Because ALL Black People Look Alike?

Probably. Also because they know how many rednecks have guns, and if they give them even an inkling that they can start shooting to defend themselves from cops it will be the wild west all over again. I mean jesus, look how much a fuss they made over Waco and Ruby Ridge even WITHOUT that law on the books.
The government won't be concerned with rednecks until black people are gone. Until then, rednecks are nothing more than an "inconvenience".
The government won't be concerned with rednecks until black people are gone. Until then, rednecks are nothing more than an "inconvenience".
Pretty much true, but you're forgetting that there are states where that is basically the case. There are 9 states where less than 2% of the population is black, and 5 states where there are less than 10,000 black people total (And whaddaya know, Ruby Ridge happened Idaho, where a whopping 0.95% of the population is black).
The government won't be concerned with rednecks until black people are gone. Until then, rednecks are nothing more than an "inconvenience".

Black people will never be gone nor should they.

Every culture has its bigotry and racism to a certain lives in every single one of us to varying degree.

Accept that it exists, shrug your shoulders and be proud walking away with your head held high, and embrace those similar to you (in mindset) that you should have the good fortune of having them in your life.

Bearkat, don't make yourself crazy over social justice my will never be as we wish..
Tell that to the tanzanian albino who just had his arm chopped off by a friend who was told by a witch doctor that it would bring him riches
Long story, about 2 years ago we were asked by someone in our church to help this homeless man, and we agreed and brought him into our home for a week. He was a creep and we asked him to leave after one week. Apparently he was using his phone to connect to our internet to send kiddy porn to people. Only happened for a week and we kicked him out and it stopped, well from our home anyhow. 8 months latter we had a swat team at our home breaking in our doors, they held a semi auto rifle at my head, then roughed my husband up and through him up against a door in our home with a deadbolt and he sustained a bad head injury which has caused hin to have a seizure was a nightmare...then they carted his ass to jail because of the weed they found in his office. He since had to quit his job he was a truck driver. He has medical issues, then PTSD, and also can no longer drive trucks because of this, it has been devestating... they confiscated all our electrics...
Why say semi auto rifle? All guns except bolt action, pump and muzzle loaders are semi auto.

You shouldnt let strangers use your internet.

It is a fucked up situation. But aren't you FDD so how could this story be true?
Why say semi auto rifle? All guns except bolt action, pump and muzzle loaders are semi auto.

You shouldnt let strangers use your internet.

It is a fucked up situation. But aren't you FDD so how could this story be true?
We didn't let him use the internet he somehow tapped into our IP address with his phone that is why I said everybody should be particularly guarded about their IP address because apparently from what the Attorney General said even when you have good safeguards on it they are very easy to tap into
We didn't let him use the internet he somehow tapped into our IP address with his phone that is why I said everybody should be particularly guarded about their IP address because apparently from what the Attorney General said even when you have good safeguards on it they are very easy to tap into
Random 19 digit or greater password on your router.
Random 19 digit or greater password on your router.
Wow you are absolutely right and we really didn't anticipate having someone in our house that would do this we know better now,sometimes it doesn't pay to be nice to people or try to help them out. Although I still occasionally pick up hitchhiker's cuz I feel badly for them and if I think that they look alright, or I see that their car was broken down I will still give them a ride
I've been handcuffed and brought to the police station I broke no law I was drunk on private property.
Two weeks ago my wife was put in handcuffs,restrained, when she asked wtf she was told she'd had a warrant( never been in trouble in her life) they slapped her phone out of her hand and broke it when she trird to tape the episode. This happened invfront of a busy store.....she had no warrant, they didnt mirandize her, oh and they broke her phone.