Molasses, yay or nay?

Molasses, yay or nay?

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Come on dude, you cant be serious. Those plants look horrible, like i said, wayyyy too much N..

Are you using supersoil?
Too much N, sure, but it won't matter. It's long since recovered, albeit with scarred tips and slight curl. The buds will still be excellent. I can smell them and they are fuckinh loud.
Actually, I proved to this entire site you could use it, and now more people are. So, you are just an Elitist wannabe here.

And youre an idiot who ACTUALLY believes he'll find something comparable from humboldt seeds to the clone onlies theyre trying to sling...

Shows me how new to this game you really are.

@Yodaweed was right, get over it.
You can use whatever the fuck you want to grow, but should you is the real question. and the proof is in the pudding.

Roots is good soil but ive long since moved on from bagged soil as its insanely overpriced. Clackamascoots soil mix is all ill ever use.