese, hawaiian, native american, and regular old white american. but everyone thought he was black, including my chicano helper.

so the chicano and the pineapple get into some sort of racial discussion while i am loading up the truck. casual use of the word 'nigger' is happening. i am disheartened by the discussion. so i stop what i am doing and i ask them...

"hey, what is the worst word you can call a black person?" "nigger", they both respond.

"what is the worst word you can call a white person?" no response.

"nigger", i respond.

i never heard either of them use that word in any of the remaining months we spent working together.
Just so it's saved

I'm a white man. Not a boy. And it is funny when white suburban people say I'm racist. My favorite is ignorant. I've lived amongst these people so you can say what you want but ignorant is not even close.
I have met alot of good blacks and they all acknowledge that there is a big problem in the black culture.

I'm a white man. Not a boy. And it is funny when white suburban people say I'm racist. My favorite is ignorant. I've lived amongst these people so you can say what you want but ignorant is not even close.
I have met alot of good blacks and they all acknowledge that there is a big problem in the black culture.
Alot of truth here. There is a serious problem in my peoples culture, much of it is perpetuated by silly white bois. Its clear to me that you are a white man and i respect that. Dont think im calling all whites bois, just the few that frequent this forum using race baiting and my peoples plight as ammunition to troll and "win" political debates.
Typical white boi response. To ignorant to understand what another culture must suffer through in the face of bigotry, yet all to quick to claim you to be a racist. Just as long as mama keeps payin the bills, cuz one day her life support is gonna fail and your broke ass is gonna be livin in our territory. Say goodbye to your gurl and your PS4, all your gonna have is your mug, your tiny pink worm in your hand and a subscription to a cuckold site. We took the lube.


Catch the tears white boi

I find the following quite ironic, "To ignorant to understand..."

You're not a bright fellow. Your troll game is transparent and not very good.
I find the following quite ironic, "To ignorant to understand..."

You're not a bright fellow. Your troll game is transparent and not very good.
White Boi outreach was designed to help crackers like you. Accept the fact that you are a racist lily white tween and give in to the healing power. Your girl already has.