what do u do with money


Well-Known Member

ok me and money have never worked i had a bank account as a teen my little brother used the card and 1226 bucks on phone sex .......i proved it was fruad but i could not get my money back just credit with the phone sex ppl

since then i been all cash .........the only reason i even have a account is incase something like this happens in family (keep credit cards so keep a good score and for bigger buys floping down loads of 20s to pay for something get looks in this area )...but that is just money order

i basically live off 300-600 bucks a month food gas smokes ....grow my own weed make my own drink steal all my movies and programs

what the should i do with the rest .......banks i really do not like as they charge u money for so much shit 5 dollar checking charge and other fees just depleting the cash and u have to pay them for access to it .....scam like shit

bonds and all that are now digital so i can not buy them with cash with out a tax id number (do not have one never made enough legally to have to file taxes)

as for coins and other metals ......already have a big collect of rare coins gold coins and some silver bars

my brother said if i hire someone to do the work for me i should just figure 10-20% will go to them for the work and that seems why to much to me( do not ask him as he has had major issuse with irs and all so not the best advice on this)

i am terrible with money .......i think of it in terms of Ozs 800 dollar bill i need to sell 3 jars paid in full ....money is not a issue to me has not been for years ....with bi polar i am a soft touch

where do i start learning this shit .....so i do not get scammed
(yes i know i should not be thinking this stuff now i should grieve more .........this is what a williams does we get everything locked down finished fixed then when a sec to breath we break down then move on ....to much to do need to get it set before can relax ).....yes i sleep might be 6 hours but that is in ok range i know building up a debt and will sleep for 2 days

so where and what do i need to start learning and reading
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do you work a reg job of any kind where you get a W2? What kind of yearly income are we talking about here?

I always recommend Ric Edelman's books if you want to get a intro into money/investing but this is geared to a "legit" income. It's getting harder to conceal assets from the "G", especially if you were to come up on their radar for anything.
omg it costs me 4$ to use a bank, once a month i am charged 4$

how fucking much of a scam is that really? they are keeping your money safe.

my god. just use a fucking bank account lol

because before you know it it will all be plastic and cards anyways
Just give me your money, you're not ready for this
naw even to me that seem dumb move

if i was to give it to anyone it would be one of the 6 ppl i trust ........tell them take 30-50 k for self set me up how i need to be with rest
do you work a reg job of any kind where you get a W2? What kind of yearly income are we talking about here?

I always recommend Ric Edelman's books if you want to get a intro into money/investing but this is geared to a "legit" income. It's getting harder to conceal assets from the "G", especially if you were to come up on their radar for anything.

legally never made more then 6000 on a w2 or 1040/1099 ......most of my work was always under the table (never pass a piss test so they never put me on the books i was a good worker so they me do it that way )

omg it costs me 4$ to use a bank, once a month i am charged 4$

how fucking much of a scam is that really? they are keeping your money safe.

my god. just use a fucking bank account lol

because before you know it it will all be plastic and cards anyways

i use credit card and send in money orders to pay off the balance ..........u can not use a bank as i am going into weed ......put any weed money into a bank account the feds can freeze it .....weed is still narco one and banks run under federal law not state

all shops in all states are cash only .....no bank cards no credit cards
plus fuck the government they called me a druggie and drunk they get none of my money i will sit in jail on their dime for a few years before i will pay them shit .....club fed for tax evasion

so even if i wanted to use a bank if they ever figure out weed money they can freeze it leaving me with nothing ........it has happend in CO federal law suit about it
Create a safe location elsewhere maybe like you house, instead of a bank. Any bills you have pay with cash. do it even if they charge you a couple extra dollars to do so. If absolutely needed just put enough money in the bank that won't draw attention. Never withdraw or deposit more than $10,000. It's an automatic red flag to the feds. If you want to do something beneficial with your money then hire a good lawyer and accountant, they can help you make it legitimate.
So your saying you want to give a friend $50k.... They invest it for you? That has bad news written all over it. I don't get charged anything for using my bank. As long as I deposit I think like $1500 a month they don't charge a service fee.

ok me and money have never worked i had a bank account as a teen my little brother used the card and 1226 bucks on phone sex .......i proved it was fruad but i could not get my money back just credit with the phone sex ppl

since then i been all cash .........the only reason i even have a account is incase something like this happens in family (keep credit cards so keep a good score and for bigger buys floping down loads of 20s to pay for something get looks in this area )...but that is just money order

i basically live off 300-600 bucks a month food gas smokes ....grow my own weed make my own drink steal all my movies and programs

what the should i do with the rest .......banks i really do not like as they charge u money for so much shit 5 dollar checking charge and other fees just depleting the cash and u have to pay them for access to it .....scam like shit

bonds and all that are now digital so i can not buy them with cash with out a tax id number (do not have one never made enough legally to have to file taxes)

as for coins and other metals ......already have a big collect of rare coins gold coins and some silver bars

my brother said if i hire someone to do the work for me i should just figure 10-20% will go to them for the work and that seems why to much to me( do not ask him as he has had major issuse with irs and all so not the best advice on this)

i am terrible with money .......i think of it in terms of Ozs 800 dollar bill i need to sell 3 jars paid in full ....money is not a issue to me has not been for years ....with bi polar i am a soft touch

where do i start learning this shit .....so i do not get scammed
(yes i know i should not be thinking this stuff now i should grieve more .........this is what a williams does we get everything locked down finished fixed then when a sec to breath we break down then move on ....to much to do need to get it set before can relax ).....yes i sleep might be 6 hours but that is in ok range i know building up a debt and will sleep for 2 days

so where and what do i need to start learning and reading
Seems to me, all u need is a good safe in a great hiding place.
Create a safe location elsewhere maybe like you house, instead of a bank. Any bills you have pay with cash. do it even if they charge you a couple extra dollars to do so. If absolutely needed just put enough money in the bank that won't draw attention. Never withdraw or deposit more than $10,000. It's an automatic red flag to the feds. If you want to do something beneficial with your money then hire a good lawyer and accountant, they can help you make it legitimate.

amount is now 4000 3999 is the limit they are talking to lowing that to 1500
federal reporting limit now ........they are freaked about the T word

so u say make buddies with a strait lawyer and a good accountant ....then hire them
i got to get one for taxes this is the first time i have to file ever

So your saying you want to give a friend $50k.... They invest it for you? That has bad news written all over it. I don't get charged anything for using my bank. As long as I deposit I think like $1500 a month they don't charge a service fee.

he said give it to him

i said no if i was going to just give it to someone i would one of the 6 ppl i trust .......tell them they can keep 30-50k and the rest of the money set it up the way i need too
those 6 ppl i have no worries about them robbing me .......if they wanted too could of thousands of times before
(i had little over 62k in one of those little fire proofsafes all 6 knew i left house for 2 weeks i came back it was all there) .....i trust them

Seems to me, all u need is a good safe in a great hiding place.
kind of what i had going here .....put we are not talking change money anymore

Credit unions are banks run by your peers. Check them out.
i look into it ......it just the federal rules with weed it is still narco 1 list so it is a seizure thing ......that and they are insure yah for like 120k

The point I was trying to make is $$$ is evil. Whenever you think you've made enough things get more expensive.
yes it is

but i have more then enough for the rest of my life .....the house is mine the land is mine
i am planning on renting the house out after we update it and fix everything .......1800 a month split the rent with my brother and 2 months rent use for land taxes and homeowners insurance
after that rent it untill get the money back put into it and sell it when the market is better

ok me and money have never worked i had a bank account as a teen my little brother used the card and 1226 bucks on phone sex .......i proved it was fruad but i could not get my money back just credit with the phone sex ppl

since then i been all cash .........the only reason i even have a account is incase something like this happens in family (keep credit cards so keep a good score and for bigger buys floping down loads of 20s to pay for something get looks in this area )...but that is just money order

i basically live off 300-600 bucks a month food gas smokes ....grow my own weed make my own drink steal all my movies and programs

what the should i do with the rest .......banks i really do not like as they charge u money for so much shit 5 dollar checking charge and other fees just depleting the cash and u have to pay them for access to it .....scam like shit

bonds and all that are now digital so i can not buy them with cash with out a tax id number (do not have one never made enough legally to have to file taxes)

as for coins and other metals ......already have a big collect of rare coins gold coins and some silver bars

my brother said if i hire someone to do the work for me i should just figure 10-20% will go to them for the work and that seems why to much to me( do not ask him as he has had major issuse with irs and all so not the best advice on this)

i am terrible with money .......i think of it in terms of Ozs 800 dollar bill i need to sell 3 jars paid in full ....money is not a issue to me has not been for years ....with bi polar i am a soft touch

where do i start learning this shit .....so i do not get scammed
(yes i know i should not be thinking this stuff now i should grieve more .........this is what a williams does we get everything locked down finished fixed then when a sec to breath we break down then move on ....to much to do need to get it set before can relax ).....yes i sleep might be 6 hours but that is in ok range i know building up a debt and will sleep for 2 days

so where and what do i need to start learning and reading
You got over a g in phone sex credit? Fuck yea, you still have anymore ? Let me borrow a minute.
You got over a g in phone sex credit? Fuck yea, you still have anymore ? Let me borrow a minute.
u can have the whole thing

they are gone .......this was in the days of the internet coming out before it was 80% porn .....mags vhs tapes and phone was all u had besides the live strippers

this is when i was 17 .....20 years ago
Was kinda joking... Not sure how long the $ is gonna be around :?:

ready for that
1 i can grow plants .....weed herbs veggies fruits
2 i can brew alc ......drink or fuel
3 i can make penicillin from bread mold
4 weapons blades bombs chemicals and every army manual they ever made (including repairing anything they drive)
5 medical books and everything u could possible need .....saved can be pulled up any time ( tablet with a hand crack in a emp proof bag)

the world ends it is my heaven i am set ..........someone will want one of my skills or info .....us dollar goes to toilet paper i am golden
ready for that
1 i can grow plants .....weed herbs veggies fruits
2 i can brew alc ......drink or fuel
3 i can make penicillin from bread mold
4 weapons blades bombs chemicals and every army manual they ever made (including repairing anything they drive)
5 medical books and everything u could possible need .....saved can be pulled up any time ( tablet with a hand crack in a emp proof bag)

the world ends it is my heaven i am set ..........someone will want one of my skills or info .....us dollar goes to toilet paper i am golden
That's what I'm talking about. Working on a poor mans checklist of my own. But I think I found what to do with your $$$. Save it for when you run outta tp