Greasemonkey's Compost Pile

That didnt even cross my mind! I have a BUNCH of 15gal pots that I am not going to use, it would be about the right size to lift without hurting my back! I was having to drag my 35gal totes...
hell yea, if you do that stack them so they don't dry out, i'd guess the 15 gals would hold less water, so they may dry out a lil quicker.
if you had a long time till you are using them, i'd make them mini wormbins and add a lil rotting fruit in there to keep the redworms alive/soil moist
I meant to ask you @greasemonkeymann would it be ok to add left over pineapple, mango, and broccoli spears that weren't used in cooking to compost pile. It already has been composting Apple's, banana peels, and amendments that were first added with red wigglers for close to a year now.
I meant to ask you @greasemonkeymann would it be ok to add left over pineapple, mango, and broccoli spears that weren't used in cooking to compost pile. It already has been composting Apple's, banana peels, and amendments that were first added with red wigglers for close to a year now.
absolutely you could sure, but they'd be better in a wormbin, worms LOVE rotting fruit, and in a compost it'll be the SAME process, just slower because of less concentrated detritovores (probably spelled wrong)
either way though.
and if your compost is loaded with stuff it may go fast there too, I just like it better in my wormbin
in fact in a couple weeks the local orchards have all their rotting fallen apples shoveled away and removed (a shame really, they have NO idea what they are losing)
but i'm gonna get a fuckton to add with the incoming fallen leaves. to make a bigass wormbin,a nd a bigass base to my next pile.

I just gotta get me another digi cam.
but I got things more important to buy right now
been eyeing a nice blumat setup, and my car needs a pair of camber strutmounts to keep from shredding my tires... a nice 6 cob 3590 panel...
absolutely you could sure, but they'd be better in a wormbin, worms LOVE rotting fruit, and in a compost it'll be the SAME process, just slower because of less concentrated detritovores (probably spelled wrong)
either way though.
and if your compost is loaded with stuff it may go fast there too, I just like it better in my wormbin
in fact in a couple weeks the local orchards have all their rotting fallen apples shoveled away and removed (a shame really, they have NO idea what they are losing)
but i'm gonna get a fuckton to add with the incoming fallen leaves. to make a bigass wormbin,a nd a bigass base to my next pile.

I just gotta get me another digi cam.
but I got things more important to buy right now
been eyeing a nice blumat setup, and my car needs a pair of camber strutmounts to keep from shredding my tires... a nice 6 cob 3590 panel...
It's in my worm bin they devoured the mango nothing left but skin, as for the pineapple they almost thru it and the brocolli hungry guys. 4 to 3 pounds of scrap
hell yea, if you do that stack them so they don't dry out, i'd guess the 15 gals would hold less water, so they may dry out a lil quicker.
if you had a long time till you are using them, i'd make them mini wormbins and add a lil rotting fruit in there to keep the redworms alive/soil moist
not oranges though, I took a flat or two of oranges from Hannaford...fuckers killed my worms dude
absolutely you could sure, but they'd be better in a wormbin, worms LOVE rotting fruit, and in a compost it'll be the SAME process, just slower because of less concentrated detritovores (probably spelled wrong)
either way though.
and if your compost is loaded with stuff it may go fast there too, I just like it better in my wormbin
in fact in a couple weeks the local orchards have all their rotting fallen apples shoveled away and removed (a shame really, they have NO idea what they are losing)
but i'm gonna get a fuckton to add with the incoming fallen leaves. to make a bigass wormbin,a nd a bigass base to my next pile.

I just gotta get me another digi cam.
but I got things more important to buy right now
been eyeing a nice blumat setup, and my car needs a pair of camber strutmounts to keep from shredding my tires... a nice 6 cob 3590 panel...
Rotting fruit that's been sprayed with pesticides is a concern
not oranges though.
orange peels are AWESOME for the compost, I have at least 100 oranges worth in my compost, what I like to do (since i'm a fruit eatin monkey) is get brown shopping bags, and fill them with the trimming as I trim my herb (seems like i'm endlessly trimming) and as I fill the bags with cannabis leaves I alternate layers of the orange peels (like a min compost pile), them when they are half full I crumple up the tops, and bury them in my compost pile.
by the time I turn the pile they are already half broken down, the bags are already broken down, and the oranges are big ole globby fuzzy green moss.
sometimes I add banana peels in those bags as I trim too...
the worms don't seem to mind the oranges when they are like that..
as a "rule" they say citrus in the wormbin is a "no-no" but the worms seem to not mind that rule being bent a lil, citrus in the wormbin doesn't hurt em much, but the key is you want the peels on the way to decaying, so to add being fresh i'd think would be bad.
but I have added some fuzzy green orange peels to my bin before
you know what they are LOVING, is this leftover steer manure, I emptied my entire compost into a 250 gallon smartpot,(to keep the damn redwood roots away) and had a speck of room on top, so I emptied half the bag of this old manure I had on top of the compost, in the smartpot, to help keep the moisture in, and WOW.. those worms wen nutso, those are some bull-shit-eatin worms
gives new meaning to the phrase "shit-eating-grin"..
Rotting fruit that's been sprayed with pesticides is a concern
for some orchards, sure, and in theory sure, but at this point the fruit is on the ground already, not to mention I know the orchard grower, he's as hippy as they get, he has a locked safe box out near his trees, and a sign that says "50 cents a lb, on your honor"
that's it, nobody works out there, he just is an old dude selling his apples
it's sorta cool, and WAY oldschool.
when I first saw it, back when I first moved out there, I slipped a $20 dollar bill in there just to keep cool folk like him around..

even still, I wouldn't worry about it, even the worst of pesticides aren't something that withstands the compost procedure

shit they have composters that breakdown/eat oil and plastic

but your concern is a valid one.
So good to be back reading a good informative and civilised thread again, been spending too long in the LED forums, but my lights are nearly finished now, so I think I'll leave em to arguing with themselves.

That compost I mixed up (earlier in the thread), is well done now, I turned it again the other day and the amount of worms in there actually shocked me. It's now basically a 1.2M cubed worm bin and it looks and smells quality with a lot of wormcasts and shed loads of eggs, but only time will tell how good it is I suppose. I've just used some to topdress 4 of plants that have just gone to 12-12 and a bunch that are midway through flowering.

Keep up the awesome advice Grease, I'm starting to lose faith in this site fast, if it weren't for folk like you and 'The Don's', I think I'd be off somewhere else........
So good to be back reading a good informative and civilised thread again, been spending too long in the LED forums, but my lights are nearly finished now, so I think I'll leave em to arguing with themselves.

That compost I mixed up (earlier in the thread), is well done now, I turned it again the other day and the amount of worms in there actually shocked me. It's now basically a 1.2M cubed worm bin and it looks and smells quality with a lot of wormcasts and shed loads of eggs, but only time will tell how good it is I suppose. I've just used some to topdress 4 of plants that have just gone to 12-12 and a bunch that are midway through flowering.

Keep up the awesome advice Grease, I'm starting to lose faith in this site fast, if it weren't for folk like you and 'The Don's', I think I'd be off somewhere else........
I've been on this site for yrs, and you'll see a turn-around, some people will disappear, while some new people you'll meet.
I've met some good folks here in the last year, yourself included.
but the bickering will NEVER end.
just remember most here are male-stoners.
males are generally disagreeable to begin with, compound that by being ON the internet, and then further compound that by the fact that most here are serial stoners, meaning THC addicts..
(myself included)
and people that smoke pot daily typically have a quick trigger when it comes to anger.

my advice is use the "ignore" button, and just like the "real-world", just ignore the ones that suck, and stick to the ones you get along with.
that's why I stick to the toke n talk, and organics.
past that there is a LOT of cock-measuring and obtuse people.
[QUOTE="DonBrennon, post: 12889944, member: 896164 I turned it again the other day and the amount of worms in there actually shocked me.......[/QUOTE]

man, I think my compost has more worms in it than my wormbin does, sucks though, cuz ALL the critters have discovered that, and the birds, raccoons, foxes, skunks and possums have been raking holes through my cardboard cover
speaking of, sheets of moistened cardboard are PERFECT for not only keeping critters away but also in keeping the compost a perfect moistness.
works for wormbins too.
plus the worms eat the cardboard
no ya don't man!
MOST of the shit I use IS FREEEEE!!
leaves, grass, manure...
it's all free..
and BETTER than the shit ya pay for
yeah I meant free stuff piles behind large container least not without better researching...for example of they threw out all those oranges there had to be something sketchy about that batch in thinking. good news is I can easily repopulate with another neighbor's wiggled pop.
great point many thx addicts who become defensive Assholes almost instantly online.....or just coming online after getting stoned to troll folks here then brag about it is disturbing to me. I've found most stoners who smoke daily have short fuses
I've been on this site for yrs, and you'll see a turn-around, some people will disappear, while some new people you'll meet.
I've met some good folks here in the last year, yourself included.
but the bickering will NEVER end.
just remember most here are male-stoners.
males are generally disagreeable to begin with, compound that by being ON the internet, and then further compound that by the fact that most here are serial stoners, meaning THC addicts..
(myself included)
and people that smoke pot daily typically have a quick trigger when it comes to anger.

my advice is use the "ignore" button, and just like the "real-world", just ignore the ones that suck, and stick to the ones you get along with.
that's why I stick to the toke n talk, and organics.
past that there is a LOT of cock-measuring and obtuse people.
I've not personally had any problems and the bickering was amusing to start with, but there's a lot of DIY'ers who think they're led guru's and know everything, they just go round in circles and it gets tedious eventually. You seem to get a more mature 'poster' in the organics forums, in my opinion anyway. Plus my lights are 'out of date' before I've even finished building them, pmsl.

I'm banning myself from the 'Seedbank and strain' forums too, I've got enough beans for the next 10 years now, but once you start reading about different breeders and strains, it hard not to be interested and wanna try different stuff out.
yeah I meant free stuff piles behind large container least not without better researching...for example of they threw out all those oranges there had to be something sketchy about that batch in thinking. good news is I can easily repopulate with another neighbor's wiggled pop.
great point many thx addicts who become defensive Assholes almost instantly online.....or just coming online after getting stoned to troll folks here then brag about it is disturbing to me. I've found most stoners who smoke daily have short fuses
my experience as well, and coming from someone that frequently takes "breaks" from smoking daily? Yes... you do have impatient issues... very noticeable when you stop smoking..
even while I am BAKED as hell... still have the same thing, it's a quick trigger to anger, which is sorta weird considering how fuckin awesome it feels to be well lit...
but like anything, being cognizant of it to begin with, can surely help.
I've not personally had any problems and the bickering was amusing to start with, but there's a lot of DIY'ers who think they're led guru's and know everything, they just go round in circles and it gets tedious eventually. You seem to get a more mature 'poster' in the organics forums, in my opinion anyway. Plus my lights are 'out of date' before I've even finished building them, pmsl.

I'm banning myself from the 'Seedbank and strain' forums too, I've got enough beans for the next 10 years now, but once you start reading about different breeders and strains, it hard not to be interested and wanna try different stuff out.
so true, so true...
I had to stop also, I have two yrs worth of beans at LEAST...
and I want more...
we can Ross out own pollen and find gems......I won't lie in just being greedy with my avatars pollen etc. I don't wanna see that stuff disapeer
I'm banning myself from the 'Seedbank and strain' forums too, I've got enough beans for the next 10 years now, but once you start reading about different breeders and strains, it hard not to be interested and wanna try different stuff out.
LMAO thanks for the warning, I'll make sure to never ever go there haha, I get too much seed inspiration hereabouts as is! :weed: