What did you accomplish today?

Finally made it back to work. Everything's intact, except for the missing hole digger and dolly. Kale seed harvest from a few pods.
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I finally got the van cab off the RV. The last fucking bolt wouldn't budge, then the nut that's welded on the inside of the frame rail snapped off so the damn thing kept spinning. I had to jack the cab up to put enough tension on it so I could get it to turn without spinning.

It's finally stripped down to the frame though.
nice.. almost there man. the hard parts done

also.. went out and bought some crabs. got em steaming now. also went to buy cigs. 7.25 a pack.. fuck that. time to quit, so i bought a decent vape. i always wanted a neck beard
time to quit, so i bought a decent vape. i always wanted a neck beard

Or you could be like this douche at the apt complex. Flat brim hat tilted off to the side, bright green NBA style jersey, red plaid shorts, black socks with flip flops, huge novelty looking sunglasses and vaping a cloud like a fucking train.

Is that supposed to be cool nowadays? If I ever dress like that please shoot me... Multiple, multiple, times.
Or you could be like this douche at the apt complex. Flat brim hat tilted off to the side, bright green NBA style jersey, red plaid shorts, black socks with flip flops, huge novelty looking sunglasses and vaping a cloud like a fucking train.

Is that supposed to be cool nowadays? If I ever dress like that please shoot me... Multiple, multiple, times.
whatta douche
ive looked.. dont want to join a union. i know the benefits and everything with em is awesome. but i really like doing my own thing. plus i dont need union protection. i work for myself
It wasn't supposed to be a union recruiting post! Lol.
My brother is a plumber too. Pipefitters and plumbers are out of the same union, but the pipefitters think they are gods. That video was made by a pipefitter.
fuck yeah.. welcome back man.
LMAO +rep
Boxed in one I beam and support pole...the wooden pillar look, do the other one tomorrow..

Also did some edge trim...still have to do seam trim, the panels are all 4' squares...


Then went to order 12 x 20 shed to fit on 14 x 22 concrete pad...The Amish make them. They have a monopoly on wood work around here. Bought a computer desk from Amish furniture place 10 yrs. ago. Had to circle cut my own wire holes...they don't use electricity.

So I made sure to order a 3" hole for the electrical conduit...providing them with coordinates of the conduit coming out of the concrete. 4 week wait...I think they could do it quicker with electricity but what do I know?
finished that bathroom i took the pics of today.. set all the fixtures. i think the home owners bought the cheapest shit they could find. looks like shit lol. not even worth pictures.
now im done though and im already home and bored. wednesday and thursday are short days too. think tomorrow im going to sneak down to the cheap place i bought at the beach after work and get my list together for what i need for the place. still dont know if i want to keep it or flip it
dude, you keep cheap places at the beach...trust me
the place its at is all old people and its just a trailer.. pretty big though in good shape. i got it for 5k, the person didnt want to pay lot rent and wanted out quick. but the places in there all range from 50k-100k. so if i fix it up nice and sell it, its a good profit. i think i want to buy a condo down in FL or another small house down where i used to live. they got for pretty cheap and thatd make a good vacation spot