Hillary can't be trusted

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That's exactly what you are doing too. Stick to the facts and it can't be spun. More than a year of investigation by the FBI with over 1500 agents involved and Comey knew the facts better than you or I. He spoke with precision when he said "not true". Did not let her off the hook either. She fucked up with her e-mail server. Not even Hillary is denying that. What is denied by anybody close to the facts is that there is proof that Hillary lied.

You spin it into something else and keep adding to it with emotional dreck. You seem to be saying that the absence of proof confirms that Hillary lied. Is that what you are saying?
Of course I will and when Hillary loses you will be gone a win win for the politics section no more Uncle Buck and Hitlery Cunton. :)

I don't have over 90k posts like you.

awesome. i cannot wait to see you go. less than three months of your stupidity and racism to endure.
What about when Hitlery said she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia?
Oh and what about how Hitlery claims to be against the TPP? Yet she has been all about it before the campaign.

so you're too much of a pussy and coward to simply admit that trump lies all the time, even over the most inconsequential of things?

we could play a game, where for every lie you could find of hillary's, i could counter with 4 bigger lies from trump.

but that would require a greater than eighth grade level of education, so you could not play.
trump lies all the time. i can list them. so can he be trusted?

you believe in the guy who tells all the lies, and you tell a lot of lies yourself. can you be trusted?
Well Trump's lies have nothing to do with our national security or government and the shady shit Hillary is behind like taking millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia!
sorry, you need to use your words on this one. which is why i said you do not possess an adequate level of education to play this game.

at least you'll be banned soon though.

Well Trump's lies have nothing to do with our national security or government and the shady shit Hillary is behind like taking millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia!

well composed post. not full of spam and lies at all.

trump lied when he said he was against the iraq war. he was for it.

trump lied when he said he was against intervention in libya. he was for it.

trump lied when he said obama and hillary created ISIS.

trump said he thinks saudi arabia and japan should have nukes.

this is all plain, established fact. trump lies about national security all the time. and you are so fucking stupid that you buy it.

you cannot be trusted.
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