Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

ive been stopped and frisked so many times i couldnt tell ya. But not for beign white. just for where i lived and a good target for state fund paydays for the jail . Always in poor communities i would get stopped and frisked for no fucking reason. dressed up or down , mercedes or cheby , didnt matter ! being a sheepfuck id let them have thier way. Not anymore ! One time i got a ticket and had 15 warrants and the cop looks at me going wtf . Mostly j-walking. soemtimes with a jay , sometimes not. lol. Alot of cops are amped up ready to kill now days like its a fuckign game.or like aprthied israel , you pick . But you know its bad when the nypd black cops are afraid of thier own cops off work. .That says soemthing. I bet the white ones feel privalaged like gods or soemthing. Soemhting like he-man in his coolots .. Aim high cops. thigh high ! lol. sorry , im peakin atr the moment. hehe . One time in the 80s i called and turned myself in for attempted murder . Police swat show up at my grandmas apt in in the middle of knowhere in the middle of night ta least 7 deep pointing amchine guns at my grandma in wheelchair... I was washing blood from my pants at the bathtub and luckily knowbody died that day. Ive had police totally stop traffic on i-5 in wa. downtown seattle and surround me with cops drawn on me without being shot in a stolen car from outta state with stolen guns . came with car ,lol. due pulled a gun on my and friend hitchhicking so we took his car to get away.charges dropped !! lol. . I bet you get shot now. Heck , like the guy thye shot just for fleeing the other day. So not procedure !
Shits so bad here in u.s. if i cruise my lowrider primered 58 around high end neighboorhoods i could almost expect to be stopped and have been ..I can be parked in snob neighboor hoodbar parking lot and they pull up to me. WTF . When i worked in a wharehouse id go out with my chicano friends for lunch in thier lowriders and we would always joke that we would get stopped because of me being in thier car. lol. To them 1 white guy with 4 chicnos could only mean a drug deal , right ?

I got a story more fitting for the tittle of thread.
Me and my brother in law are sitting in the bar at the 4 seasons maui . Some really big dudes come in it was afetrnoon not muhc going on in the bar. Pretty much juts me and my brother till these guys showed up. Anyway , my brother in law says "thats Stokes from the raiders football team '. it was 1994 or so. Anyway , didnt mean much to me. Im a stokes too a couple gens back. I didnt follow sports. He said the other players name but i forgot . looked like thye were shootin some pool with thier trainers or soemthing. who knows.
So anyway Stokes orders a drink and after he doesnt get it for a bit he goes up to the very small white guy behind bad and asked him where his drink is. Hes like touchin elbows with my brother in law just about . so after stokes ask whta happened to the drink he said " I gave it to the other guy , i mistook him for you because you look the same " . Then the dude realized what he said and Stokes could have burned a hole through him with his stare. Talk about a face palm moment. you should have seen the look on the little guys face. I was waiting for stokes to just grab the fucker up. man , prpbably a had to be there moment for sure. .
Yeast is in the air.

The wine I make covered with cheese cloth is really good. The bees and insects bring the yeast.

In jail you can use bread or rolls for yeast.
You know they sell proper wine yeast, right?

You're risking malolactic bacteria infection and a multitude of other pathogens by not using a correctly sealed container.

I bet your wine is quite bitter and needs extended aging for smoothness.
ive been stopped and frisked so many times i couldnt tell ya. But not for beign white. just for where i lived and a good target for state fund paydays for the jail . Always in poor communities i would get stopped and frisked for no fucking reason. dressed up or down , mercedes or cheby , didnt matter ! being a sheepfuck id let them have thier way. Not anymore ! One time i got a ticket and had 15 warrants and the cop looks at me going wtf . Mostly j-walking. soemtimes with a jay , sometimes not. lol. Alot of cops are amped up ready to kill now days like its a fuckign game.or like aprthied israel , you pick . But you know its bad when the nypd black cops are afraid of thier own cops off work. .That says soemthing. I bet the white ones feel privalaged like gods or soemthing. Soemhting like he-man in his coolots .. Aim high cops. thigh high ! lol. sorry , im peakin atr the moment. hehe . One time in the 80s i called and turned myself in for attempted murder . Police swat show up at my grandmas apt in in the middle of knowhere in the middle of night ta least 7 deep pointing amchine guns at my grandma in wheelchair... I was washing blood from my pants at the bathtub and luckily knowbody died that day. Ive had police totally stop traffic on i-5 in wa. downtown seattle and surround me with cops drawn on me without being shot in a stolen car from outta state with stolen guns . came with car ,lol. due pulled a gun on my and friend hitchhicking so we took his car to get away.charges dropped !! lol. . I bet you get shot now. Heck , like the guy thye shot just for fleeing the other day. So not procedure !
Shits so bad here in u.s. if i cruise my lowrider primered 58 around high end neighboorhoods i could almost expect to be stopped and have been ..I can be parked in snob neighboor hoodbar parking lot and they pull up to me. WTF . When i worked in a wharehouse id go out with my chicano friends for lunch in thier lowriders and we would always joke that we would get stopped because of me being in thier car. lol. To them 1 white guy with 4 chicnos could only mean a drug deal , right ?

I got a story more fitting for the tittle of thread.
Me and my brother in law are sitting in the bar at the 4 seasons maui . Some really big dudes come in it was afetrnoon not muhc going on in the bar. Pretty much juts me and my brother till these guys showed up. Anyway , my brother in law says "thats Stokes from the raiders football team '. it was 1994 or so. Anyway , didnt mean much to me. Im a stokes too a couple gens back. I didnt follow sports. He said the other players name but i forgot . looked like thye were shootin some pool with thier trainers or soemthing. who knows.
So anyway Stokes orders a drink and after he doesnt get it for a bit he goes up to the very small white guy behind bad and asked him where his drink is. Hes like touchin elbows with my brother in law just about . so after stokes ask whta happened to the drink he said " I gave it to the other guy , i mistook him for you because you look the same " . Then the dude realized what he said and Stokes could have burned a hole through him with his stare. Talk about a face palm moment. you should have seen the look on the little guys face. I was waiting for stokes to just grab the fucker up. man , prpbably a had to be there moment for sure. .

15 warrants for jay walking?:lol:

I don't believe that. Judges don't sign warrants for parking tickets. Why would they do it for walking in between traffic?

They don have the fucking time for that shit.
Yeast is in the air.

The wine I make covered with cheese cloth is really good. The bees and insects bring the yeast.

In jail you can use bread or rolls for yeast.

Ahhhhhhh! That's right! I used to watch a lot of 'Lockup'..some ingenious shit they make..sadly most I would spew just knowing what's all mixed in..that goes for canteen creations, too.:spew:
You know they sell proper wine yeast, right?

You're risking malolactic bacteria infection and a multitude of other pathogens by not using a correctly sealed container.

I bet your wine is quite bitter and needs extended aging for smoothness.
Wine has been made like that for a long time. I also make it in a jug with an airlock. I'm not worried about making wine in the open air.
Tell that to the tanzanian albino who just had his arm chopped off by a friend who was told by a witch doctor that it would bring him riches
Dude the documentary on world pbs about this will epitomize for you just how easy it is to brainwash naieve folks into murder, limb hunting .....bullshit
15 warrants for jay walking?:lol:

I don't believe that. Judges don't sign warrants for parking tickets. Why would they do it for walking in between traffic?

They don have the fucking time for that shit.

you telling me what happened to me. unreal man . thanks for your opinion..............
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you telling me what happened to me. unreal man . thanks for your opinion..............

I'm sorry but I also find it very hard to believe anywhere in the US you got 15 warrants for jay walking. I'd believe it if you were jay walking with a bag of coke and some stolen credit cards while carrying a firearm with a dead baby in your arms. But 15 warrants for just jay walking? I call bullshit. What's that expression?

Pics or it didnt happen.