Leaving CO--> heading east?

i used to work in seattle/austin/maine/denver and drove between those points and new orleans 10-12 times a year. pretty sure i've logged more miles doing that than most people have frequent flyer miles, never saw a roadblock or checkpoint.
Cool, does that mean they don't exist just because you've never encountered one on your route? No.
Fuck. Bugger is your go to? Lol

Dude. Your passenger tapes the contraband to his legs. Wears pants. You drive right. You dress right. You font draw attention.
If you do get stopped, the passenger is not involved in the stop. So long as he was wearing seatbelt. And therefore he is not subject to detainment
Try and travel during high traffic times.
Travel with the pod.
Use cruise control.
Stay 100% sober and for God's sake don't toke while you drive.
Don't talk about what you're doing at gas stations of rest stops on the phone with anyone. Not verbally anyways. People can hear you. No texting and driving.
Check all of your blinkers and brake lights + tire pressure before you head out.
If you're going to use one of those stash cans. You know soda can etc. Make it look more legit. Buy a 6pack of whatever it is in a ring. Take one out and pop it in the empty space. Or buy a case and do the same. Leave a bunch of empty cans allover your floorboard. Look like a total slob.
Cool, does that mean they don't exist just because you've never encountered one on your route? No.
There may be an occasional alcohol or drug checkpoint setup temporarily once in a while, but there are no permanent checkpoints unless they are at Mexican or Canadian borders.
The only other checkpoints on the highway are truck scales, but you only have to stop if you drive a truck. There are no border stops between the states, and not even sure how you could think that. And before you tell me to get out more, I've been through 17 states just this summer, and only a handful of states I've never been to.
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There may be an occasional alcohol or drug checkpoint setup temporarily once in a while, but there are no permanent checkpoints unless they are at Mexican or Canadian borders
The only other checkpoints on the highway are truck scales, but you only have to stop if you drive a truck. There are no border stops between the states, and not even sure how you could think that. And before you tell me to get out more, and only a handful of states I've never been to.

And prepass or norpass prevents that
Most of the time... Some port of entries you still have to hit

I'm sure it's already happened. But no there are no checkpoints co to ks... I've made that route several times in the past couple months.
Ive left co to the East West north and s... No checkpoint. At Least on the interstate.
I've been to every state but Maine over the summer (so fresh up to date imfo).. Over many routes. No checkpoint other than border. And even going through say Laredo I still keep bud and a piece on me. Thermal cam xray etc your fine. Dogs never smelled shit but they don't get in the car
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but there are no permanent checkpoints unless they are at Mexican or Canadian borders.

there are at least 4 immigration checkpoints within an hour of el paso/juarez that are miles from the border

been thru them a few times. they sure take a LOT of pictures of your vehicle and it's occupants
Every check point I've come across is within 50 miles of the border.

Laredo is I wanna say exit 32 going out maybe 20 going in between the flying j and the loves for us truck drivers. Out of McAllen at 17? Etc
None anywhere far from the border.
That's on major highway of on backroads travelling you'll hit others.. Either way these are non invasive and nothing to worry about. I carry drugs through all the time

And xray/thermal cans arwnt an issue..