are we talking about breeding with amy schumer now?
evergreengardener yea, you caught me =\
I just thought I was beating all that by getting the same expression! But yea, as noted above, only way to be sure is to do it yourself....
well now that we've gotten to punnet squares, just to clarify:
Genotype in those days is considered to be the genetic possibility from the makeup- if one color eyes and another color eyes breed, the genotype is the 'mix' of those genes, even though they're mixed and expressed differently per child. Mendel essentially discovered genotypes vs observed 'phenotypic' characteristics. (The genotype of the brood may would be 1/4 blue eyes and 3/4 green eyes or whatever) which is technically the correct way to view the broods possible phenotypes.
The Phenotype itself is the 'locked-down' set of characteristics possible from the genotype. Mendel didn't really know what was going on, he just knew phenotypic observation (in respect to breeding) was crazy. The phenotype is the Aa in the 2x2 square.
(inhales the deep rich smug surrounding him)
EDIT: and eventually figured out that breeding for genotypic possibility yielded better results than just breeding types of the desired expressed phenotype. Even if a plant doesnt express a phenotype, you can predict what the chances are of it carrying the desired suppressed gene set.