you stole my reply!
flying on a plane compared to you.. a bible bumping, gay.. but still a bible bumper somehow, hitler supporter holocaust denier.. saying you have a degree..
the plane is much more believable
read the comments on that video lol
how the fuck are you going to get 'physical evidence' on the internet? fucking retard...YEs where is the evidence of the 6 million bodies? Physical evidence please?
where is your physical evidence of jesus?YEs where is the evidence of the 6 million bodies? Physical evidence please?
A Concorde ticket would have costed 24k in todays dollars.
how the fuck are you going to get 'physical evidence' on the internet? fucking retard...
here you go dumb fuck one of thousands of pictures. i dare you to print it, go to a synagogue and tell them it's bullshit.
where is your physical evidence of jesus?
a bachelors in pretty much anything costs more than 24k.. wheres your degree
That's nothing, not .0001 of the six million. Britiain holocausted 200000 Gcivilians in one night at Dresden, why don't we hear the Germans whining about their holocausted people? After all it was Britiain that declared war on Germany. Millions and millions of Germans died. Really died not fudged up numbers.
that's not a full pit, and only one pic. that was ONE LOAD into the chambers. filing them in, murdering them, then removing remains to the pit took less than an hour. 24 hours in a day, and they didn't take breaks.That's nothing, not .0001 of the six million. Britiain holocausted 200000 Gcivilians in one night at Dresden, why don't we hear the Germans whining about their holocausted people? After all it was Britiain that declared war on Germany. Millions and millions of Germans died. Really died not fudged up numbers.
where is your physical evidence of a bachelors degree? a bachelors in pretty much anything costs more than 24k.. wheres your degree
Thats a one time investment not something that is expended in one day
Ya know all you do is parrot the propaganda talking points, all that comes out of your pie hole is hot button words you have been programmed to parrot, like 'Holocaust'' antisemite. It's definitely not a sign of a freethinker.
is not a 'one time investment' a one time deal? expended in a day as it were? you don't pay for a four year education in one payment idiot. how much do you owe on your government provided student loans?
what have you done? what have you said? what have you contributed?
not. one. god. damned. thing.
please try again, but put more effort into it this time. i don't like beating up toddlers...
that's not a full pit, and only one pic. that was ONE LOAD into the chambers. filing them in, murdering them, then removing remains to the pit took less than an hour. 24 hours in a day, and they didn't take breaks.
you know the ones not gassed were lined up and shot, right? or worked until they died of exhaustion, thirst or starvation...
go to a synagogue, tell them what you think. you want truth and understanding, i'm sure they can help you with that.
how long is going to take to pay off your government issued student loan? how much did you receive in pell grant? what institution did you attend?What I am saying dingaling is that the education lasts a lifetime, the airplane ride lasts 5 hours.
and penises can be explained by liking them to vaginas. or apples and oranges. or idiots and educated people...So because the government says 6 million were killed we are supposed to believe them? These are the same people that arranged 911 and blamed it 19 cavemen.
so a book that has been altered hundreds of times and mentions a guy that can't starve or die of thirst and comes back to life after being dead three days convinces you?So because the government says 6 million were killed we are supposed to believe them? These are the same people that arranged 911 and blamed it 19 cavemen.
it would be nice to get him to realize it though... i mean, before he gets banned or quits...It's not a coincidence that a person who denies the holocaust would believe the world is flat
The common denominator in that equation is ignorance
As far as my observations go, I think that a large part of our population suffers the same malady - but to a lesser degree.It's not a coincidence that a person who denies the holocaust would believe the world is flat
The common denominator in that equation is ignorance
HAHAHAHA, you call me out for having a pesky BA degree then you make an incredible comment like this. What a fucking liar you are!! I know you cant help it, it is an innate characteristic of your people.
Yes, yes I cancan you imagine meeting @Mellowman2112 on the street and him spouting this shit off at you?