EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

look at Clinton's worth of 60 million,both salaries since 92 with no expenses or homes add up to that,even the dumbest man can count money
not at all,oath of office is priority #1,being paid from a second source creates a conflict of interest

Again, until you have a foundational grasp of the relevant law, I can't begin to discuss this intelligently with you.

It is not, nor should it be, to earn money while in political office. If it were, no one worthy of the position would take it.
owing $650 million to china while vying to be the guy who works our trade deals with them is a conflict on interest.

or selling eastern europe to putin in exchange for intelligence from russian spies and counterinformation from paid russian trolls. now that is a conflict of interest.

giving speeches to goldman sachs promoting the importance of women in the workplace and policies like paid maternal leave? not so much.

uggo kwai nao, okai?

you saved me a bunch of work,perfect examples of $ in pocket before oath of office,I rest my case
Again, until you have a foundational grasp of the relevant law, I can't begin to discuss this intelligently with you.

It is not, nor should it be, to earn money while in political office. If it were, no one worthy of the position would take it.

your talking law and I'm talking integrity,I'm sure somewhere its legal to beat up infants and steal there candy but its not a moral act,do we place bad laws ahead of morality and trust I hope not
your talking law and I'm talking integrity,I'm sure somewhere its legal to beat up infants and steal there candy but its not a moral act,do we place bad laws ahead of morality and trust I hope not

I'm not interested in 'morality' testing, your moral standards are different from those of others.

I'm interested in verifiable facts and written statutes, not feelings or beliefs- those can't be quantified and they can't be legislated.
Nah if she's female and you are a male relative you can beat
Damn dude do you just make up lies as you type. It is very illegal to beat an infant in Saudi Arabia. In fact they are one of the first countrys to sign the Convention on the Rights of the Child. I see you dropped the stealing lie
If you are a male relative and you take candy it's not stealing, I have actually lived for 4 years in Muslim countries and I've read the Quran 3 times, where were you in Saudi ?
If you are a male relative and you take candy it's not stealing, I have actually lived for 4 years in Muslim countries and I've read the Quran 3 times, where were you in Saudi ?

sure you have.

SHAWNY I don't have a tv so don't watch the news......u told me man im soooo happy, ....this Marxist child murderer is the pits....everyones favourite nigga......I prefer the honesty of mike tyson
smiling uncle TOM.....read this mandela lovers....
Since 1994 over 4000 white farmer families have been brutally raped, murdered and skinned alive and altogether 70 000 whites murdered by blacks in this Genocide being condoned by then president Mandela and the current ANC government, why doesn't the UN step in? Impose sanctions? Put Mandela on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity? Is there that much White Guilt that the world ignores this? Under Apartheid there were no such murders, government sanctioned murder or cruelty or inhumane conditions as the Boer Whites have had to suffer, If whites did this to non-whites or even whites doing it to whites the US and her allies would invade and save the population from being annihilated in this type of genocide!
u want the Jew connection....?
I'm interested in verifiable facts and written statutes, not feelings or beliefs- those can't be quantified and they can't be legislated.

sounds great if americans didn't pick which laws are moral or just & enforce accordingly,to many laws broken by governments emotion 4 u 2 use law as indication of truth,the 2 r not 1
sounds great if americans didn't pick which laws are moral or just & enforce accordingly,to many laws broken by governments emotion 4 u 2 use law as indication of truth,the 2 r not 1
