1. I have a couple tarps, should I compost ontop of one? I dont have much else to put under the pile (I saw greasemonkey used an old rug under his.)
2. Whats your guys take on shredding weeds and using them in the pile?
Plan was to just layer everything mix it up some, wet it/cover it and turn it here and then.
shredded weeds will work similar to grass clippings, although in my exp, it's best to shred them, or run them through a mulcher/lawnmower first
in fact EVERYTHING is faster if shredded first, the only drawback is it seems to get a lil more clumped over time, which would led to anaerobic conditions.
I used a rug simply to keep my redwood tree roots from stealing the compost (which it did anyways, I lost about 40% of my compost to the roots, which grew right through and shredded that carpet)
the BEST thing to compost on is cement, or plastic
everything else will compost rather quickly, remember we are breeding composting critters, so nothing can withstand that, minus rock or plastic