Leaving CO--> heading east?

Hypothetically speaking, :) anyone have any info about leaving Aurora, CO on I-70 towards KS? A friend would like to go to make a trip there and bring back some pen oils.
Is there a border stop leaving Aurora and has anyone had any trouble with cops along the way? Tips and tricks to avoid going to jail would be most helpful.
Hypothetically speaking, :) anyone have any info about leaving Aurora, CO on I-70 towards KS? A friend would like to go to make a trip there and bring back some pen oils.
Is there a border stop leaving Aurora and has anyone had any trouble with cops along the way? Tips and tricks to avoid going to jail would be most helpful.
There are no 'border checks' we live in a free republic. Lots and lots of people have had trouble with cops leaving Colorado. Best tip is to avoid jail is to not take anything with you!
I've driven all over the Continental USA and there ARE border stops. They are usually immigration or agr. check points to ask if you have any plants or fruit and check to make sure you don't have a trunk full of illegals. You can tell them to bugger off if you want to spend the time defending your rights...

I was hoping to get some actual information. "Keister it" being the most helpful so far but who wants to shove a bunch of oil cartridges up the old hersey highway. I was really wondering if the KS cops are being particular dicks to vehicles with out of State plates and if there was a check point.
they definitely profile cars with CO plates for sure. although they can't and won't admit that. NEB and KS and even IOWA all do it now. no check points but random traffic stops for non-offenses is what i've heard. then they think you are acting weird or they smell something and next thing you know you got a K9 unit en route.

check out norml.org for penalties. I just went down to NM and was gonna bring my vape pen but checked on norml and having weed is a much less offense than concentrates. so i brought weed instead.

will a drug dog "hit" on oil cartridges woudl be a good thing to find out too.
Hypothetically speaking, :) anyone have any info about leaving Aurora, CO on I-70 towards KS? A friend would like to go to make a trip there and bring back some pen oils.
Is there a border stop leaving Aurora and has anyone had any trouble with cops along the way? Tips and tricks to avoid going to jail would be most helpful.
aurora is 172 miles from the border, why would there be a border stop 172 miles from the border?? if you are the seasoned traveler you claim to be, you shouldn't ask stupid questions.

truth? you sound like a bunch of dumb ass kids wanting to cross the border and score drugs. fyi- you don't have the stones to do the time for the crime, so just fucking don't. file this type of post right up there with the "new member wanting to know if i'm gonna pass a drug test" extra points on already trying to pin the blame on your "friend." snitch.
I've driven all over the Continental USA and there ARE border stops. They are usually immigration or agr. check points to ask if you have any plants or fruit and check to make sure you don't have a trunk full of illegals. You can tell them to bugger off if you want to spend the time defending your rights...

I was hoping to get some actual information. "Keister it" being the most helpful so far but who wants to shove a bunch of oil cartridges up the old hersey highway. I was really wondering if the KS cops are being particular dicks to vehicles with out of State plates and if there was a check point.
I drove from Colorado to the east coast 2 times since recreational went legal and didn't get stopped once, just don't speed or drive crazy and you should be ok.
I've driven all over the Continental USA and there ARE border stops. They are usually immigration or agr. check points to ask if you have any plants or fruit and check to make sure you don't have a trunk full of illegals. You can tell them to bugger off if you want to spend the time defending your rights...

I was hoping to get some actual information. "Keister it" being the most helpful so far but who wants to shove a bunch of oil cartridges up the old hersey highway. I was really wondering if the KS cops are being particular dicks to vehicles with out of State plates and if there was a check point.
Seriously, there are no 'border checks' between states. The only place they have those sorts of checkpoints are along the mexico/us border. In all reality, if you don't get pulled over you are fine. Cops make up all sorts of excuses to do so. If you don't speed and stay in the right lane you should be just fine. I wouldn't smoke while driving or let the car smell in any way either. Not to mention, they are really looking for the people with large quantities, but will mess with you if they find anything.
Hypothetically speaking, :) anyone have any info about leaving Aurora, CO on I-70 towards KS? A friend would like to go to make a trip there and bring back some pen oils.
Is there a border stop leaving Aurora and has anyone had any trouble with cops along the way? Tips and tricks to avoid going to jail would be most helpful.
See about heading to Maine. I got a Dr. buddy up there who is giving penis extensions for roughly a grand an inch. Can get you a deal of 12 inches for 10 grand!!!!!!!! Deal of a life time. True shit, let me know.
Seriously, there are no 'border checks' between states. The only place they have those sorts of checkpoints are along the mexico/us border. In all reality, if you don't get pulled over you are fine. Cops make up all sorts of excuses to do so. If you don't speed and stay in the right lane you should be just fine. I wouldn't smoke while driving or let the car smell in any way either. Not to mention, they are really looking for the people with large quantities, but will mess with you if they find anything.
Seriously, you should get out more because you're clueless.
aurora is 172 miles from the border, why would there be a border stop 172 miles from the border?? if you are the seasoned traveler you claim to be, you shouldn't ask stupid questions.

truth? you sound like a bunch of dumb ass kids wanting to cross the border and score drugs. fyi- you don't have the stones to do the time for the crime, so just fucking don't. file this type of post right up there with the "new member wanting to know if i'm gonna pass a drug test" extra points on already trying to pin the blame on your "friend." snitch.
You should get out more too. Check Points, they are out there.
You should get out more too. Check Points, they are out there.

i used to work in seattle/austin/maine/denver and drove between those points and new orleans 10-12 times a year. pretty sure i've logged more miles doing that than most people have frequent flyer miles, never saw a roadblock or checkpoint.
Hypothetically speaking, :) anyone have any info about leaving Aurora, CO on I-70 towards KS? A friend would like to go to make a trip there and bring back some pen oils.
Is there a border stop leaving Aurora and has anyone had any trouble with cops along the way? Tips and tricks to avoid going to jail would be most helpful.

How many times can you flip a coin and correctly guess heads and tails?
That's about how often you'll get pulled over on I70 in western Ks.
They like to take up a position about 50 feet behind you in the left lane.
They stay there and follow for several miles. If you spend too much time checking your mirror looking at them your bound to drift to one side or the other a little and then there is reason to stop you. They always have plenty of questions about where your going and why as they visually survey the contents of your vehicle. Mundane conversation to detect your level of nervousness. If they detect any at all your asked if they can look inside you vehicle for contraband. Be stupid and ask if they have a warrant will leave you sitting there for the next couple of hours while they tear your interior apart. Been stopped many times eastbound on I70 and I80. Never received a ticket for anything. I have never been stopped westbound into Colorado. Legalization of weed in Colorado does not seem to have made any difference.

Tip; no such thing as hiding odor from a dog in plastic.
Seriously, there are no 'border checks' between states. The only place they have those sorts of checkpoints are along the mexico/us border. In all reality, if you don't get pulled over you are fine. Cops make up all sorts of excuses to do so. If you don't speed and stay in the right lane you should be just fine. I wouldn't smoke while driving or let the car smell in any way either. Not to mention, they are really looking for the people with large quantities, but will mess with you if they find anything.
There are stops far away from the border in the South West. Immigration checks but they will bust you for weed.