Hillary can't be trusted

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What makes you say that there is no good choice in this election? I'd really like to see a facts based reason why Hillary can't be trusted. @Flaming Pie keeps spamming her own post with made up shit. Something more than "my feeeling" or my opinion, I'd really like to see something with substance that justifies this post's premise.
Try reading the thread and actually taking the time to absorb the information.
The Bosnia thing, what's that? The coverage from the right wing nut group is hysterical about it. It is true that what she said doesn't match what happened. On the other hand, I don't have any idea what she was told or what she thought was going on. Do you? I mean, can you provide a report that gives facts about what she was told? It all sounds a bit trumped up to me. But really, is that you you have got?

Her change in stance on TPP indicates Hillary can change according to the will the people. She listened and is no longer supporting TPP. What's your beef about that now?
Do you know what a lie is?
So tell us Pie. Are you going to jump on the bandwagon of fraud claimers when your leader gets his ass fucking kicked in November?
Simple Definition of fraud

: the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person

: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not in order to trick people

Already guilty of fraud.
Simple Definition of fraud

: the crime of using dishonest methods to take something valuable from another person

: a person who pretends to be what he or she is not in order to trick people

Already guilty of fraud.
Nice way to sidestep the issue. At least it shows that you have some token of good sense left. We will just have to wait and see what you do I guess.
Nice way to sidestep the issue. At least it shows that you have some token of good sense left. We will just have to wait and see what you do I guess.
I am directly addressing your post. You seem to to think fraud claims are rediculous but the definition of fraud is the exact thing that Hillary and the DNC have done.
I am directly addressing your post. You seem to to think fraud claims are rediculous but the definition of fraud is the exact thing that Hillary and the DNC have done.
No, you are avoiding it. Fuhrer TRUMP! Has claimed there will be widespread voter fraud unless he wins. And you know it is a moronic statement so you are dodging it.

No, you are avoiding it. Fuhrer TRUMP! Has claimed there will be widespread voter fraud unless he wins. And you know it is a moronic statement so you are dodging it.


Him pointing out that hillary lies and hillary panders for votes plus the DNC heavily weighing the media in her favor is somehow bad.

Bernie people are pointing out the same thing. Jill stein people are pointing out the same thing.

Found a nice article on CNN about Hillary. Not a lie, but definitely unethical.

I had to scroll alllllll the way down the front page tho.

Top Clinton State Dept. aide involved in Clinton Foundation

A CNN investigation found Cheryl Mills interviewed two people for a job at the Clinton Foundation while serving as Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Drew Griffin reportsSource: CNN

Its ok tho. Cheryl mill was volunteering her time.
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