Well-Known Member
Apparently he drove off the edge of the Earth. Well played!
This is what happens when you are easily swayed by a nice presentation. I had not realized how many of yhese people yhere are. It sort of puts the politics section into perspective. Maybe TRUMP! will convert to flat earthism after the election. He can have his fsce painted on the dome.An extreme way to prove his point, but commendable the way he's committed to his theory.
He Thelma & Louise'd it. Fair play to the lad. Shame he didn't Periscope it too.
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This is what happens when you are easily swayed by a nice presentation. I had not realized how many of yhese people yhere are. It sort of puts the politics section into perspective. Maybe TRUMP! will convert to flat earthism after the election. He can have his fsce painted on the dome.
Can you imagine nazis with youtube?
From where I sit, mostly it looks like the combination of dumbing education down mixed with access to unlimited information has raised a generation of people who are very poor at processing information and who have little knowledge of logic - but think that they do.Mellowman loves youtube - as close to a Nazi as one can get without actually being one because, you know, he's gay. He might be fabulous in person, but his sexual orientation doesn't fly with them.
I would wager that a significant proportion of Trump! supporters are indeed fundy flat-earthers. Scary stuff.
I thought that I did. But this thread has opened my eyes.Interesting that Trump has been able to attract and filter them as he has. I'm sure this is an eye-opener for a lot of people. Who knew there were so many on the fringe of reality
But are there more than there were decades ago? Or are they just taking part in the process on a global scale? We used to keep people who were crazy in institutions or in the basement. There are no more institutions and the first thing you give them when you shove them into the basement is internet. In my opinion, that is where most of them come from.There are many more of these nutjobs than one would think. It's scary
The sky did not look like that when i was a kid. Who is doing this? Why? Who is paying for it?
Ok you are correct per se. But look at the question you've used "whydo ships disappear before horizons before their masts do?" What you actually mean is; why does a ships hull disappear, as it sails into the distance. I said "Ships supposedly sailing over the edge reappear when viewed with a telescope".Let's start with this one
No they don't. You made the positive claim that they do, so let's see the evidence
Evolution of consciousness. Prove it."... gee. These flat earth guys have some compelling points."
No. No they do not. What the Flat Earth movement has is scientifically illiterate members. That is all. And we are both surprised and depressed at their sheer numbers
Sorry, we did. Many times. Even went outside of Earth so we could see it ourselves. But you don't believe that. The pictures are obviously photoshopped and a guy worked in Hollywood, etc.Evolution of consciousness. Prove it.
worst video ever. you are an imbecile if you think this video supports your view.
The sky did not look like that when i was a kid. Who is doing this? Why? Who is paying for it?
Ok you are correct per se. But look at the question you've used "whydo ships disappear before horizons before their masts do?" What you actually mean is; why does a ships hull disappear, as it sails into the distance. I said "Ships supposedly sailing over the edge reappear when viewed with a telescope".
(Laws of perspective.) What I failed to add was, when using eyesight alone. How ever there are a few reasons why, when talking about greater distances objects dissapear behind the horizon line.
1. Atmospheric conditions can affect clarity of an object and can cause various visual distortions.
Aerial perspective or atmospheric perspective refers to the effect the atmosphere has on the appearance of an object as it is viewed from a distance. As the distance between an object and a viewer increases, the contrast between the object and its background decreases, and the contrast of any markings or details within the object also decreases. The colours of the object also become less saturated and shift towards the background color, which is usually blue, but under some conditions may be some other color (for example, at sunrise or sunset distant colors may shift towards red). Wikipedia
2.Horizon line
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