Wasps In The Garden: Good or Bad?


Well-Known Member
i mean like a shit ton of them! They havent been necessarily bothering me or anything, i let them be...so far theyve let me be....& ive had like 3 or 4 buzzing around my head @ a time...i just stay still & keep watering. I suppose i can spray the nest if they get too thick out there but i figured they may eat caterpillars & other pests....... If so, i could be winning on pest control & then ill wack em after harvest....

I wish i had a shit ton they just aggressively attack and eat all the bugs on your plants just combing through with precise destruction.
i mean like a shit ton of them! They havent been necessarily bothering me or anything, i let them be...so far theyve let me be....& ive had like 3 or 4 buzzing around my head @ a time...i just stay still & keep watering. I suppose i can spray the nest if they get too thick out there but i figured they may eat caterpillars & other pests....... If so, i could be winning on pest control & then ill wack em after harvest....

It's a good thing.
I put Yellow Jacket (meat bees) bait in my garden, and those fuckers come in looking to tear shit up.
It's a good thing.
I put Yellow Jacket (meat bees) bait in my garden, and those fuckers come in looking to tear shit up.
Hell yeah they're badass. That's a good idea TMB. I get yellow jacket nest under the eaves of my shed every year. They are always gleaning the gardens. I got a lot of bugs...they seem to balance out.
Well I know with my tomato garden I have all kinds of bees and wasps coming to grab up critters. I have seen wasps carrying small green caterpillars away. Small yellow jackets hover in between leafs looking for pests.
I hate wasps, but I'm allergic to them. Therefore I'm all about the alternatives, and I notice a lot of spiders about. So I leave them be.
I hate wasps, but I'm allergic to them. Therefore I'm all about the alternatives, and I notice a lot of spiders about. So I leave them be.

OH yeah, I have a couple of spiders who just love camping out waiting....:P

It seems outdoors has a lot natural predators that help keep away and remove pests.
Dude.....i got like 8 wasp colonies. Different families of atleast 50 or more, along the wooden privacy fence around my garden. & those fuckers aint even putting a dent in the caterpillars.

So far ive hit the plants with, organicide twice... Safer brand caterpillar killer twice. That along with lettin wasps,frogs & toads run a muck in my garden......& still cant get a grasp on these caterpillars.

Im bout to lose it! Lol
Dude.....i got like 8 wasp colonies. Different families of atleast 50 or more, along the wooden privacy fence around my garden. & those fuckers aint even putting a dent in the caterpillars.

So far ive hit the plants with, organicide twice... Safer brand caterpillar killer twice. That along with lettin wasps,frogs & toads run a muck in my garden......& still cant get a grasp on these caterpillars.

Im bout to lose it! Lol
caterpillars are my worst enemy. I pick off 5-10 daily. last summer I let my silver kush go a few extra days and paid dearly.
Lucky me, this year I haven't ran into a single caterpillar yet.

Around these times I always see the little moths everywhere which lay the eggs, and barely seen the first one sitting on a plant of mine yesterday.

Of course, that following night I sprayed the ladies down with some BT.

Lookin like I may not have too many to worry about.