Donald Trump

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she's not listing them. poor stupid brainwashed lady.
After reading all the ridiculous shit on the board tonight you would figure one would start to get the picture and wise up. But I guess some people decide that some of it must be true or there wouldn't be people making youtube videos. TBH, Hillary had made it pretty easy for them but the same shit-cannon would be aimed at whoever the candidate was. I guess it is the way Republicans have decided to roll. They suck.
I am glad you are here. Without your stupid posts I would have a harder time keeping track of (specifically) what the right-wing is lying about. I am sure you will get some gullible people to believe your shit posts - but Pie is already voting for TRUMP! anyway.
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Thin skinned Traitor Don "roars back in outrage" over a video that documents racists and racist leadership's love for what Trump proposes to do to enshrine white privilege.

The video is contained in that link and the one below (no ads are embeddied in the link below):

Donald Trump roared back at Hillary Clinton’s accusations of racism and hate with three words: Shame on you.

If somebody should feel shame, shouldn't it be the man who called 11 million men, women and children, "criminals and rapists". The one who when asked why he called Mexican migrants rapists without proof, said "well, somebody is doing the raping". Shame on you, Traitor Don.

All that the Hillary campaign did was document statements by racist leadership in support of Traitor Don. No shame in that.
Thin skinned Traitor Don "roars back in outrage" over a video that documents racists and racist leadership's love for what Trump proposes to do to enshrine white privilege.

The video is contained in that link and the one below (no ads are embeddied in the link below):

Donald Trump roared back at Hillary Clinton’s accusations of racism and hate with three words: Shame on you.

If somebody should feel shame, shouldn't it be the man who called 11 million men, women and children, "criminals and rapists". The one who when asked why he called Mexican migrants rapists without proof, said "well, somebody is doing the raping". Shame on you, Traitor Don.

All that the Hillary campaign did was document statements by racist leadership in support of Traitor Don. No shame in that.

devastating, but completely true.

CLEVELAND (AP) — They don't like to be called white supremacists.

The well-dressed men who gathered in Cleveland's Ritz-Carlton bar after Donald Trump's speech accepting the Republican nomination for president prefer the term "Europeanists," ''alt-right," or even "white nationalists." They are also die-hard Trump supporters.

And far from hiding in chat rooms or under white sheets, they cheered the GOP presidential nominee from inside the Republican National Convention over the last week. While not official delegates, they nevertheless obtained credentials to attend the party's highest-profile quadrennial gathering.

Several gathered in the luxury hotel well after midnight following Trump's Thursday address, a fiery appeal they said helped push the Republican Party closer to their principles.

"I don't think people have fully recognized the degree to which he's transformed the party," said Richard Spencer, a clean-cut 38-year-old from Arlington, Virginia, who sipped Manhattans as he matter-of-factly called for removing African-Americans, Hispanics and Jews from the United States.
"Trust me. Trump thinks like me," Spencer said. "Do you think it's a coincidence that everybody like me loves Trump and supports him?"

The robes are off and they look like any other 30-something. They are the new face of the white power movement. It's my guess that they take power at the grass roots level this election and become a real force in four years.
So Trump has made it official,he is going to form a "deportation force" to get rid of 11 million law breakers. I bet they will have some snazy uniforms with a big T somewhere on them and what color is a good choice,maybe a nice brown shirt.
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