EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

If you don't like the outcomes of education, just wait 'til you see what ignorance costs!

another one who equates education with intelligence I see, we can see the results of ignorance wherever democrats go,and we can measure educated ignorance by the dead they leave,300k dead in Libya alone,a genocide created by an educated democrats stroke of the pen no less

I do believe that's check and mate
another one who equates education with intelligence I see, we can see the results of ignorance wherever democrats go,and we can measure educated ignorance by the dead they leave,300k dead in Libya alone,a genocide created by an educated democrats stroke of the pen no less

I do believe that's check and mate

you are both unintelligent and uneducated.
Luddites rearing their heads, inchoately angry, condemning it all. Then bitching about how his Internet connection sucks, lol

Every one of his arguments was the same; one's bad? Tar 'em all!

I see a pattern here just like @ twitch,liberal down code red,repeats code red,all zombies 2 the white zone for battle lol
another one who equates education with intelligence I see, we can see the results of ignorance wherever democrats go,and we can measure educated ignorance by the dead they leave,300k dead in Libya alone,a genocide created by an educated democrats stroke of the pen no less

I do believe that's check and mate
I do believe that's derp and derp.

you are both unintelligent and uneducated.
Indeed, so much so that he can't fathom how others can calculate interest, or otherwise think ahead.
You know 650k isn't shit for a house anymore, right?

The AVERAGE home sale price in Boulder, CO is now over a million smackers.

Its just a mater of where and what you want. I like what I have, a fair amount of land and when its very quite You may or may not hear a car going down the road, if you go end of my property in the winter you can see a house, in the 6 mi. of road from hi. to hi. there are 5 houses with 4 or 5 acres and you can see these from the road, all the rest of us have gates on our drive. I have a little less than 40 acres smaller than most. 4600sf house 2 out buildings a 40x60 combo and a 20x40 that's a 20x20 guest cottage and a 20x20 covered patio and the whole slab in heated well its really 2 20x20s with 2'' of foam between, The first 4'' is wood sided and 4x8ft lexan sheets slide out on tracks and overlap to seal cover the sides the end is the same with a smoker/grill. the cottage side is a full kit. all stainless a half bath is set into the wall into cottage witch has a 3/4 bath. I paid over a 100k less 650k for it.
I went to UALR thats something else we have in common.
That you need help calculating this speaks volumes about why you don't have such a mortgage.

I would say if you need to calculate it you probably shouldn't buy it. I try to look at all sides of a deal always!
It always drives me crazy that people seem to only wont to know how much a month.
I paid cash and got a very good deal as the guys brother was a contractor and he got the land from the same brother years ago cheep and he need to sell fast and to hide the profit. I would say that I was lucky but I had been looking hard for over 7 mo.. When I saw the place it was all I could do to not to jump on it. After 3 days of dickering we went to the bank where I had wired 350,000 the day before and the way we did this it shows that's what I paid for it and what he got for it. Me my property taxes are locked in at a super low rate for life.
I would say if you need to calculate it you probably shouldn't buy it.

Pretty cavalier of you to say.

I once phoned my insurance agent at 5pm to find out the cost of comp/coll on a car I was interested in. He was terse because he'd shut down the computers and couldn't be bothered..he said exactly what you said.

The next day, I leased the car and dumped that agent.

Moral: If you don't take care of your customers someone else will!

Who are you to judge the way a person arrives at a buying decision?
Pretty cavalier of you to say.

I once phoned my insurance agent at 5pm to find out the cost of comp/coll on a car I was interested in. He was terse because he'd shut down the computers and couldn't be bothered..he said exactly what you said.

The next day, I leased the car and dumped that agent.

Moral: If you don't take care of your customers someone else will!

Who are you to judge the way a person arrives at a buying decision?

Being judgemental without knowing shit about the subject is his hallmark, running through every post.
Pretty cavalier of you to say.
Hardly. People living on the edge of what they can afford is a sign of stupidity. If you spend more than 80% of your income to live on its a sign of stupidity.
I once phoned my insurance agent at 5pm to find out the cost of comp/coll on a car I was interested in. He was terse because he'd shut down the computers and couldn't be bothered..he said exactly what you said.
He was right. Hears your SIGN.
The next day, I leased the car and dumped that agent.
Leasing a car. Hears your SIGN.
Leasing a car and needing to know much Insurance will cost. Hears your SIGN.
Moral: If you don't take care of your customers someone else will!

Who are you to judge the way a person arrives at a buying decision?
You judging me for judging someone. Hears your SIGN.