Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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What's up guys I see we've got a new cum covered sock in the thread. You flat earthers are all the same just a bunch of whiny kids posting youtube videos of what you call facts total bullshit in my opinion. And what is this calling out for your buddy nonsense you can't comeback on your own if you really wanna be shut down call out for @tyler.durden he likes to take little socks like you guys to the cleaners
Appeal to authority is a logical fallacy he will be appalled
he never replied when i spoke of gravity...

the rundown?

if you are on a flat plane, you still need a force to hold you to that flat plane. a flat plane would have to move continuously upward for you to have a feeling of being grounded. no gravity or other force to hold you to the flat plane, and you float. forever. do any walking today @Mellowman2112 ?

same for a ball. lets picture it as you have; a basketball on a flat plane. the basketball would not have it's own gravity, but you would still need gravity to balance on that ball.

otherwise, you would FLOAT.

i have explained gravity more than once to you, you say gravity doesn't exist.

prove it. why don't you float, flatty?
What do you mean it can't be proven conclusively? If you can see across lake Michigan to Chicago and people do everyday, and according to the math this is impossible on a ball 25000 feet in circumference, then it is proven not to be a ball. Conclusively!
Have you seen Chicago across lake Michigan, personally? What if..... we are on a misshapen ball, with multiple flat areas? To be completely open minded about what is possible, is a good thing. But when you place absolutes (on second hand information) subjects we will never likely be able to verify, is just swinging from one lot of dogmatism to another.
For instance, the rectilinear experiment showed that there is a slight incline not that the surface was flat, if you place a magnet in water it repels the water, you can actually see an inclined curve against the edge of the magnet, showing that water can curve. I can go on, but I'm afraid it will land on deaf ears. I have been talking about flat earth on this site for a couple of years now, before it even went mainstream. When I say neither has been proven conclusively that is because, there are many questions yet to be answered, in all likelihood it will never be proven, maybe it's secret is part of the construct, of this life we face. What we know is that there are anomalies to accepted theories.
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Ffs still going, explain acceleration g, flat earth rising would be linear velocity no possibility of acceleration
Have you seen Chicago across lake Michigan, personally? What if..... we are on a misshapen ball, with multiple flat areas? To be completely open minded about what is possible, is a good thing. But when you place absolutes (on second hand information) subjects we will never likely be able to verify, is just swinging from one lot of dogmatism to another.
For instance, the rectilinear experiment showed that there is a slight incline not that the surface was flat, if you place a magnet in water it repels the water, you can actually see an inclined curve against the edge of the magnet, showing that water can curve. I can go on, but I'm afraid it will land on deaf ears. I have been talking about flat earth on this site for a couple of years now, before it even went mainstream. When I say neither has been proven conclusively that is because, there are many questions yet to be answered, in all likelihood it will never be proven, maybe it's secret is part of the construct, of this life we face. What we know is that there are anomalies to accepted theories.

What if you saw the curvature of the Earth? Wouldn't that be conclusive?

Back in the 80s, if you (or your parents) had any money, you could've taken a flight on Concorde. They always used to let kids into the cockpit. Distinctive curvature at 60,000 ft on a clear day.

Since that's no longer possible, you could buy a weather balloon and a sweet camera, get a permit for the balloon, attach the camera to the balloon, start rolling, and release the balloon. Calculate where it will land and go check the footage. Hopefully that will be conclusive enough for you.

Mellowman can't perform this test because the allowance he receives from his boyfriend is insufficient to purchase the necessary tools.
What if you saw the curvature of the Earth? Wouldn't that be conclusive?

Back in the 80s, if you (or your parents) had any money, you could've taken a flight on Concorde. They always used to let kids into the cockpit. Distinctive curvature at 60,000 ft on a clear day.

Since that's no longer possible, you could buy a weather balloon and a sweet camera, get a permit for the balloon, attach the camera to the balloon, start rolling, and release the balloon. Calculate where it will land and go check the footage. Hopefully that will be conclusive enough for you.

Mellowman can't perform this test because the allowance he receives from his boyfriend is insufficient to purchase the necessary tools.
If I was able to see earth in its entirety, it most certainly would shape my opinion. But would my observations, prove it conclusively to you?
I am going to have to disagree about being able to see the curve from Concorde. I was supposed to be part of a UK team that released a balloon last September (honestly) but due to family commitments and anxiety about the whole event, I chose not to partake. The meeting went ahead and footage was collected none the less.
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Ffs still going, explain acceleration g, flat earth rising would be linear velocity no possibility of acceleration
You have always spoke respectfully zeddd and I appreciate that, even as ludicrous as this all sounds. We are not on a dish accelerating upwards. That was a nonsense perpetuated to discredit flat earth proponents. As a thought exercise just for the crack, forget what you understand velocity and gravity to be. Imagine if there is a reason for your life. You were given the ability to ask questions, for a specific reason and this world a beautiful creation to ponder its hidden mysteries(fanciful talk i know)In this imaginary creation an air bomb (think big boom) go's off. What can you feel hitting you?........ sound waves and the medium they travel in. This 'medium' is electric and dielectric (and water molecules). What would happen if you accelerate through this medium?
If I was able to see earth in its entirety, it most certainly would shape my opinion. But would my observations, prove it conclusively to you?

Your observations don't need to prove anything to me, they need to help prove something to you though. Why would you need to see the Earth in its entirety? Surely the fact that your colleagues' weather balloon experiment didn't show the edge of the flat Earth in any direction should tell you that there might not be an edge to film.

Also I am going to have to disagree about being able to see the curve from Concorde.

You're welcome to disagree, but that only highlights the fact that you've never had the opportunity to be aboard a Concorde at cruise altitude. The pilots pointed out the curvature. 180 degree view from the cockpit if you asked politely to take a look.

This leads me to my next question - have you ever been on a plane in flight? The next time you board a plane, ask the pilot(s) if the Earth is flat and how they navigate the sky. Are all pilots habitual liars and part of the 'spheroid Earth' conspiracy? They would have to be, and they would be lying to all passengers about the flight path the plane was taking each and every journey. Why would you get on a plane and trust pilots who are part of a global conspiracy to keep you from the flat Earth truth? Seems foolish. Seems fucking crazy, actually.

I was supposed to be part of a UK team that released a balloon last September (honestly) but due to family commitments and anxiety about the whole event, I chose not to partake. The meeting went ahead and footage was collected none the less.

Why didn't your colleagues float the balloon near one of the edges of the flat Earth to get a good look beyond it? Watching the video link you posted, it seems to me that the balloon is 'centered' at all times with the Earth below. Why is that? Why didn't they take a boat to nearer the 'edge' and release the balloon there? They could have blown the conspiracy wide open. Did you suggest it? If not, why not? Were your colleagues trying to prove the flat Earth model by filming from such a height, or was it another experiment they were conducting?
Definitely a master at moodiful speaking, he failed to add at the 5.00 min mark, that it would be explained on a flat earth if the sun was local and its light,limited. He also failed to add that he measured in his own numerical language called stadion, which no one actually can tell you the equivalent of, even his own works "on the movements of earth" his origional works have been lost and also he measured distance between cities by averaging the speed that a caravan of camels can move the distance between them?
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