Well-Known Member
do you have a 650k house
At this stage of my life, I need performing investments.
I could afford it but I don't need one, nor do I want to service an investment I don't see appreciating for awhile.
do you have a 650k house
I promise to uphold the constitution is a good start that fits
First, how has he broken that oath and second, how has the entire remainder of the political field NOT done so?
we covered that when I said there all liars and you picked sanders
No proof, then.
enter politics dead broke,leave politics stupid rich,you'd be convicted on that proof
If you believe 'evidence' that vague, you're a sucker for anyone to come along and tell you anything they want.
they enter broke as a joke and 8 years later leave millionaires & you say I'm the suker
Specifics, bro. You can't discover one is a crook and then call that good enough evidence to tar them all with the same brush.
Are lots of politicians crooks? Sure, that doesn't mean they all are - and it doesn't mean that folks like yourself can use that as a copout instead of getting involved.
any politician who entered office broke n left worth millions is a thief and liar,its there job to prove honesty not ours as citizen
No, assuming innocence until proven guilty should go for everyone. Even you during a traffic stop when they discover $10k in your pocket.
You have some very strange ideas about honesty and governance.
Explain where Bernie has made millions please. 35 years in, and not a is expecting politicians salary to add up and match net worth instead of being millions more strange ideas about honesty
how is expecting politicians salary to add up and match net worth instead of being millions more strange ideas about honesty
how is expecting politicians salary to add up and match net worth instead of being millions more strange ideas about honesty
well there's more proof of violation of oath,speaking fees are a conflict of interest,public servants should speak to citizens free of charge,they are not our kingsSpeaking fees, just to name one popular source of revenue.
well there's more proof of violation of oath,speaking fees are a conflict of interest,public servants should speak to citizens free of charge,they are not our kings
I'm afraid you need an education about how our political system works so you can better understand exactly where and how it's dysfunctional.
Until you do this, you'll end up at loggerheads with people who do have such an understanding- and that's a shame because it sounds like you really do have your heart in the right place.
not at all,oath of office is priority #1,being paid from a second source creates a conflict of interestNow you're trying to interfere with commerce itself.
not at all,oath of office is priority #1,being paid from a second source creates a conflict of interest