Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
Mulberries are in early thanks to the cloying mugginess....

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Stunning cactus blossoms, too....

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Nice plants Lou!! I've got to get outside and pop some pictures this week and post for you guys. My cucumbers are blowing up now and I planted this Mandevilla Cat got me for my birthday, it is gorgeous and blooming like crazy! It's covered up with blooms, and now my yellow rose is putting out another set.

I love summer!!!!! :D :D


Well-Known Member

I finally got some pics to share with you guys, the hydrangeas are recovering from the drought and extreme heat finally. Today I hit them with some homemade fertilizer that Cat whipped up for me. Can't wait to see how they respond!

The green peppers are doing well...

bell peppers.JPG

The Brussel Sprout plant isn't doing that great, I fertilized everything today, hopefully it will help things along...

brussel sprouts.JPG

Cukes....I've already harvested a few that were as long as my biceps :)

The first jalapeno I've ever grown..also fertilized today




This is a red Camelia that Cat surprised me with :)


Our Corkscrew Willow that we brought with us from his old place...it's taking off, tomorrow we'll be pruning it back and listing the cuttings on E-bay.

One of our Rhode Island Reds decided she wanted to strike a pose with it :)

corkscrew willow before pruning.JPG

the Mandevilla :)


My Nikko Blue Hydrangea is starting to bounce back after the heat wave and drought. Somehow or another a Coleus jumped in the pot with it.


The Japanese Maple cuttings are doing better, funniest thing though, they both have suckers coming out at the base.

jap maples.JPG
I really want to put them in the ground but I decided to wait until we make sure we get to renew our lease this fall. I'd hate to have to dig everything up.

Hopefully the fertilizer I used today will help everything blossom out better! Fingers crossed!

The end :D


Well-Known Member
cool beans!!

I hear you on the heat. Shew man, its been unbearable in these parts, its so frickin humid my glasses fog up whenever I go outside o_O
just ug..but I'll deal, long as this a/c keeps blowing cold! :)
Been killer here for heat. Hate it because work is so hot then I go for break in the heat.

Somedays its worse for me then others( normally thw half drunk lack of aleep days)

Lol it stormed but barely imo.

Hate it


Well-Known Member
<3 always careful. Drink tons of water n have thw fridge and staff room I chill in. Also a cool park with a big tree, thats where I eat hehehehe
sounds like a nice place for lunch! It'd be great if we could eat outside sometime but we've got a shit ton of bugs going on here right now..those tiny gnat buzzers that like to shoot up your nose, you know the ones? lol yeah a shit ton of those and some damn near hummingbird sized mosquitoes (I'm not kidding!) that are armed and ready for action every where I turn..you have to be outside in the hottest point of the day to stand any of them otherwise you'll be dodging clouds of them bastards headed straight at you! lmfao, needless to say I use a LOT of deep woods off :lol: