Gavita's are they really worth the price ??

Yep, it grows well everywhere. Yet as long as there's places where youll end up in prison for years for cultivating it, it will be more than $500/lb.

Go to a state where it is not rec legal and see how much an LB goes for. Like I said, its a big market, and legal spots arent the rule for pricing, theyre the exception to the rule.

Which goes back to my original argument. Prices wont be like that until a majority of the states legalize it for recreational.
Like i said...theres still some time left...but the clock is ticking. I heard N. Dakota is a growers market. Still can get them old timey prices. Iam not about to pull some crazy shit. Iam cool rigjt here in Michigan. But mark my words....eventually states like North Dakota will fall like a domino too.
Its not going to happen anytime soon.
Thats the big million dollar question isnt it? When? We can all rack our brains with that one. Until then...its all just conjecture. Good arguments and discussion here though. Way off op original topic thread but this is good stuff.
Like i said...theres still some time left...but the clock is ticking. I heard N. Dakota is a growers market. Still can get them old timey prices. Iam not about to pull some crazy shit. Iam cool rigjt here in Michigan. But mark my words....eventually states like North Dakota will fall like a domino too.

Eventually is pretty broad term, wouldnt you say?

Lets put it this way, any investment anyone makes into growing MJ in any market outside of legal for rec states at this time will remain profitable long after it has paid itself off and wasnt that the whole argument about "start saving your money now"...?
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Right, anyone saying its "never going to happen" is burying their head in the sand, I agree.

That said, thinking its going to happen in the very near future is probably also an argument towards having ones head buried in sand.
Thinking politically, Id say it has next to no chance in Hillary's first term. MAYBE her second, but thats a huge maybe. There are way bigger forces involved than simply public opinion.
i agree. I mean eventually if this earth lasts that long at some point they will probably charge for air or something. my point was that it's not right around the corner. In addition, technology changes. Lights will be better and more efficient. If you live in a good area you can run lights at night and not need AC at all (Bay Area).
Thats the big million dollar question isnt it? When? We can all rack our brains with that one. Until then...its all just conjecture. Good arguments and discussion here though. Way off op original topic thread but this is good stuff.

IMO opinion this will be a state led charge. A majority of states will have to force the governments hand, and even then it will be a hard sell. Too many conflicts of interest.
IMO opinion this will be a state led charge. A majority of states will have to force the governments hand, and even then it will be a hard sell. Too many conflicts of interest.
To expand on this. Look at the states that were suing Colorado for legalization due to persons buying there and bringing it over state lines.
They'll eventually lose.
Its inevitable. The cats already out the bag. Once Cali did the Medical thing back in tje day...the clock started ticking. And the lab rat Colorado...with the huge amounts of cash generated without the negative scenarios playing out was the icing on the cake.
Alot.of state government officials and politicians were looking at how Colorado would play out very very closely. some wierd default setting...became the test state. And its thumbs up and game on now. Especially for cash strapped states that were and are much less off than Colorado. I mean...lets be real here...Colorado wasnt exactly piss poor broke before rec legalization.
I love the Bay Area!!!!!! Has to be one of the best places on this planet!!!!!
I do too...bigtime. My gal and I lived in Hopland just outside Ukiah back in the day. We would go down to Frisco every now akd again and party down. Fun city for sure. Dont know if any of yall are into the band Black Keys...but we were early fans and saw them at the Fillmore. Wow...what a show that was. There new stuff is ok but they was real greasy back then. Also saw John Hammond at the Biscuits and Blues in Berkeley back then. For like 15 bucks. Real low key. Met him and his manager wife after the show. I will never forget it. San Fran and the surrounding area has always treated me righteous.
I do too...bigtime. My gal and I lived in Hopland just outside Ukiah back in the day. We would go down to Frisco every now akd again and party down. Fun city for sure. Dont know if any of yall are into the band Black Keys...but we were early fans and saw them at the Fillmore. Wow...what a show that was. There new stuff is ok but they was real greasy back then. Also saw John Hammond at the Biscuits and Blues in Berkeley back then. For like 15 bucks. Real low key. Met him and his manager wife after the show. I will never forget it. San Fran and the surrounding area has always treated me righteous.
Fuck your so right!!!! So you don't live around here anymore? Dude the taco truck in hopland is fucking epic!!!! The one before the casino. What years were you around these parts?
Fuck your so right!!!! So you don't live around here anymore? Dude the taco truck in hopland is fucking epic!!!! The one before the casino. What years were you around these parts?
Oh shit. ..about 2005 to 2008 i believe. How about driving that Hopland Grade to get to Clearlake huh? What a fuker that was!!! Lol
Fuck your so right!!!! So you don't live around here anymore? Dude the taco truck in hopland is fucking epic!!!! The one before the casino. What years were you around these parts? wife and i moved back to Michigan about early '09 i think. She has family in Lower Lake that almost lost thier house in tje recent fire.
I agree that you will be able to get pounds for 500 bucks in 5 years ... But you won't be getting my weed for that. I don't grow garbage . It would be impossible to turn a profit at that price. So this is where you say yes but if you growing with leds your run cost is lower.. So what your saying is people are going to drop 100k+ for lighting setups ... Where they are going to profit a couple thousand dollars a batch... And it's going to take them 20 years to get there investment back. What you are saying makes sense to you.. But it's not reality . You cannot compare a successful small tent grow and think that it's going to be as successful on a large scale. Growers are getting upwards of 5 pounds per thousand watt lamp. I got 3.25 per light my last run and I am a noob...

Electricity costs are not strictly lighting ..the bigger the room, more fans more dehus more everything your going to need.. Lights are not where the power is being used.. So saving a little on light and compromising your yield..... Per fixture and sqft.. Is a god damn joke. And I know I can argue this til I'm blue in the face with you. But your not a commercial grower .. And if you ever are.. Your opinion on this is going to change.. Or it will be the beginning of one hell of a failure for you. Find me a fixture that you can pull over 3 pounds from 1 fixture.. Out of a 5x5 space . Hps is the ONLY way to go. And double ended is dope and all... But I'm doing just as good under my single ended fixtures . If you don't have 10 foot + roof space I think gavitas do more harm than good .
Mmhmmmm go on.
yes i was. Here on rife with noobs and third year pros that think they just hit the jackpot or whatever. I dont mean to be a debbie downer or what have you...but iam here to tell them...i been where yer at rite now. Its all good. But ground yerself in reality fer a sec. Theres a reason you "discovered" how easy it can be to grow fire ass cannabis indoors under lights. And its not anything revolutionary or ah hah light bulbish moment. And dont put all yer eggs in one basket. I welcome the new ness and intrigue and questions...but ...