its a bitch post . bitch about your electric bill here

So about two months ago my 95 mustang trans took a shit. $1800 to rebuild it so not worth it. I pay to tow it to my dads $100. I barowed my uncles truck and after 3 days it stalled and wouldn't start. So I had to wait for his disability to come in before we could buy parts(about two weeks).

So I barrow my dads motorcycle (93 night hawk 750) untill I can get the truck running. So about a week into riding the bike as my only transportation the fucking clutch cable breaks and is a 3 day order only part. So I pay a guy at work to pick me up and drop me off untill I get the cable.

Ok so now I got the bike going again and my uncle gets money for parts. Replace the crank sensor for some reason, new coil and cap, nope. Put a new fuel pump in like I told him and bingo. Two days later he needs the truck so im back to riding the bike again rain or shine.

Ok so now I get the money and time to buy a used trans for $200 and drop the old one out and put this one in. put the $100 of trans fluid in and im back on the road again. Well this pc of shit only wants to go into first and second and slips a considerable amount on top of it.

Ok well Fuck it, I go to the muffler shop, pay the guy $70 the burn out and replace the studs so I can get the exhaust back on. I put the exhaust on, pour some lucus in the trans and figure maybe I can drive it and eventually it will start kinda shifting right.

I get a couple miles from the house and the pc of shit just cuts out, no electric or anything. I open the hood and the positive cable is smoking. I grab it and it comes off from melting through the wire. So I pay $50 to tow it to my dads again. I ended up scraping it for $200.

I ended up riding the bike for a lil over a month before my cousin sold me a 92 pickup he was storing for $700

So I replace the one tire vuz it has a side wall bubble $150. I replace the master cylinder($30) on the truck, I drive to the part store to get my core money back. On the way home the fucking water pump just starts spewing water all over. So again the guy at work takes me to work the next day cuz at this point I don't have the bike anymore. After work I get a new pump($35), put it on and its still leaking cuz the gasket was off the water jacket by about 1/8". I was pretty pissed.

I took the pump off again after already putting everything away,let the coolant just run everywhere, wipe it dry, slop high temp rtv on that bitch and let it sit an hour. Now it isnt leaking and im happy.

What a shitty couple on months.
So about two months ago my 95 mustang trans took a shit. $1800 to rebuild it so not worth it. I pay to tow it to my dads $100. I barowed my uncles truck and after 3 days it stalled and wouldn't start. So I had to wait for his disability to come in before we could buy parts(about two weeks).

So I barrow my dads motorcycle (93 night hawk 750) untill I can get the truck running. So about a week into riding the bike as my only transportation the fucking clutch cable breaks and is a 3 day order only part. So I pay a guy at work to pick me up and drop me off untill I get the cable.

Ok so now I got the bike going again and my uncle gets money for parts. Replace the crank sensor for some reason, new coil and cap, nope. Put a new fuel pump in like I told him and bingo. Two days later he needs the truck so im back to riding the bike again rain or shine.

Ok so now I get the money and time to buy a used trans for $200 and drop the old one out and put this one in. put the $100 of trans fluid in and im back on the road again. Well this pc of shit only wants to go into first and second and slips a considerable amount on top of it.

Ok well Fuck it, I go to the muffler shop, pay the guy $70 the burn out and replace the studs so I can get the exhaust back on. I put the exhaust on, pour some lucus in the trans and figure maybe I can drive it and eventually it will start kinda shifting right.

I get a couple miles from the house and the pc of shit just cuts out, no electric or anything. I open the hood and the positive cable is smoking. I grab it and it comes off from melting through the wire. So I pay $50 to tow it to my dads again. I ended up scraping it for $200.

I ended up riding the bike for a lil over a month before my cousin sold me a 92 pickup he was storing for $700

So I replace the one tire vuz it has a side wall bubble $150. I replace the master cylinder($30) on the truck, I drive to the part store to get my core money back. On the way home the fucking water pump just starts spewing water all over. So again the guy at work takes me to work the next day cuz at this point I don't have the bike anymore. After work I get a new pump($35), put it on and its still leaking cuz the gasket was off the water jacket by about 1/8". I was pretty pissed.

I took the pump off again after already putting everything away,let the coolant just run everywhere, wipe it dry, slop high temp rtv on that bitch and let it sit an hour. Now it isnt leaking and im happy.

What a shitty couple on months.

That's why I lease now. Brutal.
$500 here. I run a 6 bulb t5 over 4x4 flood table for veg and my 5x9 flower has a flood table and ebb buckets under a pro9 and Johnson cx9 plus my ac 24/7 cooling a 3000sf house
So about two months ago my 95 mustang trans took a shit. $1800 to rebuild it so not worth it. I pay to tow it to my dads $100. I barowed my uncles truck and after 3 days it stalled and wouldn't start. So I had to wait for his disability to come in before we could buy parts(about two weeks).

So I barrow my dads motorcycle (93 night hawk 750) untill I can get the truck running. So about a week into riding the bike as my only transportation the fucking clutch cable breaks and is a 3 day order only part. So I pay a guy at work to pick me up and drop me off untill I get the cable.

Ok so now I got the bike going again and my uncle gets money for parts. Replace the crank sensor for some reason, new coil and cap, nope. Put a new fuel pump in like I told him and bingo. Two days later he needs the truck so im back to riding the bike again rain or shine.

Ok so now I get the money and time to buy a used trans for $200 and drop the old one out and put this one in. put the $100 of trans fluid in and im back on the road again. Well this pc of shit only wants to go into first and second and slips a considerable amount on top of it.

Ok well Fuck it, I go to the muffler shop, pay the guy $70 the burn out and replace the studs so I can get the exhaust back on. I put the exhaust on, pour some lucus in the trans and figure maybe I can drive it and eventually it will start kinda shifting right.

I get a couple miles from the house and the pc of shit just cuts out, no electric or anything. I open the hood and the positive cable is smoking. I grab it and it comes off from melting through the wire. So I pay $50 to tow it to my dads again. I ended up scraping it for $200.

I ended up riding the bike for a lil over a month before my cousin sold me a 92 pickup he was storing for $700

So I replace the one tire vuz it has a side wall bubble $150. I replace the master cylinder($30) on the truck, I drive to the part store to get my core money back. On the way home the fucking water pump just starts spewing water all over. So again the guy at work takes me to work the next day cuz at this point I don't have the bike anymore. After work I get a new pump($35), put it on and its still leaking cuz the gasket was off the water jacket by about 1/8". I was pretty pissed.

I took the pump off again after already putting everything away,let the coolant just run everywhere, wipe it dry, slop high temp rtv on that bitch and let it sit an hour. Now it isnt leaking and im happy.

What a shitty couple on months.

Bus fare is cheaper and a whole lot less aggravation lol

I'm so fucking over old American cars.
Ok, well since apparently this is a bitch about anything fest...

I have an issue with growerz that grow solely for profit. If there were no black market it would be much easier to free mother ganja. Just sayin'
You cant knock the hustle man mofo gotta eat someway their will always be a black market get over it